Chapter 2: The First Step (0x02TFS)

I'm not dead. I keep reminding myself of that. Every breath I take is like inhaling a fresh dose of reality—a bitter, metallic taste in the back of my throat that tells me I’ve just stepped into some twisted new version of my life. I've watched a million animes, read a thousand mangas and played gazillion VR games, but not even once would I have ever imagined this would be happening to me in real life.

The glowing blue screen hovers at the edge of my vision, pulsing softly, like it’s waiting for something. Probably waiting for me to mess up again. Well, joke's on it—I’m already a screw-up, so the pressure’s off.

I’m wandering aimlessly through the dark streets, my mind half-dazed, when the screen flickers, catching my attention.

*First mission commencing: Neutralize threat. Location: Three blocks north. Objective: 100 Essence.*

"Neutralize threat? What the hell does that mean?" I mutter, glancing around as if the screen might answer me. Of course, it doesn’t. This system, Rolin - as it's told me it is, whatever the fuck it is, isn’t here to hold my hand. Figures. No one ever is.

I hunch my shoulders against the cold, shoving my hands in my pockets, and start walking. Three blocks north—doesn’t seem too far. My heart’s beating fast, like it’s trying to pound its way out of my chest. I don’t even know what kind of threat I’m supposed to be dealing with. Hell, I don’t even know how I’m still walking after what happened back there. But that’s the thing about desperation—it’s one hell of a motivator.

*Essence Level: 0/20,000.*

"Yeah, yeah, I get it," I grumble, sniffing hard as my nose runs like a leaky faucet. "I’ll get your damn Essence, alright? Just stop hovering."

No response. Just the sound of my footsteps echoing in the empty street. Seattle’s always had this quiet side, the kind that creeps up on you when the nightlife dies down. It’s eerie, like the city’s holding its breath, waiting for something to happen.

And something does.

I turn the corner, and there they are—a group of thugs, huddled under the sickly yellow glow of a streetlamp. There’s about four of them, maybe five. They’re all rough-looking, with the kind of dead eyes that tell you they’ve seen too much, done too much. One of them’s got a baseball bat slung over his shoulder, casually as if he’s just out for a stroll. Another one’s lighting a cigarette, his eyes darting around like he’s expecting trouble.

And then there’s me. Skinny, out of breath, probably still bleeding under my shirt. Yeah, I’m a real threat.

*Target identified. Engage.*

"Are you kidding me?" I hiss at the screen. "You want me to fight them? Look at me! I’m… I’m barely holding it together!"

The screen doesn’t care. It blinks at me like an impatient teacher waiting for a failing student to get their act together. I can practically hear it tapping its digital foot.

"Fuck," I mutter, clenching my fists. My hands are trembling—whether from fear, cold, or just the overwhelming absurdity of the situation, I can’t tell. But I don’t have a choice, do I? It’s either do this or…I don’t even know what happens if I don’t.

Taking a deep breath, I step forward, each footfall heavier than the last. The thugs haven’t noticed me yet, too busy laughing and jostling each other like they own the place. Maybe they do. Doesn’t matter. Tonight, I’m taking it back.

I get closer, close enough to see the dirt under their fingernails, close enough to hear the low growl of their conversation.

"Hey," I croak out, my voice cracking like I’m fifteen again. "You guys… You guys looking for trouble?"

Smooth, Jamie. Real smooth.

The guy with the bat turns slowly, a lazy grin spreading across his face. "What’s this? Little mouse come out to play?"

The others snicker, and my stomach flips. I’m shaking, and not just from the cold. My nose runs again, and I swipe at it angrily. "I’m not… I’m not scared of you," I manage, even though I know it’s a damn lie.


There’s no more time to think. The guy with the bat swings it toward my head, and I barely duck in time, feeling the whoosh of air as it passes inches above me. My heart drops, and something kicks in—adrenaline, fear, maybe both. I don’t have a plan. I don’t have training. All I have is desperation and a system that won’t shut up.

I swing wildly, catching one of the thugs in the gut. He doubles over, more out of surprise than pain, and I follow up with a clumsy punch to his jaw. It’s not much, but it’s enough to send him stumbling back.

*10 Essence gained.*

The screen flashes in my peripheral vision, but I can’t focus on it. The guy with the bat is coming at me again, this time with a snarl. I sidestep, tripping over my own feet but somehow managing to stay upright. My hand closes around a broken bottle on the ground—don’t even think about where it came from, just use it.

I swing the bottle at Bat Guy, catching him on the shoulder. He curses, more pissed off than hurt, but it gives me a moment to back away, to think.

*Essence Level: 10/20,000. System upgrade available.*

Upgrade? Now? I’m in the middle of a fight, and this thing wants me to—no time to argue. I focus on the screen, and something shifts inside me, like a door opening. My body tingles, a rush of warmth spreading through my limbs. It’s not much, but it’s enough. I feel stronger, faster, more in control.

I charge at Bat Guy, this time with purpose. He swings, but I’m already moving, ducking under his arm and slamming the broken bottle into his side. He goes down with a grunt, clutching his wound.

*50 Essence gained.*

The others hesitate now, glancing at each other like they’re rethinking their life choices. Good. Let them. I’m done being the punching bag.

But before I can make a move, one of them lunges at me—a wild, desperate attack. I react on instinct, grabbing his arm and twisting it back until I hear a sickening pop. He screams, and I shove him away, breathing hard.

*100 Essence gained.*

The last two thugs take off, not even bothering to look back. Can’t say I blame them. I don’t even know what I’ve become in the last five minutes, but it sure as hell isn’t the same guy who was bleeding out in an alley.

I stand there, panting, the broken bottle still clenched in my hand. The screen flickers again, the blue glow calming now, almost satisfied.

*Mission complete. Essence Level: 100/20,000.*

I drop the bottle, letting it clatter to the ground. My whole body’s trembling, but I feel…alive. More alive than I have in years. It’s a rush, a high I didn’t know I needed.

But beneath the exhilaration, there’s fear. Fear of what I’m becoming. Fear of what this system is turning me into. But it doesn’t matter, does it? I’m in too deep now. No turning back.

The screen flashes one more time before fading, leaving me alone in the quiet street.

*Next mission: Pending.*

"Bring it on," I whisper, wiping my nose with the back of my hand. "I’m just getting started."

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