All Chapters of Spark Of Destiny: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
59 chapters
Chapter 31
Silas stood in the dimly lit chamber, the fire casting long shadows on the walls as he prepared for a conversation he knew would demand precision and patience. His anger over the failed attempts to retrieve the amulet simmered just below the surface, but this time, he knew who to turn to. He reached out his hand and activated the small device embedded in the table. It sent a silent signal across their communication network.Moments later, a figure appeared in the doorway, her silhouette sharp and unmistakable. Astra entered the room, her steps silent, her eyes gleaming with a mixture of curiosity and calculated focus. She was known for being one of the most unpredictable and dangerous members of the Shadow Circle, a master of stealth and deception. Her methods were unconventional, but that was precisely why Silas had summoned her now."Silas," she greeted in her smooth, calm voice, her eyes never leaving his. "I assume this is important."Silas gestured toward the seat across from him
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Chapter 32
After weeks of intense training with Lila Kim, Alex felt the pull of normalcy stronger than ever. Despite the weight of the amulet and the responsibility it carried, there was a part of him that longed for the routine and comfort of school life. He missed the hallways of the school, the buzz of chatter, the laughter, and even the classes. But most of all, he missed the idea of what his life had been before everything changed—the days when his biggest problem had been dealing with bullies like Victor, not fighting off dangerous assassins. Lila, of course, had been hesitant. She had seen what Alex was up against, the forces that were out there. For her, sending Alex back into the normal world without fully mastering his abilities seemed reckless. But Alex had insisted. He needed balance, needed to feel like himself again. One late evening, after a grueling training session where Lila had pushed Alex to his limits, he finally broached the topic. Samira was off resting, and the campfi
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Chapter 33
Victor’s reign over the school had been easy in Alex’s absence. Without Alex to challenge him, no one dared stand up to him or his crew. He’d enjoyed the sense of power that came with being the untouchable bully, lording it over everyone else. For a moment, life seemed perfect.But all that came crashing down when he heard the news.“Alex is back,” Jake said, his voice a mixture of disbelief and something close to fear. Emily was beside him, wide-eyed and chewing her nails, a nervous habit she’d picked up when things got tense.Victor’s initial reaction was one of surprise, his heart skipping a beat. Alex, back? After all this time? How? Where had he gone? The rumors were wild—some said he had transferred, others thought he had been expelled or worse. And yet, here Alex was, back like a ghost from the past.Victor clenched his fists, trying to suppress the growing feeling of unease in his chest. He couldn’t deny it: part of him felt threatened. The last time he and Alex had faced off,
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Chapter 34
The next morning at lunchtime, the cafeteria was buzzing with the usual noise of students chatting and laughing as they ate. Freshman students clustered at the far end of the room, nervously eyeing the older students, especially those like Victor, who had a reputation for making their lives miserable. It was an unspoken rule that lunchtime was when Victor and his gang liked to assert their dominance.Victor was standing near the middle of the cafeteria, his eyes scanning the tables as if he were a predator sizing up his prey. He locked onto a lone freshman boy sitting at the corner, shy and clearly out of place. The boy was quietly eating his sandwich, trying not to draw any attention to himself, but Victor wasn’t about to let him go unnoticed.With a cruel grin, Victor motioned to Jake and Emily, his ever-loyal companions. “Watch this,” he said, striding over to the freshman’s table. The boy froze, his eyes widening in fear as Victor towered over him.“Hey, loser,” Victor said, leani
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Chapter 35
Victor's sneer faltered for just a moment, but his pride wouldn’t let him back down, especially not in front of his gang and the rest of the cafeteria. He took a step closer to Alex, trying to use his height to intimidate him. “You think you’re better than me? Just because you’ve got your little friend Samira by your side? You’re still the same weak kid who used to hide in the shadows.”Alex’s jaw tightened, but he remained calm. “That was before. Things have changed, Victor. I’ve changed.”Victor scoffed, though the bravado in his voice was less convincing than before. He could sense something different about Alex, something he couldn’t quite understand, but his ego wouldn’t let him admit it. “You’re still just a joke, Alex. Always have been. Always will be.”Jake and Emily, standing behind Victor, exchanged nervous glances. Even they could tell that this confrontation wasn’t going the way Victor had planned. The rest of the cafeteria was holding its collective breath, waiting for so
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Chapter 36
Lila had always been a mystery, a shadow who seemed to appear when things got rough, only to disappear just as quickly. But now, as Alex and Samira sat across from her in the cozy living room of the house she had arranged for them, they began to realize just how deeply she was involved in their lives. This wasn’t just a temporary arrangement. It was a safe haven.The house was modest but beautiful—a small two-story structure tucked away in a quiet neighborhood, in the heart of the city. It was modern, with large windows that let in plenty of sunlight, casting warm golden rays over the wooden floors. The scent of fresh paint still lingered in the air, a sign that the home had been newly prepared for them.Samira’s eyes lit up as she explored, peeking into the spacious kitchen and running her fingers along the smooth granite countertops. She could already picture the meals they would share, the laughter that would fill the space as they finally had a place to call their own, free from t
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Chapter 37
Astra crouched on the rooftop of a nearby building, the dim light of dawn casting long shadows across her lithe frame. The city below her was quiet, but her mind was racing with the thrill of discovery. After weeks of tracking, she had finally picked up on the signals—faint but unmistakable. Alex, Lila, and Samira were back. She had been patient, moving silently in the background while the others—Raven and Malachai—fumbled with their attempts to hunt them down. But Astra was different. She was methodical, calculating, and lethal. Her earpiece crackled to life, and Silas’s voice cut through the static like a blade. “What is it, Astra? Have you found them?” A smirk curled on her lips as she spoke. “They’re back. Alex, Lila Kim, and the girl. I’ve confirmed their location.” There was a pause on the other end of the line, the tension between them palpable even through the distance. Silas was furious—his other assassins had failed him, and now Astra was his last card to play. She cou
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Chapter 38
Lila stepped forward, her expression cold and unwavering. “Let him come. We’ll be ready.”Astra staggered back, her body trembling with pain and exhaustion. She knew she had no choice but to retreat. Fighting both Alex and Lila simultaneously had been a mistake. She was overconfident, and now she was paying the price. Silas would not be pleased, but she had to survive to fight another day.She clenched her jaw, fury boiling beneath the surface, but she could barely stand. Glaring at Alex and Lila, she turned on her heel, using the last of her strength to disappear into the shadows. The wind carried her away, leaving only the tension of her words hanging in the air. Alex watched Astra vanish, his chest still heaving from the exertion of the battle. He felt a strange mixture of relief and frustration. He had come close to defeating her, but without Lila’s intervention, he wasn’t sure how the fight would have ended. The power of the amulet surged within him, but something inside him sti
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Chapter 39
As the school year resumed in full swing and the pressure of dealing with Silas and his assassins seemed to fade temporarily into the background, life at school became somewhat normal again for Alex and Samira. Although their return had been marked with whispers and rumors after the mysterious absence, they were slowly settling back into a routine. For Samira, however, something unexpected was about to turn her world upside down—something that had nothing to do with amulets, powers, or deadly enemies. It was about someone new.It all started one afternoon in the school library. Samira had volunteered to help with organizing books as part of the school’s community service program. Alex was out training with Lila, and for once, she had a chance to focus on herself. As she scanned the spines of dusty novels, pulling down a few to shelve, she caught sight of a figure a few rows down, absorbed in a thick book. At first glance, she didn’t pay much attention to the person. But when she lean
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Chapter 40
The next day at school, Alex found Ryan by the lockers. He had been thinking about Ryan and Samira’s growing closeness for a while now, and though Alex trusted Samira completely, he couldn’t help feeling protective. Samira had been through so much, and the last thing Alex wanted was for anyone to hurt her, especially after everything they had faced together.Ryan was pulling a textbook out of his locker when Alex approached. He noticed Alex coming and gave a friendly smile, but Alex's expression was serious, and it stopped Ryan in his tracks."Hey, Alex," Ryan said, his voice casual but with a hint of uncertainty. "What’s up?"Alex crossed his arms, standing a little taller as he looked at Ryan directly. "We need to talk."Ryan blinked, confused by the tone. "Okay, sure. What about?""About Samira," Alex said, his voice calm but firm.Ryan’s brows furrowed. "Is something wrong? Did I—""No," Alex cut in. "Not yet. But let me make this clear, Ryan." He stepped a little closer, lowering
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