42 chapters
Chapter 11
Victor Montgomery sat in his office, the dim light casting long shadows on the walls. His fingers traced the edges of the photograph on his desk—a picture of Anderson Blackwell at Jacob’s burial. His eyes narrowed in suspicion, his mind racing with questions that refused to settle."Why was Anderson Blackwell at Jacob’s burial?" he muttered, his voice low but edged with tension. The unease he felt had been gnawing at him ever since Jacob’s death, but this—this was something else. A piece of the puzzle that didn’t fit.Outside the office, a figure stood silently, ear pressed to the heavy wooden door. Every word Victor uttered sent a fresh wave of anxiety crashing over them. The tension in his voice was unmistakable, and it sent chills down their spine. Victor was close to figuring it all out, and if he did, there would be no escape for anyone involved.Inside, Victor’s voice cut through the silence again, sharper this time. "And Mark… Why haven’t I heard from him? Could he be the one w
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Chapter 12
Anderson Blackwell stood frozen in the dimly lit kitchen, the note in his hand and the phone pressed to his ear, but something didn’t sit right with him. The number he had just dialed remained uncalled, his finger hovering over the screen. His gut churned, a deep sense of foreboding washing over him."Why would they leave such an obvious trail?" he muttered to himself, the unease growing within him. The whole setup reeked of a trap, something designed to lure him into a situation from which he might not emerge alive. His intuition had saved him before, and he wasn’t about to ignore it now.He slowly lowered the phone, his mind racing. The stakes were too high to rush in blindly. If this was a trap, he couldn’t afford to fall into it—not with so much on the line. Mark’s life was important, but so was his own. He needed to approach this carefully, think several steps ahead of whoever was orchestrating this.Slipping the note into his pocket, Anderson made up his mind. He would bide his
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Chapter 13
The morning light filtered through the grand windows of the Montgomery mansion as Victor paced across his study. He barely noticed the subtle opulence that surrounded him—his thoughts were consumed by the approaching storm. The police were set to question him and his household tomorrow, a prospect that made his blood boil. But today was different. Today, they had received an unexpected invitation.A crisp, cream-colored envelope lay on Victor's desk, its contents as troubling as the looming investigation. His mother, Amelia, stood nearby, her expression as unreadable as ever."Anderson Blackwell," Victor muttered under his breath as he read the invitation again, the words almost searing into his mind. "The Blackwells are hosting a celebration tonight to formally welcome him home, just a month after his arrival. What a convenient time for them to make a move.""Indeed," Amelia replied, her voice cold and measured. "The Blackwells must be feeling confident, with their heir finally settl
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Chapter 14
Anderson returned home tonight, his body aching, his mind clouded with the events of the day. The grand halls of the Blackwell estate, usually a symbol of power and control, felt suffocating. His footsteps echoed in the silence as he made his way to the drawing room, fatigue evident in every step.The butler, ever vigilant, appeared almost immediately. His practiced eyes took in Anderson's disheveled appearance, the tension in his shoulders, the weariness etched on his face. “Master Anderson,” the butler greeted him, his voice a smooth whisper in the quiet room, “you look exhausted. Shall I have the maids prepare something for you to eat?”Anderson nodded without meeting the butler’s gaze. Moments later, a procession of maids entered, their trays laden with the finest offerings—roast duck, lamb chops, fresh salads, and decadent desserts. The aroma of the rich dishes filled the air, but Anderson didn’t even glance at them as he lost his appetite.“No,” Anderson said abruptly, his voice
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Chapter 15
Lena sat in the cold, sterile room, her heart pounding as she faced the two detectives across the table. The overhead light cast harsh shadows, making the space feel even smaller, more suffocating. She tried to calm her nerves, but her hands trembled slightly as she clenched them in her lap. The nausea that had plagued her the night before still lingered, but she forced it down, determined not to show any weakness."Miss Lena," Detective Crawford began, his voice low and steady, "we need to ask you some questions about Jacob Montgomery’s death. It’s important that you answer truthfully."Lena nodded, her throat dry. "I understand. But I don’t know how I can help. I didn’t have anything to do with Jacob’s death."Detective Crawford exchanged a glance with his partner, Detective Mason, who leaned forward, his eyes narrowing slightly. "We have reason to believe that you might have had a motive, Lena. Did you ever have any ill feelings towards Jacob? Anything at all?"Lena felt a cold swe
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Chapter 16
Anderson stood by the large windows in his study, gazing out at the night-cloaked estate. The moonlight filtered through the curtains, casting long shadows across the polished wooden floor. His mind was a storm of thoughts, each more unsettling than the last. The events of the day had left him exhausted, but sleep was a distant possibility. Just then, the butler knocked softly before entering the room."Master Anderson," the butler began, his tone carefully measured, "I’ve just received news. The Montgomery family will be facing court soon. It seems that Mark has been found."Anderson turned sharply, his expression unreadable. "Mark? Where did they find him?"The butler hesitated for a moment, gathering his thoughts. "He’s been placed in a secure hotel room under police watch. The suspect, according to reports, is Lena."A flicker of surprise crossed Anderson’s face. "Lena? That doesn’t make sense." He paused, considering the implications. "When is the court date?""The hearing is sch
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Chapter 17
Lena’s heart raced as she fumbled through her coat pockets, a growing sense of panic gnawing at her insides. She had just returned to her apartment, and the nagging feeling that something was missing had finally clicked into place—her purse. The small, black leather bag that held her most personal items, including her gun, was gone.“Where is it?” she muttered to herself, her voice tight with anxiety. Her mind raced as she retraced her steps, trying to remember the last time she’d seen it. She was sure she had it when she’d arrived at the hotel earlier that day. But after that…Her thoughts were cut off by a sudden, jarring knock on the door. It was too harsh, too insistent to be anything but trouble.Lena froze, her breath catching in her throat. Every nerve in her body screamed at her not to answer, to run, to hide. But before she could decide, the door swung open with a violent force, and several police officers burst into the room, their expressions grim and determined.“Lena T
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Chapter 18
The lavish drawing room was bathed in the warm, golden light of the early morning sun. Victor Montgomery stood by the grand window, looking out at the sprawling estate, a small, satisfied smile playing on his lips. The estate stretched out like a kingdom he had carefully built, brick by brick, scheme by scheme. Behind him, Amelia sat elegantly on a velvet settee, a crystal glass of champagne in hand, her eyes gleaming with approval they followed Victor's every movement."You’ve handled this beautifully, Victor," Amelia purred, her voice laced with admiration. Her words were slow and deliberate, like a cat savouring its prey. "Far smoother than I expected. Lena was always such a firecracker, but you’ve managed to snuff her out without so much as a flicker. It’s quite an accomplishment."Victor turned, his smile broadening as he met her gaze. "It was all about timing, Mother. Patience and precision. She thought she could outsmart us, but in the end, she played right into our hands."Ame
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Chapter 19
Anderson Blackwell sat in the dimly lit confines of his office, the weight of the morning pressing heavily on his shoulders. The gentle light filtering through the large windows did little to calm the storm of thoughts swirling in his mind. He drummed his fingers against the oak desk, the muted rhythm mirroring his scattered thinking. The financial reports were spread out in front of him, but the numbers no longer mattered.“Why did she get bail?” Anderson muttered, his voice low and edged with suspicion. Lena Thompson had pleaded guilty. A sentence was imminent. Granting bail—especially to someone accused of murder—was unprecedented. He rose from his chair, pacing with sharp, calculated steps. His gaze fell on the sprawling landscape beyond the window, but his thoughts were miles away.Victor Montgomery. Ruthless, meticulous Victor. He would never allow something so reckless as Lena’s release. It wasn’t his style. No, Victor always tied up loose ends. Lena should’ve been left to ro
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Chapter 20
Anderson Blackwell’s stare didn’t waver as Judge Hamilton’s carefully controlled expression remained intact. His voice, calm but loaded with intensity, cut through the tension in the room like a blade.“I’m just interested in the case,” Anderson replied, his voice steady, but his eyes sharp as a hawk’s. “But I find it fascinating how quickly you’re trying to shift the topic. It's almost as if you’ve got something to hide.”The judge didn’t flinch. Her poise, built from years of courtroom battles and political manoeuvring, stayed firm. She was an expert at maintaining control, but Anderson could see the gears turning behind her cold, calculating eyes. He leaned closer from across the table, lowering his voice but amplifying the threat beneath his words.“You’re not just a judge, are you? This isn’t just another case to you.”Hamilton’s eyes narrowed ever so slightly, her grip tightening on the edges of her desk. Still, she refused to acknowledge the accusation, keeping her cards close.
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