All Chapters of Rags to Riches: Rise Of The Abused Son In-Law: Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
24 chapters
“You wretched son of a bitch! What do you think you’re doing?! ARE YOU BLIND?!” Larl sneered at me, his eyes burning with dangerous fire.I've done it. I really have.“Do you know how expensive this shoe is?” He yelled, raising his hand and before I could speak or find a way to defend myself, his hand landed on my cheek.The pain rippled through me, my cheeks burned so hot and the slap was so hard that I could see flickers of light flash right before my eyes.I had mistakenly stepped on Larl’s expensive shoes and that was because I was too busy trying to attend to everyone in the house and got blindsided.Almost everyone in the Nelson family, including Larl, always took any open opportunity to insult and bully me, reminding me that I was worth nothing.They wasted no time in letting me know that I was just the substitute son in-law who could pass for a trash bag and it wasn’t their fault.I was really nothing to them, I might be the son in-law of the family but only the family knows a
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“Oh, Simon, I missed you so much.” I listened as Jenna muttered in her sleep and I felt as if my heart was shattering as I stared at her.I was taken aback, stunned but I couldn’t possibly allow my pain to get the best of me as I stared at Jenna’s sleeping figure on his bed.Hearing her mention another man’s name just after we had finished having sex was a little too much for me but I only managed to smile wryly and covered her up with my blanket.I held off my pain as my smile grew wider and I slightly kissed Jenna’s forehead before getting out of the bed and leaving the room.I know very well that Jenna had a first love, a man she loved so much that she would never think of betraying him, called Simon and I also knew that she never loved me but it still hurts.It hurts to be with someone who doesn’t acknowledge you.A knot tightened deep in my stomach and I felt as if someone had driven a really sharp knife through my heart, leaving it there and letting me bleed out.Gently, I close
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Did she just call me a gold digger?I was speechless but I didn’t want to explain anything because I didn't see the need for me to tell her why I needed the money.“Look, Jenna,” I started as I turned to face her properly, “I really just want to sign the divorce agreement now, don’t make this harder than it’s supposed to be.” I finished.“You want me to believe that you’re going to sign the divorce agreement if I promise to keep giving you money?” She asked a little disgustedly and I nodded.The money had been one of the reasons I got married to her in the first place, it wasn’t as if our marriage was a love marriage.If her grandfather had not approached me to be her stand-in husband because of the circumstances, I wouldn’t have gotten married to her but along the line, I fell in love with her.Along the line, I found myself hoping, wishing she would see that I’m no longer staying in it because I had to but because I wanted to but no matter what, I amounted to nothing in her eyes.“V
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Simon’s face turned pale, his palm started letting out so much sweat as he tried to think of something to say.A huge part of me felt like I already knew the reason he left, being with Jenna at that moment of her coma was a pain and so he took the easy way out.He ran away.“And what exactly is your business with that?” Simon quickly said defensively as he looked around nervously and I couldn’t help but manage a small smile.“It’s none of my business,” I responded coolly, “I just want to know why you ran away when you claim you love her, it just doesn’t make any sense.” I added.Simon stiffened, I could see and hear his teeth gritting as he glared at me with blazing eyes, “that’s because my sisters forbade me to get close to Jenna and forced me to go abroad.”“I would never have left Jenna because she’s the love of my life, I lost my chance to marry her and that’s why she ended up with a pauper like you but now that I’m back, she’s mine.” Simon finished.I didn’t say anything, I only
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The words seemed too big but I said it anyway and Simon sneered. He looked happy to see that the Nelson family supported him instead of me even though I was the one telling the truth.“Are you okay, Simon? I hope you didn’t get hurt?” Jenna asked, she was worried about Simon and as she helped him up, he placed his weight on her shoulder.Simon scowled at me and mouthed to me that I don’t belong with the Nelsons and he’s going to make sure that I get kicked out.I didn’t say anything, I was going to leave the house anyway. I looked away from Simon and irritation settled in my stomach.What angered me the most was the fact that he was acting generous and Jenna was falling for his fake generosity.“I’m fine, Jenna,” Simon said, his voice was calm and he sounded like he wasn’t the one who had started trouble with me in the first place.“Don’t be too harsh on him, it was just a misunderstanding and I’ll forgive him for your sake.” He added and I felt even more irritated by him.I couldn’t
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Blowing open the trash bag, I watched as Lisa’s eyes beamed with so much happiness and even though there was an underlying disgust, I was sure that she felt happy.She had probably been waiting for a chance to humiliate me like this and now that she has gotten it, a hint of satisfaction flashed in her eyes.“Poor, useless bastards like you have no right using a branded suitcase.” She sneered as she wrapped her arms around her chest but I didn’t say anything.My teeth gritted, the humiliation was clawing at me like talons, reminding me time and time again that all these while, I was nothing to the Nelson family.I was only a tool for them to let out all of their frustrations on and as much as it hurts deep in my heart, I endured it all since I was going to be leaving very soon.The sound of an approaching footsteps caused me to lift up my head and that was when I saw that Jenna had walked into my room.Shoving all of my pain aside, I let out a cynical smile as I shook my head and the t
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What? Miss Winkle is in the VIP room? How did she get there?I was too startled by what the doctor had just said to say anything. I knew that I couldn’t have possibly been able to afford a VIP wardroom.“I’m sorry, Sir, I had no idea Mrs Winkle was in the VIP room,” the sound of the nurse crying jolted me out of the thoughts I was lost in.Tears were streaming down her cheeks and she fell to her knees in front of the doctor who had just fired her. She genuinely looked like she regretted all the things she said to me.I felt pity for her but she hadn’t just humiliated me today, she does that everytime I come to the hospital, she takes the chance because I’m poor and she says horrible things to me.“I’ve been on my day off for the past three days and didn’t know when Mrs Winkle was moved.” The nurse cried ceaselessly as she quickly turned to face me when the man ignored her.Her lips formed a thin line, her eyes were red and more tears streamed down her cheeks and even though she tried
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“Wh— What? What’s going on? I’m not—”“It’s an honor to finally meet you, young master.” The old man interrupted before I could finish talking.He bowed in front of me and I couldn’t help but feel like I’d been thrown into a world of dreams. All my life, I’ve never had someone bow to me before.Even back in Jenna’s house, the maids and servants never respected. They spoke to me like I was nothing but a trash bag, they treated me even worse.Seeing this gentleman bow in front of me made me both shocked, confused and utterly uncomfortable.“Who are you and please don’t bow to me.” I quickly said, the words rushing out of my mouth as if I had something incredibly hot burning my mouth.“I have to bow to you, young master, you’re my master,” the man said politely as he finally raised his head and placed his hand on his chest.“My name is Alfred Weston, I'm a butler of the Cavendish family and your sister has put me in charge of looking after Mrs. Winkle here.” He explained.There they go a
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“W— We’re not riding in this, are we?” I asked, my surprise and awe obvious in my voice as I looked at the huge helicopter but Alfred only laughed.It felt like a dream, I still couldn’t believe that I was in front of a live, working helicopter, one that could actually fly.It was different from the kinds I saw in movies, anime or books. It was really huge and the rotor blades were as if they were ready to blow Alfred and I away.“Of course, that’s what we’re riding in, young master.” Alfred said and my jaw dropped as I tried to take a step closer but I couldn’t.Maybe it’s my fear or it’s probably because I never saw myself using this kind of helicopter as a mode of transportation.It screamed luxury and I still couldn’t believe it.“Let’s go, the lady doesn’t really like waiting but I’m sure she loves you enough to let go of anything.” Alfred smiled and I turned to face him with a raised eyebrow.“The lady?” I asked, confused because I thought we were going to see my sister and I ex
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The butler soon came inside the living room to join me and when he clapped his hands, lots of maids came outside and my jaw dropped.“Welcome, Young Master Zade.” They all said in unison as they bowed in front of me. My heart thumped, I had no idea what to do with so much fame.These people are bowing to me, showing me so much respect than I’m usually used to and it’s all happening so fast that I was starting to feel dizzy.“They’ll show you to your room and make sure that you’re settling in well.” Alfred said and before I could say anything, one of the maids was already inviting me.Two of the maids led me up the stairs and there I realized that there was another sitting room but it was a more private one and was only used by the family.There was also a private swimming pool and a private lounge that none of the maids are allowed to enter and soon, I was led to a really big room.It was the biggest bedroom of all the bedrooms that the maids had shown me, it had a king size bed and i
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