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2024: Zombies 10
I was somewhat shocked by the outcome, though I shouldn’t be because Barry was giving off that kind of vibe that he would kill us all. But for him to kill those women so quickly was what shocked me.I would have thought that he would keep them around for sex, and when food and water were running out, that’s when he would kill them.The police station door opened, and my eyes widened, because it wasn’t the person I expected to emerge that came through the door.It was that girl; she was covered in blood and was holding a gun.‘’Hey!’’ James yelled waving at her.She began to cry and ran over to us.‘’What happened in there?’’ James asked.‘’He tried to kill us, saying that there wasn’t much supply,’’ she sobbed.‘’He pushed Ms. Jones out to feed her to those things, then told me that the only way he would let me live is if… if I. That sick fuck wanted us to catch a zombie and have me fuck it!’’I didn’t have words.There was a loud howling sound, and panic filled by body.‘’We have to
2024: Zombies 11
Chrisean stared at me for a while before saying, ‘’who knows what?’’‘’My brother, he knew about this. He knew what would have happened before it did,’’ I said.Mustang’s expression twisted, and I couldn’t read the emotion that was etched upon his face. Was it anger, fear, hate?I didn’t know.‘’I’m not following,’’ Eva said, coming beside me.She tried to take the letter out of my hand, and I pulled back.“My brother knew that there would be a deadly virus and a zombie outbreak. It was all planned, and he killed himself because he was onboard with this sick-‘’ My voice cracked.‘’He helped them to destroy humanity and killed himself after.’’“How did he know this?’’ Mustang asked.‘’He worked in the pharmaceutical field.’’‘’Fuck!’’I hoped he wasn’t going to say anything bad now, because he knew too, and I guess this was why he came here to Jamaica. He was trying to escape it all.‘’I think it’s better to just read the letter,’’ I said.****Letter****‘Mom, dad, Jermy or whoever fin
2024: Zombies 12
I came too to see that I was still tied up, I had something stuffed in my mouth, and my back was on fired for whatever they were doing to me.This is not how I thought trying to survive a zombie apocalypse would have been, he being tied up by some rowdy bunch who was doing all this for fun.They had Eva tired to a tree stomp and burning her with a hot iron all over the body.I didn't know if Mustang was still alive or not because he was unmoving.They were threatening to do things to Chrisean and Mia before my eyes.And they only one who wasn't having any problem was Abby, who was sitting on the man who said he was God's lap.She was telling him how she would do anything to please him, and I knew it wasn't a strategy for us to escape.I still can't fantom the thought that people were like this. They would rather see people suffer than come together to help fight for the human race.Maybe that's why my brother said in the letter that I should pick who I choose to carry on the ship with
2024: Zombies 13
We were well on our way, but I guess the minivan didn’t have much gas because it suddenly broke down.Mustang turned to look at us. ‘’We have to continue on foot, everybody up for it.’’I looked down at Mia, who was sleeping, and knew that I would have to carry her.‘’I can manage,’’ Chrisean said.Mustang carried Eva, and together we navigated the winding road that had no lights, so it was hard to see our own hands before us.The only thing that was constant was the nasty smell of lifeless bodies and the occasional growls from the zombies in the nearby bushes.I was on high alert, waiting for them to jump out on us any minute now. And because of this, I wasn’t paying much attention to where I was going and tripped over something.It grabbed at my foot, and I kicked wildly until I heard a weak voice.‘’Help me.’’But whoever it was, there was no hope for them. They were either almost dead, or on their way to becoming a zombie.The rustling in the bush got closer, and I scrambled to my
2024: Zombies 14
Not seeing any immediate threat, we got out of the car.‘’Maybe we can find another car along the way,’’ Eva said, assessing the damage done to the front of the car.‘’I doubt it, each time we only got lucky,’’ Chrisean said.There was a rustling in the bush and before any of us could react, a zombie sunk it’s teeth in Eva’s neck.She screamed out and tried to fight him off, but I guess she was too weak.‘’Eva!’’ Mustang yelled and fired several shots, but none of them hit the zombie.He aimed again, but Chrisean pushed his gun away.‘’Stop, it’s too late for her now and it might attract more zombies to us.’’But mustang didn’t want to hear any of that, he fired several more shots.I thought he was trying to get the zombie, but his aim was right at Eva.‘’I am sorry, Eva,’’ he said as her lifeless eyes stared at him.There was a roar and Mustang ran off without another word.I pulled Mia along with me, telling myself that I can’t let her die like Lura. I promised that I will take her
2024: Zombies 15
I don’t know how long we were walking for, but we came to a boarded-up house and Mustang suggested that we rest there for a while.I am still shocked at how resilient he was, even after being shot in the arm he used it as if nothing had happened.He didn’t even seem to be in pain, and I was starting to doubt that he was even human.There was only one bed in the small house, and cloth thrown all around. It also smelt of rotten flesh inside.‘’I don’t like it here,’’ Mia said.‘’We don’t really have much choice, but I promise that we will make it to that ship and things will be better.’’ I patted her head.‘’Oh my God,’’ I heard Chrisean let out, then followed her eyes to where she was looking.There in a chair was an old lady, her mouth slowly gaping at us and her teeth making low snapping sound.‘’She is a zombie,’’ Mia began to cry.‘’But I don’t think she can move, I guess she is too old to do anything.’’ Mustang assured her, but that didn’t even help my nerve.He then threw a sheet
2024: Zombies 16
We got to a spring, and just as Mustang was about to suggest something, a female ran out in the road.The car swerved and came to a stop, I thought Mustang would have reversed but instead he sped up.‘’What? She needed our help,’’ I said.‘’No, the fuck that bitch doesn’t!’’When I looked back I saw two men waving their guns in the air and laughing.There was nothing for me to say, but to look ahead as if I was the one driving.‘’What if we don’t make it to the ship?’’ Chrisean suddenly said. ‘’I don’t want to be a downer, but there are all these odds against us. I don’t know if we will make it.’’‘’Little lady, best believe that we will. Despite what we have to go through,’’ Mustang said.‘’I have been through worse than this. Was once stuck in the desert for twenty days, no food no water and the moment I was about to give up I saw a dead camel. You want to know what I did?’’He paused for dramatic effect.‘’I ate pieces of its meat raw and had to drink cactus juice. Then finally I w
2024: Zombies 17
‘’I came here on a friendly visit, Dr. Lynn. She is expecting us,’’ Mustang said.Two of the men exchanged looks, and I didn’t like that, because it was either they are still going to kill us, or that this doctor woman was already dead.‘’How do you know Keshia?’’ the man asked.‘’She is a friend of mine. Just tell her that Mustang is here to see her.’’The man’s face held recognition of the name.‘’Fine, follow me this way.’’And as we walked through the town, the men never removed the guns off us, as if expecting us to do something.‘’Do you really think they are leading us to this doctor?’’ Chrisean whispered to me.‘’I don’t know,’’ I told her.I know she was looking for some form of reassurance, but I couldn’t give her that.I don’t know what these men had in mind. They could be leading us to the doctor or our deaths.We finally got to a house that didn’t seem as if anyone lived there, but the man knocked and after a while a beautiful woman came to open the door.‘’Dr. Lynn,’’ Mu
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The end
We alerted the captain, and in no time they had people coming to the room.The man begged and plead for them not to harm is zombified wife.‘’You are one sick fuck!’’ Mustang told him, with a shake of his head.The captain came up to us, shaking our hands.‘’Thank you for your tremendous work.’’Suddenly someone cried out and held their neck, he turned to us with a horrified look on his face.And within seconds, he began to change into a zombie. He lunged for me first, but I pushed him away, he managed to bite me on the forearm, and I cried out.‘’Jeremy!’’ Chrisean cried out and I could see the panic in her eyes.She shook her head and sobbed, causing the zombie to bite into the right side of her face.She screamed out and dropped to the ground, crying even harder.Mustang was the one to pull me out of the room.‘’No, Chrisean.’’‘’It is too late kid; you saw what just happened.And just before the captain closed the door, leaving the others at the mercy of the zombies, I saw Chrisea
‘’Hey, its Jen, right?’’ I asked, walking up to the woman.When she looked up at me, her eyes were bloodshot from crying so much.‘’I am guessing you still haven’t found your daughters,’’ I said.‘’No, and I don’t know how this is possible. From my cabin to the buffet, and for two days nobody can find them. The cameras show nothing either, just them walking around and them getting out the elevator was the last they were seeing.’’She began to cry again.And I did find it strange that this ship didn’t have cameras at the end of all the cabin hallway, that’s what I was used to.They claimed that only public areas had they, as if a hallway with cabins weren’t consider a public area.I honestly didn’t know what to tell her, because I found it strange that for two days they couldn’t find any signs of ten missing people.‘’I don’t think I can live anymore, my husband sacrificed himself for us to be here and now I don’t know where my children are.’’They kept repeating for the missing people
I sat of my bed, thinking that this world is truly cruel, all because the elites want things to go their way, they basically killed off everyone.‘’Are you sure you don’t want to come to dinner?’’ Chrisean asked.‘’No, I am alright. Just need to settle my mind,’’ I told her.There was a dinging sound and the captain’s voice came on over the P.A system.‘’Um, good evening everyone. Um, we all know what the situation is and by now I’m all sure that all of you know that we are enroute to Norway. Um, sorry I meant to say Alaska. There are currently three hundred and one of you onboard and um I hope my notes and the checks are right and um that aren’t any stowaways.’’He laughed.‘’Um, anyway, at six-fifteen when the military will be dropping bombs on the island of Jamaica. And I have to say that this is just, um…Jamaica is one of my favorite islands, but I guess this is what needs to be done to purge this um virus if you can call it that. Um, yeah. So, it will be a sight to see and some o
The next morning, nine fifteen am, Mustang and I were on the gangway, waiting for the riot to begin.A guard called us over and gave us uniforms.‘’Have to play the part.’’We went outside with ease, and soon after a guard finish speaking with a man, he began arguing with someone else in line.I went to break it up like I was told and allowed the man to take my gun.The man held it at my head, and I held my hand up.‘’I need some back up over here!’’A few guards ran over, as they tried to talk to the man, Mustang had his gun taken to get the rest of the guards’ help.‘’Guys! The gate is open and there is no one on the gangway to stop us, let’s make a run for it.’’ A voice shouted from somewhere.There was a loud uproar and I got flung about as a surge of people rushed forward.I felt strong arms grabbing me and I went along with it, knowing that it was either Mustang or the guard who came up with this idea.It wasn’t easy getting to the gangway, but the guard made a path for us and r
I gave the lady my passport, Jeremy Gooding. Who are you traveling with?’’‘’My girlfriend and her little sister.’’She nodded and I went through easily, without her even asking to see a credit card.‘’Sorry, but I am going to take a break. I’ll have to ask you to join another line,’’ she said to Fisher.‘’Are you kidding me, have you seen how long those other lines are?’’The woman didn’t seem to care and was about to close the shutter.I quickly went up and knocked on the glass.‘’Come on, you only have three more people in the line. Give everyone a chance.’’She smiled at me. ‘’Only because I know your mother and you look so much like her.’’She turned back to Fisher with a serious expression.‘’Passport.’’‘’Akeem Fisher?’’‘’Yes.’’‘’You work at KFC?’’‘’Worked at, KFC is no more.’’‘’How did you get this passport?’’I gulped, hoping that Fisher doesn’t panic and did what Sohpia said about them being related.‘’My cousin Sophia Walker gave it to me, and I am taking my girlfriend
She took me to the side so we could speak in private.‘’Are you here yet your father?’’‘’No, I don’t know where he is or if he is alive.’’‘’You mother, brother?’’I knew she didn’t care about them, but I still answered and told her what had happened to my brother, then explained my situation and asked her for help.‘’Of course, I will help you. But you and your friends have to keep it on the hush.’’‘’Yes, yes. Thank you.’’‘’If anyone finds this out I will get into trouble. I had no idea either that there was a passport that was needed, many of us in the Prime Minister’s office didn’t and it was after making that broadcast did I found out. It was all planned Jeremy; I am just luck to be here because they asked me to take over as spokesperson for the country.’’‘’Can’t you do something to stop this, giving everyone a fighting chance?’’‘’I’m afraid that I am nothing but a pawn, this is their idea of depopulating the world.’’I nodded in understanding, Mustang told us about their pla
Mustang managed to get only one other female to come with us.‘I want to live,’ she had said.So now, the seven of us were moving as fast as we could but still trying to lay low, so we weren’t seen or heard.The scent of the food we brought for Mia, or our own smell wasn’t a problem since the zombie only followed the smell of blood.I gave a laugh, seeing the closed gate of the cruise port up head and security with guns pointed at any coming zombie.There were only a few people outside, waiting for the gates to be opened so they could get in.Maybe fifteen, there was a lady and two children, along with an old couple and the rest just looked like bad news.I knew the saying went to not judge a book by its cover, but these men spelt trouble, with their long guns and gruff looks.‘’Please leave your weapons in the basket,’’ one of the guards said.‘’But I need it to protect myself,’’ the man said.‘’You won’t need it any longer, you will be in a safe area. So again, please leave your gun
‘’Of course it is you, selfish man,’’ Chrisean said, beating me to it.Lester scoffed. ‘’Selfish? The eight of us is more than enough in here, we don’t need the extra mouths to feed.’’‘’You are right, we don’t need the extra mouths, so keep running yours and see if I don’t throw you to the dogs I saved you from.’’Lester gave me a dirty look before going to sit at one of the tables.‘’Jeremy!’’ Mia squealed with joy, running up to me.I bent down and engulfed her into a big hug.‘’I am so glad you are alright kid.’’‘’I am glad you are ok too, but Mustang kept me safe.’’Mustang clapped me on my back.‘’You two had me worried.’’‘’Don’t worry, the four of us are in this together.’’Mustang frowned, ‘’kid, I formed a small group while we were parted.’’I recalled to him how we helped Lester and his family then he did us dirty.‘’That little shit, he knew what he did. No wonder why he was pushing so much to shoot you, and now I see why he was pushing me to make votes and kick people ou
‘’Let’s take a break,’’ I said to Chrisean, I could see that she was tired, and I knew that it couldn’t be easy to carry most of my weight.We have long since lost sight of Deedee and her family.‘’We can’t stop now; the sun is still high in the sky.’’‘’Yes, and that’s why I am telling you to take a break. Let’s have some of the water Deedee gave us, rest for a while and then continue.’’Finally accepting it, Chrisean sighed and placed me on a rock.I gave the bottle of water to her first.‘’I still can’t believe those people, after helping them and risking our own lives they just… just fucked us off like that.’’At first I said nothing.‘’To be honest, I would rather to take my chances with zombies, at least we know exactly what they want. And that is to always eat, us humans on the other hand. We are our own destruction.’’I stood to see if I could at least manage my own weight now, and to my surprise my leg felt fine.‘’That’s weird, a few hours ago my leg was swollen and caused m