You Betrayed Your Boss?

Wayne stepped into the BrisWell Corps, right beside Cayenne and Mark.

"You've taken care of the secretary?" He asked Cayenne.

"Of course. Drugged her food last night, so she won't be here so early." She gave him a nod.

They made their way to the 5th floor, making sure to walk farther apart to avoid suspicions.

Cayenne led them to the office and they knocked before walking in.

The secretary's seat was empty.

"You can stay here, Wayne turned to face them. I don't trust that man, so come in when I give the word." He nodded at them before making his way to the main office.

Wayne knocked lightly and heard the gruff voice. "Come in."

"How many times have I warned you to stop being late, Madeline?" The man asked without raising his eye.

"Bitch! Do you love your life that-"

"Excuse me, Mr Smith." Wayne cut him off abruptly and the man's jaw fell open.

"Oh. I'm so sorry!" He jumped from his seat to shake hands with him. "Nice to meet you, Mr Costa." Smith's smile was as wide as two women's.

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