Eagle ' s Eyes

Aurora made a gesture to Gyland to push her again in her swing .Gyland pushed her and furrowed his brows hearing her asking about the words of Napoleon.He must remember well those words again .Words of successful famous figures usually concise and beautiful.

" Listen .This is graceful : lf you build an army of 100 lions and their leader is a dog ,ln any fight the lions will die like a dog .But if you build an army of 100 dogs and the leader is a lion,all dogs will fight like a lion"

" Leadership.. that's the word which

weak and foolish leaders do not know the meaning "

" How to gain power of great people to be cooperative like a great orchestra "

" But good leader can amaze the world by elevating their people to their best..l mean by putting them selves as reminder to the people 's rights ,don't you think ?"

" Well l can not agree more ! Hey .. Nerd ! Look at the reversed shadows on water.. objects turn look different and nicer..maybe it can applied to what you just asked abo
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