Behind 2

[[ There are many things in this world that surrounded by mystery ]]

The next day, A bunch of people come to Dr. levin's clinic. 

Dr. Levin : Hello there, how can i help you sir?

One of the guy : Hello doctor my name is Alex and I'm the leader of the 8th division of talent holders.  

Dr. Levin : nice to meet you Alex, I'm Dr. Levin. The director of this clinic. 

Alex : So doctor what kind of health checkup is this. if it's something major why don't they send us to some other big hospital? 

Dr. Levin : Ohh it's just a routine check up for every new hunter in the ministry of talent's. And I'm one of best doctor in the entire city of Adrot. 

Alex : Doctor please don't misunderstood us. some guys In my battalion is afraid. so as a leader i want ensure them that there's nothing to afraid. 

when Alex said that Dr. Levin was laughing on his mind and excited on the thought of how will he torture his new lab rats. 

Dr . Levin : Hey guy's come this way.

They followed Dr. Levin just like how chicks follows their mother when they entered a hall Dr. Levin suggested to them have a drink. When they asked why he said it's because maybe the checkup will last for a while meanwhile they can't drink anything. When he said they agreed to drink the drink it's fruits Shake.

After a few moments later one by one all of them fallen asleep. 

A few hours later Alex woke up and he noticed that he's been tied up to a table. 

Dr. Levin ; Ohh Alex you woke up well it's pretty bad for you because when you woke up from sleep this health checkup gonna hurt a lot but i personally prefer that pain a little bit. 

Alex : wh... what the hell are talking about what did you do to me ? what did you do to my comrades? If anything happens to them i won't forgive you. 

Dr. Levin : oh please ..... I'm sacred.... Don't do anything to me, Did you think I'll piss on my pants and shake in fear? You're wrong I'm the one who decided your life now. 

Dr. Levin slapped Alex's face so hard two of Alex's teeth came off. 

And then he pointed at corner and asked him. 

Dr. Levin : hey Alex i know it's hurts when your teeth came off but can you say what's in the corner? 

Alex looked at where Levin pointed his finger he can't clearly see what's that but there's some kind of liquid and other things he didn't understand first what's that but suddenly he realised and tears flowed through his eyes and he said. 

Alex : Don't tell me that's.... that's 

Dr. Levin : ding...ding...ding wow you clearly understood what's that, yup what you're thinking right now is right that's the remains of your comrades after my experiments.

Alex : no...why did you do this what did us do wrong.  

Dr. Levin : Oh that's right you have done nothing wrong, it's just that our god's want some sacrifices but luckily your group entirely consists of orphans so we can do whatever we want to with you guy's, You're just our plaything.

But you can rest assured you're the only one in your little group of orphans playing hunters blood matches with my new creation known as chimera so you can live through him. 

After he said that he cuts off Alex's four limbs one by one Alex is half dead he lost a lot of blood at this point he can't feel anything due to the constant pain and crying. 

after a few hours more likely 17 hours later Levin connected Alex's body onto the chimera at that time jerno came and asked about his progress with chimera and Levin said  

Jerno : hello Mister Levin what is the progress of your chimera project?

Dr. Levin : well it's almost complete more like the first chimera is almost complete

Jerno : what did you mean by almost complete ?

Dr. Levin : we need a mesmer so we can use his talent to hypnotize this chimera so it'll not turn against us and where the hell is Lerion without him we can't make Armor to the chimera. 

Jerno : i don't know about Lerion he's most likely fooling around but we do have a talented mesmer I'll try to talk with her

Dr. Levin : what's her name? 

Jerno : iena, she's a singer in great lemin hotel and a loyal follower of our god  

Dr. Levin : How is that kid with 3 talent's 

Jerno : he's doing great he will become a great asset to our god and 2 of his talent already awakened. 

Dr. Levin : wow that's a good sign 

they continued to talk their future plans and the time is already past 1:00 am. 

At the same time ryu, sam and June are sound asleep. 

ryu is dreaming.

Ryu : where am I, why is all here is white am i dreaming? yup most likely I'm dreaming 

he continued to walk through the endless white light and suddenly he stopped there's some one sitting on a chair who's that ?

Ryu : hey who are you? i don't know you but why are you in my dream?

That mysterious figure didn't talk anything he didn't make not even a small sound. 

Ryu : are you zhron? you're zhron right....! it's been a a while we met right well i didn't actually met you in real but this is surprising. I thinked that you're faded away from this world, Hey why don't you speak anything zhron ? 

That mysterious figure shaked his head and ryu know what that means. he's not zhron ryu is prepared to attack, suddenly the black fog covered that mysterious figure slowly faded away under that is a boy he's around 14-15 with white colour hair and cyan eyes his cloths are also white he has white coloured Tshirt and light white pants and there's also 2 necklace on his body. That boy didn't speak anything and take a simple step at that moment ryu feel like that the entire place is collapsing. 

Ryu let out his blood lust and said this is my dream a place and things I created you're just a fraction of my imagination and how dare you try to scare me, With this said ryu makes a few thousand swords and attacked that mysterious boy but none of them actually didn't even get near him as soon as they launched from ryu that barrage of weapons self destroys when ryu saw that he can't contain his anger he is humiliated by a child younger than him how dare he humilate that's what ryu thought and his blood lust become even more powerful and his hate is also mixing in with his blood lust ryu quickly approaches that figure at that moment ryu is frozen on mid air he can't see anything or hear anything he's in a new place it's bull darkness suddenly he regained his hearing and sight but even now he can't move his body but he Clearly saw that boy more likely he's in the Palm of that kid for him ryu's existence is lower than a ant that boy spoke directly to ryu's mind I'LL COME BACK that's what that boy said to ryu's mind it's just few words but it contains the power of destroying the entire dream world and push ryu to his consciousness that sudden push woke up ryu and he's sweating. Ryu swear that he'll beat that kid and pay back for the humiliation. 

At the same time a cat is playing with June and sam rushed towards ryu's room.

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