All Chapters of Become The King Of System: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
30 chapters
Chapter 11: The Unveiling
The next morning, Elena woke up with mixed feelings. Her mind kept replaying the conversation from last night, where she uncovered more clues leading to the bitter and terrifying truth about what happened to her father. With a resolute determination, she knew she couldn't do this alone. She needed help from someone she could trust, someone with the ability to fight the enemy they were facing. Her thoughts immediately turned to Clark.Clark Walker was not an ordinary person. Although it had only been a short time since Elena started knowing him, she knew that Clark had something different, something no one else possessed.That morning, Elena decided to contact Clark. After taking a deep breath, she reached for her phone and dialed Clark's number. Shortly after, Clark's deep voice echoed on the other side."Hello?""Clark, it's Elena," she replied, her voice slightly trembling. "Can we meet today? There's something I need to talk to you about."Clark was silent for a moment before answe
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Chapter 12: The Trap Unveiled
The next day, Clark accompanied Elena to meet someone who claimed to know the truth behind her father's case. Elena appeared anxious as they walked towards the promised location, an old, long-abandoned building on the outskirts of the city. Clark, also feeling cautious, maintained his calm demeanor to reassure Elena. He knew that this meeting could be the key to unraveling the mystery surrounding Elena's father's accident and possibly the tragedy that had befallen her family.As they arrived in front of the old building, the atmosphere felt eerily quiet and ominous. The structure looked decrepit, with peeling paint and cracked windows. Although sensing something was amiss, Elena pressed forward with hope, while Clark followed behind her, carefully observing every corner. When they entered the building, their footsteps echoed in the dark and dusty corridor.After a few minutes of waiting in the designated room, Elena's unease grew. "Where is that person?" she whispered, looking around
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Chapter 13: The Unseen Threa
Clark quickly pulled Elena to the side, shielding her with his body. As the armed men started to approach, Clark grabbed a chair lying in the corner of the room and used it as a shield. He could feel the adrenaline surging through him, readying his body and mind to face the incoming assault.One of the burly men lunged at Clark with a sharp weapon, but Clark swiftly dodged, twisting his body to kick the opponent in the stomach. The man fell, and Clark seized the opportunity to grab the weapon from the fallen enemy's hand. Meanwhile, Elena sought cover behind a stack of boxes, trying to stay calm and focused despite the pressure.Out of the corner of his eye, Clark saw Elena using some boxes as a makeshift shield. As a few men closed in on him, Clark used his superhuman speed and strength to fight them off. Every move he made, whether a kick or a punch, was precise and devastating. He struck with a force that quickly brought his attackers down.However, the longer the fight lasted, the
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Chapter 14: Unveiling Truths
In the living room of Alex's cozy home, Clark sat, glancing around. The house exuded a calm and orderly atmosphere, reflecting Alex's meticulous personality. They had just finished dinner, and Clark decided it was a good time to delve deeper into the life of his new friend, feeling this was the perfect opportunity to understand more about Alex."Alex, I've been curious," Clark began, trying to sound casual despite his genuine interest, "What do your parents do for a living? Why are they rarely home?"Alex nodded, seemingly prepared for the question. He appeared to reflect for a moment before starting his explanation. "Oh, that's an interesting question. My father is a businessman. He runs several large businesses outside the city, so he's often away on business trips. Sometimes, he has to stay abroad for extended periods."Clark waited patiently, giving Alex time to continue his story. He could see that Alex was comfortable discussing this topic, even though there was a hint of longin
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Chapter 15: Julian’s Hidden Agenda
Vincent, with sharp thinking and a vigilant demeanor, gave instructions to his subordinates in an abandoned warehouse.“Make sure to keep monitoring Elena’s movements,” Vincent said with a serious tone. “I want to know where she goes and who she interacts with, especially if she meets someone suspicious.”Vincent’s subordinates nodded and promptly left the room to carry out their task.***Meanwhile, Elena, after a long day at school, decided to take a walk in the city park to unwind. The fresh evening air and the scent of flowers in the park provided the tranquility she needed. Unbeknownst to her, surveillance had begun. Vincent’s subordinates carefully followed Elena’s every step, ensuring she was not missed.A few days later, Elena decided to meet Clark at the café where they usually met. They often chose this place because of its comfortable and relaxed atmosphere, which allowed them to talk freely. The café was located in a quiet area, away from the city’s hustle and bustle.As E
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Chapter 16: Rising Tensions
After receiving the report from his subordinates, Vincent sat in his chair with clenched fists, his eyes narrowing in anger. The report detailed that Elena, whom he had trusted, had secretly met with Clark, someone who had always been suspicious to him. Feelings of anger and betrayal began to consume his thoughts.With a swift and decisive movement, Vincent stood up from his chair, kicking the table in front of him as an outlet for his rage. The table shifted several inches, and his subordinates in the room held their breath, knowing that things were about to get heated."Gather everyone at the headquarters immediately!" Vincent shouted, his voice echoing in the room. "I want them here within fifteen minutes, regardless of where they are or what they are doing!"His subordinates, accustomed to Vincent’s emotional outbursts, wasted no time. They quickly picked up their phones, sending messages and making calls to all gang members, instructing them to assemble at the headquarters as soo
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Chapter 17: Dangerous Situation
Clark walked slowly into the deserted construction site, his steps halting as he noticed a group of people already gathered. The unfinished buildings loomed tall around him, casting dark shadows under the setting sun. A cold breeze began to creep in, intensifying the ominous atmosphere.He recognized a few faces among them, schoolmates he often saw in the halls or in class. But today, their gazes were different—cold, filled with malicious intent. Clark knew this was no coincidence. Vincent must be behind all this.Ten people stood in a semicircle formation, surrounding Clark with an intimidating stance. They appeared calm, but Clark could feel the tension in the air. One of them, a muscular young man with a face notorious for causing trouble at school, stepped forward."So, Clark," the young man’s voice was heavy and mocking, "Vincent wants us to deliver a message to you."Clark stared at the young man calmly, even though he knew the situation was unfavorable. "And what’s the message?
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Chapter 18: A New Path, A New Struggle
After a tough but successful fight, Clark returned to Alex's house, his body slightly tired but feeling relieved. His mind was spinning with thoughts about the previous events and plans for the future, especially after the threats from Vincent and his group.When Clark arrived at Alex's house, he was greeted by a tense atmosphere. Alex, who was sitting in the living room, looked serious and a bit anxious. Clark felt uneasy with this change in mood."Clark," Alex called out to him, a little hesitantly. "There’s something I need to tell you."Clark nodded, though he was tired, he was still listening. "What is it, Alex?"Alex wet his dry throat, then spoke, "My mom is coming home today, Clark. I'm worried she’ll be mad at me if she finds out I let you stay here without asking for her permission."Clark tried to process this information. "But where am I supposed to go? I don't have anywhere else to stay right now."Alex looked concerned. This wasn't what he wanted either. "I'm sorry, Clar
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Chapter 19: Surprising News from Alex
Clark walked out of the building where he had tried to apply for a job, feeling a deepening sense of frustration. He had gone through the interview process fairly well—or at least that’s what he thought—but everything fell apart when he was asked to show his ID. Clark froze for a moment, realizing that he still didn’t have a valid official ID, and all the plans he had made to get a job seemed to crumble in an instant.As he walked away from the building, Clark’s mind drifted back to his early days in school when Alex had helped him get in with a fake identity. At that time, Alex used his connections to arrange everything easily. Clark was very grateful for that help, but now, without Alex by his side, he felt completely alone and confused.Clark stood on the sidewalk, staring at the traffic passing by in front of him. He didn’t know what to do. Without a valid ID, there was almost no chance for him to get a job or live a normal life. Frustration overwhelmed him as he pondered how diff
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Chapter 20: A Sad Day
In Julian's luxurious office, the atmosphere was filled with energy and positive vibes. The room was decorated with a modern and elegant touch, complete with luxurious furniture and cutting-edge technology. In one corner of the room, there was a large desk covered with important reports, graphs, and various other documents. Julian, seemingly very satisfied, stood in front of the desk while looking at the computer screen displaying the latest test results.With a wide smile on his face, Julian saw the results he had been waiting for all this time. The drug developed by his team had finally shown significant success. The latest trial results demonstrated the drug's effectiveness far exceeding their initial expectations. This was a major achievement that would not only strengthen his position in the market but also open new opportunities in the world of pharmaceutical research and development.Julian picked up his phone and called one of his subordinates, a man with an unusual ability fo
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