A Cunning Brain

Misty had a slight relief,even Primrose didn't tell her what she asked , she still sent her and the chief editor the continuation of the journal about Ashby figure .

* I can see that. Moreover while Ash narrowed his eyes down, there's a mindful rage there . Gently he blew the cigar smoke ," But now they did t8 colonialization in to means . Vulgar and neat . Systematically.

" This is very different from small-time bandits whose operations are breaking into other people's houses through roof ,windows, warehouses or the back, right?" Ash shook his head and tapped his forehead went on , 'With this' he said as he stepped on his boots rather loudly, maybe he was afraid I would be scared if he did it harder even though I knew he wanted to.

'' With a cunning and military brain? I asked.

He shook his head, " With cunning brain and humiliation" he said .His clear ,sharp and romantic eyes looked up at the ceiling.How l wished to hug him ! Sometimes the man seems desperate like a kid when he
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