Chapter 8- New CEO

The next morning, the sun rose over King's Empire, casting a golden hue across the expansive land. Victor's sleek black SUV rolled through the gates, heading towards the grand white mansion nestled amidst the greenery. Marianne sat beside him, her excitement barely contained.

"Isn't it magnificent?" she said, gazing out at the vast acre of land, known for its rich gold mines. "I can't believe this will all be ours."

Victor smiled, his grip on the steering wheel firm. "It's been a long time coming, but today, it's finally happening."

As they approached the mansion, workers in the fields paused to wave at the passing car. Marianne waved back, her mind already racing with plans for their future. "Victor, I was thinking we could host a huge celebration here. Invite everyone important. Show them what we have."

Victor nodded. "Of course. This place deserves to be shown off."

The SUV came to a stop in front of the mansion, and a valet hurried over to open the doors. Marianne stepped out first, her heels clicking on the marble steps as she took in the sight of the mansion up close.

Inside, the mansion was a flurry of activity. Executives and board members were gathered in the main hall, ready for the announcement. Victor and Marianne were ushered into the grand room, where an old man stood at the front, waiting to speak.

Victor took a seat, noticing his brothers and several key family members around the room. The anticipation was thick in the air. This was his moment. He glanced around, seeing familiar faces that nodded at him, acknowledging his impending ascension. He couldn't hide his smile. The position of CEO rotated within the family, and it was his turn.

The old man, Mr. Harrington, began his opening speech. "Welcome, everyone. Today is a special day for King's Empire. As you all know, our tradition is to pass the leadership to a deserving family member."

Victor straightened in his seat, feeling the weight of responsibility and the pride of leading the family business settling on his shoulders. Finally, the moment he had worked for, sacrificed for, was here. He could already envision himself steering the company towards greater heights, cementing his legacy.

Mr. Harrington continued, "After much deliberation, we've decided it's time to announce the new leader of King's Empire."

Victor leaned forward, his heart pounding. This was it. All his efforts, the late nights, the strategic plans—everything led up to this. He felt a rush of adrenaline, mixed with a sense of vindication. Marianne squeezed his hand, her eyes shining with pride.

"Please welcome," the old man said, "our new CEO."

The doors at the back of the room swung open, and a hush fell over the crowd. Victor's smile froze, his breath catching in his throat. Stephen walked in, whistling softly, his hands in his pockets. The room was stunned into silence.

Stephen stopped before everyone, the silence lingering until he spoke. "I'm sorry for being late."

Marianne sneered. "What is this worthless, cheap trash doing here?"

Stephen chuckled, unfazed. "Is that any way to welcome your husband—or should I say ex-husband?"

Marianne laughed mockingly. "Husband? You were never a husband. You were a poor joke."

Victor frowned, his face twisted in anger. "Who allowed this beggar inside? You're ruining the event!"

The old man tried to calm him down. "Victor, please—"

But Victor cut him off. "No! I want the guards to throw this trash out of here."

Stephen stood his ground, his calm demeanor unshaken. "I think you'll want to hear what I have to say."

Victor's face reddened with rage. "I can't listen to a lowlife like you. Guards!"

The guards rushed in, but they just stood still. Victor grunted in frustration. "I'll do it myself!" He stormed over and grabbed Stephen by the collar.

Suddenly, the old man, the family head, yelled out, "Victor, stop this drama right away!"

Victor tried to speak, but the old man cut him off. "You shouldn't treat Stephen like this. Show him respect because he's the new CEO of King's Empire."

The room fell silent again. Victor released his grip on Stephen, stepping back in shock. "What? This can't be true!"

Marianne tried to interject, her voice trembling with confusion. "Victor, I don't understand what's happening here..."

But Victor's anger flared, cutting her off sharply. "Keep your mouth shut, you bitch!"

He turned back to Stephen, his eyes blazing with fury. "I know you must have done this with the help of something, and I'll find out what it is. I'll enjoy watching you fall."

Stephen's smile widened, a glint of mischief in his eyes. "At least I'll keep you busy, Victor. Maybe you'll be too distracted to notice what I'm doing, like exhuming your father's corpse from the garden here."

“Don't you dare touch my father!” Victor's rage boiled over. With a roar, he swung his fist at Stephen, connecting with his cheek.

The old man's voice thundered through the room. "How dare you lay a hand on the Head of the Empire!"

He pointed at Victor. "You're fired!"

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