
Immediately the MC announced the party was over. Valerisa left for the mansion, she was already tired and restless cause of the witch she saw earlier. She hadn't thought she'd meet her here, ever since she left she hadn't returned cause the house reminds her of her mother. That was the reason why she chose to school in Culcata rather than here in Cali.

.Valerisa got to the sitting room and met Nanny and Alicia chatting excitedly. They stopped and exchanged looks when they saw her.

.Valerisa thanked her and headed to her room to have a cigarette while awaiting the call for dinner. She needed something to take her mind off her worries. She took to smoking and drinking in her 1st year in uni when her friends noticed her grief and coaxed her into it.

.Half an hour later, she heard a knock on the door, she hurriedly emptied the cigar into the ash tray and hid it in the bathroom. It might be Dad. Who knows? She opened the door and gave sigh of relief when she saw Alicia.

.Valerisa gave her
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