All Chapters of Rags to Riches: Rise Of The Abused Son In-Law: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
24 chapters
I watched as the woman smiled flatteringly at Simon, her lips parted and her set of teeth revealing as she stood up and the rest followed suit.“What’s going on?” Simon asked, his confusion obvious in his voice as he looked around with a nervous smile but the woman only smiled even more.“You don’t have to be so humble,” she said amidst humble laughter but I knew really well that Simon wasn’t being humble, he genuinely doesn’t know what’s going on.I don’t know what’s going on too but I wanted to know, I wanted to stick around to see why the woman gave Simon a better treatment.“I really don’t know what’s going on, Daphne,” Simon chuckled as he walked past me with a glare and the woman only sneered, “please, hint me.” He added and the woman nodded.“Sure, I will,” the woman, Daphne, responded. She looked happy and excited to tell Simon the news and even I was curious, I wanted to know why too.“Mrs Georgina had hinted to us yesterday that a new CEO will be appointed. I was expecting a
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His words stung, they hurt like every other insulting word anyone had ever said to me but I couldn’t possibly let him get to me, I knew better. “Why did you hit me? I didn’t do anything to you, so why—” “And what are you going to do?!” He cut in before I could finish talking, “I’m going to be the CEO of the company you’re going to be a cleaner at and you think you can talk back to me?!” He sneered. My fist clenched and my teeth gritted as anger stirred inside of me but I wanted to do everything I could to avoid this situation, I wanted to remain calm until all of my doubts were cleared. Everyone on the floor laughed at my misfortune while Simon took sheer satisfaction in seeing people laugh at me. My throat bobbed as I swallowed and I turned to leave. “Where do you think you’re going?!” Simon’s voice thundered as he pulled me back with my T-shirt until my feet faltered and I staggered, making me fall to the ground. “Do you think you can leave while I talk, you useless son o
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“WHAT?!” The sound of everyone’s utter shock filled the air and I could feel the ground shaking as it felt as though there was a rumble on the 99th floor.“What is she talking about?!”“That wretched man is her brother?”“Has to be a lie because there’s no way.”“He’s not even fit to be a Cavendish, he doesn’t look like one either.”Everyone wasted no time in letting other people know what they were all thinking and although their words cut deep, I felt a sense of odd satisfaction course through me when Georgina slapped Simon.“WHO GAVE YOU THE RIGHT?!” She yelled, her eyes had gotten so red that it was obvious that getting close to the Cavendish’s first daughter would be a mistake for anyone.I couldn’t help the smile that crept up my lips when I looked at her, I have never had someone stand up for me like this.Is this what it feels like to have a family?A warm glow filled my stomach and I could feel my eyes stinging with tears that I would never let fall as I remained composed.“Y
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“What?” Simon said, his voice barely loud that I was only able to hear him because I’d trained my ears to pick up sounds that were far away.His eyes grew wide with shock and her statement left him so dumbfounded that he couldn’t wrap his head around what she’d just said.How is he going to walk around with that arrogant look of his after being warned to steer clear of the Cavendish’s family properties?I couldn’t possibly know how he felt because I’ve never had enough to be cut out of something but I could tell from his look that it hurts.What Georgina had said seemed to have hit him like a ton of bricks, leaving him speechless and making him unable to stand properly as he staggered.“Georgina, Sister, You—”“Don’t touch me!” Georgina gritted when Simon reached his hand out to touch her and he jumped at the suddenness and sternness of her voice.The air was cold and choking and it didn’t help that the floor was as silent as a graveyard. The people that were happily laughing when Sim
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Georgina, Alfred and I all turned to leave the floor and as we walked, I could see people stopping to bow their heads while we walked past them.Whoever was doing something all dropped what they were doing to bow down as an act of respect and I knew it was mainly because Georgina was there.“Look at those people,” Alfred’s voice jolted me out of my thoughts and I looked at him as he smiled at me, “they’re not just showing respect to Mrs Georgina but they are showing respect to you too.” He added and my eyes widened.“What?” I asked as I turned to look at Georgina, “do they know who I am?” I asked and Georgina shook her head.“No one knows who you are just yet,” she answered with a sigh, “I’m going to have Elizabeth take care of what happened up there so that everyone knows who you are when you’re ready.” She added.“Lady Georgina is so beautiful.”“I know, who is that guy with her? Is it her new boyfriend?”“No but I heard a commotion happened on the 99th floor, she’s probably just he
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Two days later, I got ready to go back to the company, I had no idea how my sister was able to do it but I marveled at the insane amount of power my sisters had.No one was talking about the incident at the Zenith Global and everywhere seemed like a normal day when Alfred dropped me off in the parking lot.“I don’t know why you’re doing this but I’m going to go along, also, you need a car to match your status whether you’re a cleaner or not.” Alfred said and I smiled.“I’ll find you the best car, you could ride it secretly but as soon as you leave the company, you’re the Cavendish heir and not a filthy cleaner.” He added.“Thank you, Alfred.” I said before stepping into the building, everyone stopped what they were doing and murmured unheard words to each other.Georgina was out of the city on a business trip and she had asked me to call her if there was any problem. I took in a deep breath and made my way to the top floor.“Oh look, it’s the impoverished, filthy cleaner!” A familiar
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Turning to face him, I wanted to say something but at the same time I didn’t want to blow my cover so I just smiled and I nodded before turning my back on him and leaving.Returning my phone to my pocket, I adjusted my shirt and walked out of the building, making my way to the parking lot to find my car.“Which of these cars is mine?” I said into the phone as I called Alfred, I hadn’t asked him the specifics of the car before coming here and to avoid getting into someone else’s car, I needed him to tell me what car I was getting into.“It’s a black Aurorin La Voiture Noire, it’s the only car in the parking lot considering how expensive it really is.” Alfred explained and I nodded.“Thank you so much.” I smiled when I saw the car and just like Alfred had said, it was the only one of its kind in the parking lot.I could tell that the car was expensive because I remember when the list of expensive cars came out a month ago, the Aurorin was part of the list and only two people had it.“Wo
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The parking lot immediately fell silent and Simon looked as though someone had just punched him really hard in his guts.“This car is mine, I wasn’t trying to steal it. I mean, why will I try to steal a car that belongs to me in the first place?” I asked.The silence in the parking lot thickened as the security men looked from me to the car before moving away from me. They were surprised to see that a man could have an expensive car like this.“I am so sorry for the misunderstanding but I promise that I wasn’t trying to steal a car and—” my words got stuck in my throat when Simon bursted out laughing.The sound of his laughter resonated through the parking lot and it was hysterical as he bent down just so he could laugh at me.I didn’t need a soothsayer to tell me why he was laughing, I knew the reason like I knew the back of my own hand.“Yeah, right, like a man of your calibre could own a car like this one,” he laughed, “get serious and stop joking around.” He laughed before suddenl
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Simon looked like someone had just punched his face, his eyes were wide and he still couldn’t believe that I had just opened the car and hopped in.“T—this can’t be,” he muttered, his disbelief obvious in his tone and his face still showing giddy utter disbelief, “y— y— you can’t be the owner.” He added.“HE’S LYING!” He finally yelled out loud for the security guards to also hear him, “he’s not the owner of the car! You should do something.” He added.The security guards looked at each other, they were confused with no idea what to do since they could see that my palmprint had obviously opened the car.If I wasn’t the owner of the car then there was no way that my palmprint would’ve been able to open the door.“Why are you standing around and doing nothing?!” Simon finally barked at them, “you should pull him out of that car and arrest him right now!” He added.“But Sir—”“You think HE can afford a car like this?” Simon cut in before any of the security guards could say anything, “he
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“Thank you.” I said to the nurse and started walking with her. It was awkward but I did all I could to not make it awkward for her.Making small talks and responding to most of her questions, she wouldn’t stop smiling and talking until we were in the special ward.“We’re here,” she said to me and I nodded, “I’m sorry I can’t go in with you because only special nurses and doctors with a higher qualification are allowed in there.” She explained.“That so?” I asked, I never thought that something like this could also be found in a hospital where everyone is supposed to be equal.“Yes,” she answered before diving into explanation, “this is where they take all the big shots and pay so much attention to them.” She said.“Wow, I didn’t know that,” I responded before clearing my throat, “anyways, thank you for bringing me here or I was bound to lose my way for sure.” I thanked her and she smiled.“I should thank you for giving me your number too.” She added and bowed before leaving me alone t
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