chapter 4- A NEW IDENTITY

Stephen's phone emitted a soft chime, signaling another notification from the enigmatic app. The screen came alive with text and a floating hologram.


**5G System Activation Complete**

Welcome, Stephen.

**Host Information:**

- Name: Stephen

- Surname: King

- Status: PecuniaZero

- Points: 0.5%

**Current Mission:**

- Objective: Disgrace In-Laws at Inauguration Event

- Deadline: Tomorrow

- Reward: Points Increase + Monetary Compensation

- Failure Consequence: Termination of Host


1. Attend the inauguration event.

2. Execute the plan discreetly.

3. Avoid detection.

**System Note:**

- Maintain composure.

- Utilize newfound resources strategically.

- Remember, the system is monitoring progress.


- Thumbprint: Verified

- Facial Recognition: Verified

- Account Balance: $500,000,000.05

**Next Steps:**

- Await further instructions via this system.

- Prepare for the mission.

- Good luck, Stephen.


The hologram displayed a detailed breakdown of Stephen's current status and the mission ahead. For now he needed a place to sleep and he knows exactly where he needs to go .


Stephen stood before the grand entrance of the 5-star hotel, his heart still racing from the shock of his newfound wealth. The gleaming doors and polished facade were a stark contrast to his disheveled appearance. As he reached for the door, a stern voice stopped him in his tracks.

“Excuse me, sir,” the guard said, eyeing Stephen’s stained clothes with evident suspicion. “This establishment doesn’t welcome… well, people in your… condition.”

Stephen’s brow furrowed in frustration. “I’m not what you think,” he insisted. “I’m here to stay, not to beg.”

The guard’s eyes narrowed, unimpressed. “Look at yourself. This place is for the affluent, those who arrive in luxury, not on foot in tattered rags.”

A bouncer, overhearing the exchange, joined in with a mocking laugh. “He’s right. You should find a street corner that suits you better.”

Stephen clenched his fists, feeling the sting of their words. He took a deep breath, trying to calm the storm within. “I assure you, I can pay. I have more than enough,” he said, his voice steady despite the turmoil inside.

The guard and the bouncer exchanged skeptical glances before the guard spoke again, his tone slightly softer. “If you can prove it, then maybe we can talk. Otherwise, I suggest you leave.”

The manager, a tall man with a stern expression, approached the commotion. "What's all this about?" he inquired, his gaze shifting from the guard to the bouncer and finally resting on Stephen, who stood with his two bags, looking out of place.

"It's this beggar, sir," the guard said with a sneer. "Claims he wants to lodge here."

The bouncer snickered, but the manager's sharp look quickly silenced him. Turning to Stephen, the manager asked, "And what is it that you want?"

Stephen met the manager's gaze, his voice calm and confident. "I'd like your most expensive room, please. For twenty days."

The guard and bouncer erupted into laughter, but the manager remained unamused. "Do you have any idea how much that costs? $10 million for a single day."

Stephen's smile didn't waver. "Yes, I'm aware. And I assure you, the cost is not an issue."

The manager eyed him skeptically. "Very well. If you can pay, we'll need to see the money upfront."

Without hesitation, Stephen handed over his ATM card. The manager inserted it into a portable machine, selected a twenty-day stay, and swiped the card. The machine beeped, and the word "Successful" flashed on the screen.

The guard and bouncer's laughter died in their throats, replaced by gaping mouths and wide eyes. The manager handed the card back to Stephen with a respectful nod. "Welcome to our hotel, Mr. King. Your suite is ready for you.”

Stephen stood, his gaze steady as he watched the guard and bouncer shrink under the weight of their shame. "I accept your apologies," he said, his voice firm yet devoid of malice. "But let this be a lesson. Not everyone who walks through those doors can be judged by their cover. Some of us have stories that are more than what the eye can see."

The guard nodded, his head bowed, "We were wrong, sir. It won't happen again."

"And you," Stephen turned to the bouncer, "remember that wealth is not just in the pocket, but in the heart. Mocking those less fortunate doesn't make you richer; it only shows how poor you really are."

The bouncer swallowed hard, his earlier bravado gone. "I... I'm sorry, sir. You're right."

Stephen's eyes softened slightly. "I could demand your jobs for this, but I won't. That's not the kind of wealth I want to wield. Instead, I hope you'll think twice before judging another."

The manager stepped forward, his face a mix of regret and respect. "Mr. King, on behalf of the hotel and my staff, I offer our sincerest apologies. This isn't the standard we uphold."

He turned to the bouncer, his voice stern. "Take Mr. King's bags to his suite. And you two," he glanced at the guard and bouncer, "my office, after your shift."

Stephen walked through the now-welcoming doors, he left behind a silent between the bouncer and the guard who were looking at each other with guilts .

The manager led Stephen to the elevator, pressing the button for the top floor. "Your suite is one of our finest," he said, the doors closing with a soft whoosh. "It has everything you might need—state-of-the-art technology, a private gym, and a pool that overlooks the city."

Stephen nodded, his mind already racing with plans for tomorrow.

As they reached the last floor, the doors opened to reveal a corridor with walls adorned with art. The manager guided Stephen to the end, where double doors awaited. "Here we are," he announced, pushing the doors open.

The suite was vast, the decor a blend of modern luxury and comfort. The pool, shimmering under the skylight, seemed to invite Stephen in. "If you need anything, just call the front desk," the manager said, handing Stephen a sleek remote. "We're at your service, day or night."

"Thank you," Stephen replied, his eyes scanning the room, taking in every detail.

The manager left, the bouncer trailing behind him, the sound of their footsteps fading away. Stephen walked to the balcony, the city sprawling before him. He leaned on the railing, his thoughts drifting to Marianna's parents. They wouldn't know what hit them. Tomorrow was a day of reckoning, and Stephen was ready.

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