All Chapters of I'm a Stingray?: Chapter 121
- Chapter 130
180 chapters
Chapter 121 - Falakus, Firunal, and Farazal
I'm a Stingray?/MisterE05
Despite being in potential danger, Skendus and the group ate their meals quietly, and calmly. They were calm because if someone was to attack them, they could protect themselves! Those guards had to be within the God's Punishment Realm of mana, considering that Skendus could read their minds without much of a struggle, in other words, those guards were perfectly killable.“They’re protecting the church,” Timothy pitched, as he jammed a whole beef steak down his gullet. “Meaning, they really got something to hide, they could be hiding ingots of gold as far as we know.”“No… the church of this city alone is worth a few tons of gold, so I'm guessing gold doesn't have a huge value here.” He argued, “In places like this, I'm guessing that ideals are oftentimes worth more than gold, because regarding wealth, each and every single guard here is richer than we are. One of them had a belt covered with jewels, back at the gate, and that belt is only supposed to hold his mace up. They're rich, v
Chapter 122 - The first blessing
I'm a Stingray?/MisterE05
Skendus was getting sick of all the formal praises here, so he decided to be even more direct. This was a universe where mana gods shouldn't be worshiped, after all, and from what he could understand, these priests were clearly praising those that they were not supposed to! The symbolism, their recent stroke of bad luck, etc, he could connect all of those dots immediately, and decided to ask these priests the questions that many other people would hesitate to ask. He didn't hold back.“Who is Falakame? Is she a Mana Goddess?” He asked.“Indeed she is,” The priest in the middle, answered fearlessly. “And although her power knows no bounds, our church finds the greatest of honor worshiping her son, Falakus instead! May he be praised forever.”Before this back-and-forth conversation of pointing fingers could go on any further, the same priest gestured for Skendus to stop talking. It would appear that he'd like to lead the conversation now.“Let’s skip the stupid questions, we know why y
Chapter 123 - Armor-hide Goblins
I'm a Stingray?/MisterE05
The group was escorted out of the city of Glorious Letazix. The guards escorted them, and although they expressed that the group was welcome in the city, they suggested that the group sought out the blessing of the other churches, before visiting here again. In fact, it would be great if they stayed away from civilization all together, according to the guards, because a god on a mission wouldn't mind vaporizing innocent bystanders, as they believed that their means justified relentless slaughter. It was a paradoxical thing to worship a god, but the guards were trying their best to read between the lines. They knew how to keep the peace, as that was their job, after all. Skendus and the group briefly thanked the guards for the assistance, and left.They walked out of the city, and kept moving for about five kilometers, until they found that patch of tall grass. This was where the dragons were hiding, and Georgie was their means of quick transportation, so they didn't mind walking thos
Chapter 124 - "No"
I'm a Stingray?/MisterE05
Even though it took them about two hours to climb down from the mountainside, the team finally made it to the city. Manape left much to be desired, but it was their picked destination spot nonetheless, so they strode within the city with their eyes wide open, and their weapons swinging around on their belts.No one attacked them, thankfully, but it took a while to find the church. This city was way under-organized, to the point where even its architectural layout was messy, and hard to figure out. Most of the structures here were made of wood, so it was difficult to tell houses, businesses, and religious sites apart from each other.The church should've been easier to find, considering that places like that often looked expensive and holy, but that was not the case here. When they found the church, after asking several other goblins for directions, they discovered that this House of God was no different from the houses of Frank and Francina, or whatever the common names of these Armor
Chapter 125 - 42,000 mana points
I'm a Stingray?/MisterE05
The team was not happy about serving some church that was located in the middle of nowhere, they were not fans of this idea whatsoever! Though regardless of what they felt, they had to cooperate here, because for some reason, this oddly built Church of Gulism had plenty of spiritual values, and deep undertones! They needed its priest's blessing, and they needed it soon.“If there is a big ass monster sealed away in that cave, I'm gonna lose my shit!” Tim hollered, as they walked back towards the mountainside. “It's not that I'm scared of monsters, but the priest should've come with us if he wants those caves so much.”“The priest?” Ortana challenged him, “Wouldn't it make more sense if he lended us some guards instead?” “Oh yeah,” He nodded, and this conversation ended there, as his anger was very short-lasting for once.Anyway, the priest told them where the caves were, they weren't too far from the spot where Georgie had landed on. With that said, they went right around the caves,
Chapter 126 - Boom-er
I'm a Stingray?/MisterE05
Despite the magical expenses, Timothy pierced through the boulders faster than one-hundred men would. He aimed at the boulders on top of the entrance’s blockage, because they were cheaper for him to bash through, and they were less likely to cause a rock slide!Timothy was right to carry out his plan in that manner, because he did make an entrance at the very top, and nothing bad happened either. Then, they climbed up the boulders, and had the dragons stay behind because they could block the way, quite unnecessarily.“The torches, light them up. You can't see shit after about five meters, so this is gonna be tough.” He explained, and he knew better because he had already been up here.The group did as they were told, and then hopped into the new entrance. The tunnel he had made was six feet wide, so they as tiny goblins had plenty of space to move around within it. The dragons were left last in line as mentioned, because amongst other reasons, Georgie had to squeeze through the new en
Chapter 127 - Nerve Shaker ability
I'm a Stingray?/MisterE05
The ones who screeched were not goats, and that wasn't surprising, but they were still terrified beyond comprehension! The group felt confident that they could handle a single monster, but judging from the screeches, they were about to be attacked by several of them, and this was a lot trickier to handle!“Does anyone see anything?” Tim asked, as he nursed fireballs on his palm.Georgie answered, except Georgie couldn't speak the goblin tongue, no. He just barfed out a fireball, which flew right above everyone's heads, and beamed across the tunnel!The fireball hit something, they could tell, because one of those low-volume screeches, turned into an ear-piercing scream! Everyone had to cover their ears, and all of the dragons were in clear discomfort too.“Shit… looks like he can see in the dark really well.” Tim muttered, and then he ressummoned the fireballs on his palms, and shot them at the same direction that Georgie did.They heard another, loud screech afterwards! Everything ab
Chapter 128 - Yellow Dragon
I'm a Stingray?/MisterE05
“I guess the Nerve Shaker will come in handy eventually, let's just hope it isn't as expensive as everything else I use.” He muttered, and then he gestured for the rest of the group to try and steal the same ability from these carcasses.For a few minutes it was difficult for them to understand each other, because their ears were still ringing, but eventually they understood what he initially meant. Ear pain was one of the worst pains of all, they were not happy.Anyway, Ortana was very keen on Tim's Idea. She didn't have that many abilities to begin with, due to the fact that oftentimes she had to sacrifice them in exchange for shapeshifting. She had shapeshifted a lot before, however now, when an opportunity to obtain new powers was presented to her, she did not hesitate to take it. She cut off, and ate four fat pieces of snake meat, regardless of how tiny she was by stature, and she noted that it was delicious!Ortana managed to steal a quarter of a snake's power, and that amount w
Chapter 129 - Thunder Clap
I'm a Stingray?/MisterE05
Despite their recent adventures, running into a dragon was usually a horrible thing. Dragons were powerful, typically, so they could choose to be really violent if they wanted to! In this case, a dragon floating above lava was less than friendly, the team was in big trouble.They only had two options here as far as anyone was concerned. They could either run away and hope for the best, or they could attack the yellow dragon directly!In this case, the first option was ruled out in three seconds, without giving much thought to it as an option. The team weren't keen on running away, and odds were that they couldn't outrun a dragon anyway, no.Tim attacked the dragon as soon as he noticed its rapid, violent approach, and he didn't second-guess his decision either. Tim wasn’t running away, he shot at the dragon several times instead, but not with a fireball, as this time around he used the Nerve Splitter ability! He figured that if dragons were truly smart, then any and all brain damage w
Chapter 130 - Celestial Spear
I'm a Stingray?/MisterE05
Arvena kept repeating the chant, she was dedicated to summoning what she wanted to. “I summon thee, Celestial Spear, for my enemy is about to best me, and I dare not be bested, so listen to me damn it! Take my mana, for that is my most treasured possession, take as much as you want, and distort its quality as you please! My enemy has to die, that is a must!”The chant was very convincing, however, regardless of who it was that she was praying to, and how badly she wanted to have this spear in her possession, the other side was not cooperative! At some point, her voice distorted to the point where it was beyond gibberish, because she kept pushing boundaries that she wasn't supposed to push.Typically, one was supposed to give up after the third chant. If the Celestial Spear hadn't appeared even after the third chant, it was best to give up, because each attempt that followed afterwards demanded a bigger sacrifice! Arvena was well aware of those rules, but she didn't have so many option