Master was back now, he came back too soon, will he be okay? he was now getting dressed for an event, the rest of us were dressed in all black, jeans, boots and a leather jacket while he was dressed in black boots, black baggy jeans with a turtle neck sweater.

He drove his car alone, while the rest of us had two to one car, we followed behind him for close to an hour, we all agreed never to bring up the girl again.

As for that woman, she's just in the dungeon with the silver burning her skin as he heals constantly.

We reached a large building with tight security, the building looked like a parking lot for cars. Master had brought out a card? it looked red and the security checked it for a while before asking him something and looking our way.

He nodded and told the others to let down the barricades, and we drove in,

'Follow me closely'

Master said in the mind link.

Over the next few minutes we drove in circles till he looked as if he was driving at a wall, I horned, but he kept go
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