Chapter 4: A Taste of Power (0x04TOP)

I should be nervous. I should be sweating bullets, thinking about all the ways this can go wrong, but instead, there’s this weird calm washing over me as I make my way toward the warehouse. The Rolin system has been quiet since I accepted the mission, just that soft hum in the back of my mind, like it’s biding its time. And maybe I’m doing the same—waiting for something to click, for that moment when it all makes sense.

The warehouse is in the industrial district, one of those places you don’t go unless you’ve got a damn good reason. Tonight, I’ve got one—500 Essence, a number that’s burned itself into my brain since the mission details popped up. That’s a hell of a lot more than I got from those street thugs, which means this job is bigger, more dangerous. But then, isn’t that what I signed up for?

I slip around the back of the building, avoiding the main entrance. The place is dark, just a few scattered lights casting shadows across the cracked concrete. I pause at a side door, the lock rusty but intact. This is it. No turning back now.

*Objective: Infiltrate warehouse. Target: High-value item.*

I nod to myself, like the system can see it, and reach for the lock. My hands are steadier than I expected, no trembling, no hesitation. It’s like my body’s already a step ahead of me, knowing what needs to be done. With a twist and a click, the door swings open, and I slip inside.

The air inside is stale, thick with dust and the faint smell of oil and metal. I crouch low, moving between stacks of crates and machinery, my eyes darting around for any sign of movement. The warehouse is massive, rows upon rows of equipment, all covered in tarps like forgotten relics. But there, at the center, I see it—a metal case, about the size of a small suitcase, sitting on a pallet like it’s waiting for me.

*Target identified. Proceed with caution.*

"Yeah, no kidding," I mutter, glancing around. There’s no way it’s this easy. Nothing in my life has ever been this easy. But the case is just sitting there, no guards, no alarms, nothing. I approach it slowly, every nerve on high alert.

The case is cold to the touch, a sleek, matte black with no markings. I half expect it to be locked, but the latch clicks open with just a push. Inside, nestled in foam, is a small device—about the size of a cell phone, but with no screen, just a series of pulsing blue lights.

*Objective complete. Retrieve item.*

"That’s it?" I whisper, staring at the device. This tiny thing is worth 500 Essence? But the system doesn’t lie. It hasn’t lied to me yet, anyway.

I pick up the device, feeling its weight, the smooth, cold metal against my skin. There’s a part of me that wants to know what it does, but the system stays silent, offering no explanation. Just the satisfaction of knowing I’ve completed the mission.

*Essence Level: 600/20,000. System upgrade available.*

The screen flashes in my mind, and I feel it—the rush, the surge of power that comes with every Essence gain. It’s intoxicating, like a hit of something pure and uncut, flooding my veins with a warmth that’s almost euphoric. I’ve never felt anything like it, this sudden, overwhelming sense of strength, of control. For a moment, I forget where I am, what I’m doing. All that matters is the power coursing through me, making me feel… invincible.

*System upgrade initiated.*

The screen flickers, and I brace myself, but instead of pain, there’s a strange, soothing sensation, like a gentle wave washing over me. The blue lights on the device in my hand blink in sync with the screen in my vision, and I feel a connection, a link forming between me and this thing, whatever it is.

*New ability unlocked: Perception Boost. Duration: 5 minutes.*

"What the hell…?" I breathe, staring at the device. The world around me sharpens, every detail coming into crystal-clear focus. I can see the fine layer of dust on the crates, hear the faint hum of electricity in the air, even feel the slight change in temperature as the device warms in my hand. It’s overwhelming, almost too much, but at the same time, it’s exhilarating.

I’m still reeling from the new sensations when a sound cuts through the silence—a faint creak, like a door opening somewhere in the warehouse. I freeze, every muscle tensing, but my mind is racing, calculating, analyzing. Whoever it is, they’re not close, not yet. I have time.

*Warning: Hostiles detected. Evacuate immediately.*

"Shit," I hiss, shoving the device back into the case and snapping it shut. My heart’s pounding again, the calm from before shattered by the cold reality of the situation. I’m not alone anymore, and whoever’s here isn’t going to be friendly.

I move quickly, retracing my steps, keeping low and quiet. My new perception ability is still active, every sound amplified, every shadow more defined. I can hear them now, the soft shuffle of feet on concrete, the low murmur of voices. They’re getting closer.

I reach the side door and slip out just as the voices get louder, almost frantic. I don’t wait to hear what they’re saying. I just run, the case clutched tightly in my hand, my breath coming in short, sharp bursts.

The Rolin system stays silent, letting me navigate the dark streets on my own. Maybe it knows I need this, the challenge, the thrill of escaping with something more valuable than just Essence. Or maybe it’s testing me, seeing if I’ve got what it takes to handle what’s coming next.

I don’t stop until I’m back at my place. I lock the door behind me and sit the case on the table like some forbidden treasure. My hands are shaking again, but this time it’s not from fear—it’s from the sheer adrenaline, the rush of having pulled it off.

*Essence Level: 600/20,000. Next mission: Pending.*

I stare at the screen, at the words that seem so simple, so benign. But they’re anything but. They’re a promise, a reminder that this is just the beginning. I’ve had a taste of what this system can do, and now I’m hungry for more.

But there’s something else, something deeper sitting at the back of my mind. What was that device? Why was it worth so much Essence? And who were those people in the warehouse? The system’s not giving me any answers, just the silent, steady pulse of anticipation.

I lean back in my chair, the cool air of the room doing little to calm the fire burning inside me. I should be worried, I should be scared of what this is turning me into. But I’m not. Not yet, anyway. All I can think about is the power, the potential. The next mission, and the one after that, each one pulling me deeper into this strange, twisted game.

And somewhere out there, someone’s watching. I don’t know who, or why, but I can feel it. Like a predator stationed just beyond the shadows, waiting for the right moment to strike.


In a darkened room, far from where Jamie sits, a figure leans back in his chair, a faint smile playing on his lips. The glow of multiple screens reflects in his eyes, each one displaying a different angle, a different part of the city.

But it’s the one in the center that holds his attention, the one showing Jamie’s face as he stared at the device, as he felt the power surging through him. The Broker watches, his fingers steepled under his chin, a calculating glint in his gaze.

"He’s progressing faster than I anticipated," The Broker murmurs, his voice barely a whisper in the stillness. "But that’s good. Very good."

He taps a few keys, pulling up more data, more information on his newest subject. The system is working perfectly, its design flawless. And Jamie… Jamie is proving to be the perfect candidate.

"But there’s still so much more to do," The Broker continues, his eyes narrowing as he considers the next move. "Let’s see how far you can go, Jamie. Let’s see if you can survive what’s coming."

He reaches for a small, sleek device on his desk, similar to the one Jamie retrieved, and presses a button. The screens flicker, the images shifting, changing. New targets, new missions, all lining up in a perfect sequence. All leading to the same inevitable conclusion.

The Broker smiles, a cold, calculated smile, as he leans back and watches the game unfold.

"Welcome to the real test, Jamie. Welcome to the next level."

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