The room was dark, with the only source of light being a dimly lit lamp.
In the room, a trio of rugged men seated anxiously at a desk. Across from them, a slender man dressed in blacks and grays and a crow-like mask covering his face's upper half. “We’ll ask one more time.” One of the three men barked. “Can we trust you to carry out this mission?” The shaded man relaxing in his seat with arms stretched behind his head chuckled. “For the last time, I’m sure I can help assist those already doomed by fate.” The men exchanged looks and begrudgingly handed the paper to the masked man. “We’ll see how you do within a month.” One of the men said, letting out a sigh. Carelessly skimming the paper, the man couldn’t help but think, how hard can this mission be? * The bell rang faintly to signal the start of lunch. The hallway, usually quiet with just whispers, and the faint sound of IV drips, was now filled with the loud chatter of a variety of different conversations buzzing around the cafeteria. Three children sat in a row at the left end of the cafeteria. One with her head down, focused on drawing, one smiling as he bit into one of his rare treats from his Auntie, and one staring out the window in a daze. Suddenly the girl's attention was grabbed by the boy, offering her a quarter of his sandwich. Just finishing her masterpiece, the other girl turned her head around, revealing a piece of crust in her mouth. “No, thank you.” The girl quickly turned her attention back to the window. “Come on!” The boy protested. “You haven’t eaten anything yet!” He cried. The girl keeping her attention on the window gave an uninterested nod. “By the way,” the other girl said, wiping away eraser shavings on her drawing. “Did you hear that there’s a new doctor in our unit?” The boy turned curiously. “Another one? Isn’t this the third already?” The girl gave a nod. “I heard it’s because they can’t take the job.” “The job?” The girl took her attention away from the window curiously. “Wow, how do you know all of this, 247?” The boy asked, intrigued. “Well,” the girl started just as a guard towered over them. “Lunch is over; get back to your rooms now.” She glared. The boy quickly handed the girl the rest of his sandwich and smiled up at the guard. “Thank you; I didn’t hear the bell!” “Go!” The guard barked. * Upon entering her room, the girl looked down at the sandwich, nervously glancing towards the door, then back at her sandwich. As she opened her mouth, she heard a knock and quickly stuffed the sandwich in her gown, panicked. However, she heard the door of the room next to hers open instead and sighed in relief. She suddenly remembered what 247 had said earlier about there being a new doctor in their unit as she took a bite. I hope he isn’t scared of us this time. She thought. * “Almost done…” The man looked at the boy, who had his eyes tightly shut as his blood was being drawn. “There we go.” The man tapped his arm to let him know it was over. “Usually, it hurts, but it didn’t hurt just now!” The boy opening his eyes smiled. “Ah.” The man gave a nodding smile as he labeled the tubes. “What’s your name?” The boy questioned as he swung his legs. “Hm?” The man looked up after pasting on the last label. “Your name?” The boy asked again, curiously. “Ah, my name.” The man smiled. “You can just call me Reaper, I guess.” The boy looked at him in confusion. “That’s your real name?” “Well,” the man began. “Sorry, Mr. Reaper, I hope that wasn’t rude.” The boy said quickly. “You’re fine.” The man chuckled. “Also…” The boy started again. “Why are you wearing that mask?” He questioned. “Oh, the mask,” the man frowned. “I like to think it looks cool, I guess.” He chuckled to himself. “Oh, ok!” The boy was satisfied with the answer. “I’ll be right back…I have to go test these.” The man picking up the tray of tubes began to walk towards the door. “Okay!” The boy said as he waved. * “Damn.” The man sighed, turning onto his back. “These beds are uncomfortable as hell.” He frowned at the ceiling. Suddenly, he thought about earlier that day with his assignment. He then let out a sigh. That kid isn’t going to make it. He rolled onto his side, closed his eyes, and drifted off to sleep. * “Oh! Good morning, Mr. Reaper!” The man turned around and met eyes with his assignment. “Ah.” The man smiled. “Morning, 245,” he said, turning away towards the employee’s table. “245!” A voice cried out. The boy turned face to face with his friend. “Oh, 247!” He smiled. “Is that him?” She asked, looking in The Reapers' direction. “Hm?” The boy cocked his head. He then realized that she meant their new doctor. “Oh, yeah, that’s him!” He smiled. “He said his name is Reaper!” He laughed. “Reaper-“ The girl was suddenly interrupted by a towering figure. “Sit down; this isn’t storytime!” The guard barked. The two quickly sped walked back to their table. “Where’s 246?” The boy looked up after chewing a spoonful of his cereal. “Maybe she’s getting blood work?” The girl shrugged. * “Do you think we’re stupid?” There was silence. “Hey, brat!” He angrily shouted. “Well,” he said with a frustrated sigh. “I hope that sandwich was tasty because, as punishment, we will be taking away your lunch hours,” he grinned. “That’ll teach you.” The man snarled as he walked out. The girl, too shocked to process the scolding or worry much for the punishment, just looked helplessly towards the window. * “Your boy is on the ‘to die’ list.” A co-worker said, turning to The Reaper. “The injections don’t seem to be doing much of anything; therefore, he has been deemed useless.” “Ah.” The Reaper responded while looking at the bulletin squinting. “Any ideas on how you’ll tell a child such a thing?” The man asked The Reaper, letting out a sigh. “This place pities not even the innocence of a child.” He continued. The Reaper turned his attention towards the man. “It sure is a shame,” he smiled quietly. “Man…” He whispered. “How could I break the news to such a puppy-eyed boy?” The man sighed. “Well, that would be up to you, I suppose.” “Yeah, but…“ The Reaper protested. “A killer questioning how to kill his prey?” The man chuckled as he walked away. The Reaper glared, then let out a long sigh. * “Wow, not even a flinch.” The Reaper chuckled. “I told you I’m not scared anymore, Mr. Reaper!” The boy smiled up at him. That warm smile. Those innocent eyes, so full of life. None of the assignments he’s ever had have involved the duty of having to kill a child. He had to let him know. He couldn’t let the boy go with no idea what was happening. “Have you-” the Reaper paused. “Hm?” The boy turned his attention towards the man. “Humans, we can’t live forever, you know.” The room suddenly filled with a dreadful silence. “I know.” The boy quietly answered. “Some deserve to live longer lives, and yet, inevitably, some die young, cruel deaths.” The Reaper said as he looked out the window. The boy gave a silent nod. “245,” The Reaper began. “I’ve been told I was too weak for my medicine.” The boy muttered quietly. “Am I-” he looked up at the Reaper, who still had his attention focused on the window. “Am I... dying?” The Reaper turned slowly to face the boy. “Sometimes, life just sucks.” He gave a try-hard smile. The boy nodded slowly. “Mr. Reaper?” “Hm?” “Can you be the one to kill me?” The room once more fell quiet. “Ah, I meant, please.” The boy gave a slight smile. The Reaper looked around the room for answers. A boy like this doesn’t deserve to die at the blood-stained hands of a cold, calculated killer such as himself. However, the boy had requested this. The boy needed some sort of closure that only he, The Reaper knew how to provide. The man smiled softly as he weakly walked towards the drawer containing the needle. This boy doesn’t deserve to die. He told himself repeatedly in his head like a broken record. He flicked the needle a couple of times. The Reaper studied himself in the mirror for a moment. The last thing the boy deserved to see was a crow dirtied by the sins he’s carried wearing that mask. He gently placed the needle down as he began to remove his mask. The Reaper looked at himself once more and gave himself a slight nod of reassurance as he gently picked the needle back up. The boy facing the door of the room next to him turned back around. “Oh!” He said, amazed. “You took your mask off!” He laughed. The man couldn’t help but stare for a good second as this boy laughed in the presence of death. A death they both knew he didn’t deserve. “It was getting in the way.” The Reaper chuckled. “By the way,” the boy began quietly. “Mr. Reaper, can you keep a promise?” The Reaper once more became stunned by the boy and his pure innocence. A promise? He thought. “Well, they certainly shouldn’t be taken lightly.” “But, can you keep one?” The boy repeated himself. The Reaper hesitantly opened his mouth. “Well, it really depends-” “There’s a girl next door.” The boy pointed towards the door he’d been facing. “Her name,” he paused. “Her name is 246.” The boy looked up to make sure the Reaper was still following along. “246.” The Reaper repeated back. “She’s very quiet; nobody, not even the doctors, know about her past.” He paused. “She’s my best friend,” he said as he began to tear up. The Reaper quickly grabbed a tissue and began dabbing the boy’s face, almost instinctively. “Can you...will you protect her?” The Reaper met eyes with the boy. The boy staring hopefully into the eyes of death. The Reaper reached for the needle. He gave a smile and raised his pinky towards the boy. “I promise.” He smiled as he injected the needle into the boy’s arm. He laid the limp boy softly down onto the table, resting his arm. You didn’t even flinch. The Reaper thought to himself as tears streamed down his face.Related Chapters
246: A Killer's Promise Escape
“245?” There was a knock. The Reaper froze for a second. Then he realized the knock was coming from the room next door. That must be 246. The man thought to himself as he opened the door. The man looked down, met with the big eyes of a tiny girl. “246, huh?” The girl jumped a bit at the sound of her name. “Y-yes...” she whispered. “It’s a pleasure to meet you finally.” He smiled. “If you’d like, you can call me Rick.” “Rick...” The girl repeated back. “Yep!” The man smiled once more. The girl gave a slight nod as she held her hands to her chest. “Why don’t we have a seat?” Before she could respond, Rick lifted her and placed her carefully on top of the table. “There we go.” He then noticed the girl looking down steadily. “Not the type of striking up a conversation, huh?” He chuckled. She kept looking down. “Well,” Rick began. “Why d
246: A Killer's Promise Flowers
The car came to a jolting stop. “Huh?” Rick lifted his head lethargically. “This is as far as I’ll go.” The taxi driver said. “Alright,” Rick muttered, rubbing his eyes. “How much?” “A hundred and twenty.” “Christ…” Rick looked down at the girl who, to his surprise, was still awake. “Give me a sec.” Rick began feeling his pockets for his wallet. “Eh…?” Rick kept feeling his pockets anxiously. “Don’t tell me…”The driver mumbled. The girl suddenly tapped him. “Huh?” He glanced down. “Your wallet fell out when you gave me the Band-Aids.” She informed him. There was a sigh of relief from both men. “Thanks a lot,” Rick said, begrudgingly handing over a hundred and twenty. “By the way,” the driver began. “There aren’t any hotels within this town, but the people are pretty easygoing!” He laughed. “Hey!” Rick cried out. “W-wait…!” Ho
246: A Killer's Promise Maru
It had been a few nights since Rick begrudgingly agreed to house him and the girl in Sena’s Flowers. It was a small space, which was fine since it was just the two of them. The girl had been strong in her pleas to claim the bedroom; however, Rick wasn’t having it. “The couch is plenty big for you.” He would tell her. She would pout, yet it was all in vain. After numerous failed attempts, she gave up. One night, the two were having dinner that Sena had brought over from the local cafe. As Sena was setting the table, she pulled Rick to the side. “Hey,” she began. “Yes?” Rick looked at her. “Does she really not have a name?” Rick glanced at the girl and back to Sena. “Not really…” He mumbled. 245’s words proved to be true. The girl’s papers ended up not having much information on her background, thus no name. “Aren’t you tired of calling her ‘kid,’ though?” Sena questioned. “Listen-”
246: A Killer's Promise Metamorphosis
A few days later, there was a knock at the door. “Come in.” Rick tilted his head towards the door. Nothing. “Oi, Sena, I said come in!” He spoke up louder. However, the door opened to Rick’s surprise. It wasn’t Sena; rather, it was another lady. This lady was tall with broad shoulders. Dressed in a white blouse, with a long blue skirt. She had long red hair tied in a messy bun resembling a ponytail. Rick stared for a solid second. His vision wasn’t the best; in fact, he probably needed glasses soon, but this was not his landlady. “Um…“ The lady looked around. “Don’t mind me, I guess. I’m just here to get a few more of my things...” She mumbled as she walked over to the kitchen. Rick was floored. Was she in the right home? Was she an intruder? Would she pounce any second? Then it hit him. Before he and Maru moved in, Sena had mentioned a friend who had previously lived in their home. “Are you-” He
246: A Killer's Promise Rainbow
A few days passed since the sign on Sena’s Flowers' door read ‘closed.’ Sena hadn’t responded to Rick’s texts either. Rick put down the phone and sighed. “Yeesh, what a disappointing day.” He turned to Maru, who was staring out the window. “Mm.” She responded, not taking her glance off the window. “What’s wrong, kiddo?” Rick walked over to the couch and sat down next to her. “I wanted to go to the park today.” She pouted. “Don’t worry,” Rick began. “There’ll be several other opportunities to go to the park, just not today.” He smiled, twirling her hair between his fingers. “Mm...” Maru nodded, still pouting. “Ah, wait,” Rick began. Maru turned her head towards him in confusion. “I just remembered I need to get groceries.” He clicked his tongue in annoyance. “Do you want anything while I’m gone?” Rick questioned, turning his head to Maru. “Hmm…” Maru bit her lip while in thought.
246: A Killer's Promise Manhunt
“Thank you again, Rick." Abbey smiled as she stepped foot into her home. "No need to thank me, just tell Sena I said hi." He smiled. "Goodnight." She said, shutting the door. * "Hey, kiddo, I'm home!" Rick called up as he was walking up the steps. Maru quickly rushed over to greet him at the door. "What took you so long?" She huffed. Rick laughed and then realized he hadn't gotten the groceries. "Uh," Rick began as he scratched his head. "I forgot." He chuckled. Maru looked at him, confused. "You forgot?" She questioned. Rick sighed. "It stopped raining; if you want to come, we can go now." Maru's eyes twinkled. She grabbed his arm, not realizing her own strength, as she pulled him down the steps. "Wait!" Rick cried. "You need a coat!" He exclaimed. * "Ready now?" Rick asked, fixing her coat. "Mm!" Maru smiled excitedly. "Can
246: A Killer's Promise Chance Encounter
“Rick Summers,” the man brushed by a few of the men. “I’ve been dying to meet you.” He grinned. “I get that a lot.” Rick chuckled nervously. The man laughed. “And he has a good sense of humor.” The man then towered over Maru. “I’m afraid you can’t joke your way out of this one, however.” Rick grinned. “Bet?” The man laughed once more. “You’re quite amusing; it’s a shame I was sent to do this.” Rick looked around cautiously as he tightened his grip on Maru. “Hand her over.” The man demanded. Rick laughed. He just kept laughing. The man looked shocked. “Oi Oi, what’s so funny about what I said?” He asked cautiously. “It’s just not my style to fight in front of a kid, you know?” Rick chuckled. The man smirked. “Well, who said you had to fight?” He asked. “Just hand her over.” Rick knew he was at a disadvantage. The man could easily orde
246: A Killer's Promise Atonement
About a week had passed since the incident; however, Maru had seemingly moved on from it.While Maru quickly moved on, Rick had his concerns.What if the man’s call for the retreat was a hoax of some sort? What if he reported back, arranged something else, or had bigger plans?He couldn’t be sure.*“Rick?” There was a knock at the door.“It’s open, Sena,” Rick answered.The door opened to reveal Sena with a man behind her. Rick's eyes widened as his heart began to race.It was the man who led the rest of the men during the attempted kidnapping.“What are you-” Rick stammered.“Is something wrong?” Sena asked, looking at him in confusion.“Sena-” Rick began.“Can I talk to you?”Sena looked at the man then back to Rick.“Yes, of course."Rick pulled her to the kitchen.“Wh
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Bonus Story 8 - Final Confession
Mikael stared blankly for a moment at Larkin's open palm. "If we dance, will you explain what is going on?" "Of course." Larkin smiled. Mikael blushed as he took Larkin's hand into his own. * As they stepped onto the dance floor, a soft classical melody filled the room. The two proceeded to dance. Suddenly, both men's appearances changed. The two looked as they did back in their days as members of The Organization. "You look..." Mikael began, his eyes twinkling. Just as they spun, he noticed his physical changes in a reflection as well. "So," Larkin cleared his throat. "I'm sure you have a lot of questions..." He chuckled. "Yes, well, will you answer them, or will you proceed to dodge them?" "Ouch!" Larkin let out a hardy laugh. "I suppose I deserved that, huh?" "Mm." Mikael nodded unenthusiastically. "First," Mikael paused. "Am I dead?" Lar
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Sitting under the shade of some trees in the Ocleau Forest were the spirits of Larkin Olsen and Cole Hoffman."Say, Mr. Larkin...?" Cole began looking up at the man."I've wanted to ask this for a while now...""Huh?" Larkin replied, seemingly uninterested."Why did you kill people...?" He frowned.Larkin quickly turned to the boy."W-why...?" He stammered."Mm!" Cole nodded."Well, it's a long story..." Larkin mumbled."Tell, tell!" Cole chanted."W-what no...!" Larkin cried."Why not!?" Cole cried, sticking his tongue out at the man."For starters..." Larkin began, standing up."It's not a tale I like to tell, especially to a child." He frowned."Lame!" Cole pouted."I bet you've told Janine and Mim, though!""Perhaps, but is that any of your business?" Larkin glared."Uh-huh, it is!" Cole whined."How so!?" Larkin barked."Because I'm a part of this
Bonus Story 6 - True Strength
As Kari and Tammy arrived at the park the next day, a whistle blew.“You two are late!” A voice exclaimed.“Eh!?” Tammy cried.“You said to get here by nine, and we did just that!” She frowned.“Yeah, I even got up earlier than usual…” Kari muttered, wiping her eye.“Well, you were two minutes late!” Rick exclaimed, trying to hide a smirk.“Anyways, welcome to Mr. Summers’ training camp, girls!” He beamed.Maru tugged on Rick’s shirt.“Rick, I don’t have to do this, right…?” She whimpered.“Of course not, silly!” He laughed.“Just sit back and relax,” he assured, petting her head.“Now then!” Rick blew the whistle.“Ten jumping jacks, go!” He instructed.“That’s not so bad…!” Tammy giggled, as the two did th
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“When we were planning to break into your hideout, I remember the others saying how I should be the one to watch Maru because, well…” She smiled sadly.“I’m not the strongest or most reliable, I guess…” She whispered.“Then when the others were fighting off enemies, all I could do was dodge them…” She bit her lip.“Those moments haunt me…” She whispered.“Big sis…” Kari whimpered.“I guess what I’m trying to say is…”“I can relate to you wanting to become stronger because I want the same!” Tammy exclaimed.Kari stared in awe, then gave a hard nod.“I wonder how we can become any stronger…?” Tammy questioned aloud.Just as she said that, Rick walked by with Maru.“R-Rick!” Tammy cried.Rick and Maru quickly turned around.“Oh!&rd
Bonus Story 6 - Not Strong Enough
As Kari lay wide awake in bed, she could not help but get lost in deep thought.Tears welled in her eyes.I wasn’t strong enough to protect papa, big sis Janine, or big brother Mim… And now they’re all gone… She thought to herself as tears trickled down her cheeks.“I want to become stronger…” She whimpered, as she closed her eyes.*“Kari?” A voice called out.“Yo Kars, Tammy’s here, you ready?” Another voice questioned.“Ah!” Kari exclaimed, rolling out of bed.“I must’ve overslept!” She cried as she began rushing to get ready.“Honestly…” Abbey sighed as Kari came barreling out of her bedroom.“Leave her be Abbey, she’s still growing.” Sena giggled.“I guess…” Abbey mumbled.“More importantly,” Sena began.&ldqu