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A Comrade The Job. Seekers
Getting a job always be the tiring and most important issue in a life of family in poor area . Marketing is the one that some business can do at the bitterest way . ...selling product door to door .It seems a terrible job .But its like drinking goat urine at the desert after days dehydrated.Means they still will try it even .. .Poor poor people.Some business use the job seekers by various ways . Multilevel marketing is one of them , where they must buy some products then resell it.Consument or producer or marketer ? Seems all in one . Hivana was one of the mentioned.She arrived at a place where she had to buy things then she should sell something else ! It's ridiculous.She was trapped a few times. The results was , no job neither money she got , on the contrary, she spent money , doing some work without getting any paid . The payment was promise . Percentage. But it's not even a cent pay .In hard life to survive ,wild idea in any way can come .From a thought to be prostitut
A Comrade Alvano
I'm bored with myself! I want to die ! " he shouted while crying and closed the door with a slam.ln that dark stuffy room he threw himself onto a bed full of bedbugs.There was a deep voice speaking to him. A voice only he could hear. No one could. The old bookcase in the middle of the room rattled before the sound filled his ear cavities."When you are bored with yourself you can fly anywhere. Be a cleric, criminal, being desperate person or do nothing.""Should I let myself give up and become an eternal loser? Even in one last breath that I took unconsciously but slowly reached the death?""Then he heard nothing.He tried to hear something from the rattling bookcase .Nomore now ..." Alvano !" A woman ' s voice called him loudly .Ohs ! Was he dreaming ? He rubbed his eyes and shortly washed his face by the tap water .It's fresh now then he opened the door to meet her ._Dear Sir,I am Primrose the daughter of your old staff Basque, I hope you still remember even I know you have q
A Comrade Primrose
She can't take her eyes of the man .Ah ! Each time it happens ,she forget the fact that ugly things are everywhere in the world.There are violence, crimes, injustice,hunger , betrayal..and so so .His eyes are sea_ blue ,manly ,shady ,strong mouth curve and chin ! Gosh..look impresses a lot ! She drops her eyes to stop the temptation.But she can't stand it. It's perhaps instinctive ..well ..This time she feels she gonna fainted when that man also looks at her through the edge of the napkin that the waiter set for him. The way he look at her is sharp and intense.Then a faint smile curves in his mouth .She pretends to be normal.Just smiles back and nods politely.Then brusquely moves to the corner where an old lady needs help to get her falling spectacles.When the waiter passes her , she murmurs," Do you know the person with the white stripe grey shirt ,wearing a metal necklace revealing one third of his manly hairy chest ?"The waiter search with his eyes ." Him ?"." Yes " .Th
A Comrade Ashby
Alvano looked at the name list .There were too many of them for him to remember.None impressed him except Ashby.He was the person ! With a smirk on his face ,he tried to think about the man as much as he could.A wealthy family.Educated .Good looking .Lobelia .Allright ..that girl !He remembered a room for optional classes.That kinda smile and deep voice must his key to the girl's hearts..! That sincere , sweet and half smile was that unique.Enough to steal any female dreams, maybe even Mrs Simmer? Mmh ..this would be a danger ..but ..well .. what is life ,if everything is just allright! Well ok ..it's a game to play !___Time to kill for Ashby at his room with lots of old books which he loves , some hadn't been read .It's mixed with new ones that he bought from the small shops which in rows along the streets sides.Someone wrote him a letter.He put the piece among the old book pages .Not really a letter .But sort of unloading the feeling." Waking up in the morning.You there.My Ashb
A Comrade Rayland
Rayland opened the paper till it covered half of his body then browsing all over the news on it .Is it true that people prefer bad and nasty news rather than the opposite? Lobelia was still at the time of meditation ,he should wait a bit more before he got much time to kill in chatting with her .His eyes looked from one column to another.War news , technology development and so so . He wondered,What is left for the powerless and poor people ..If the power and the rich got a machine to swallow the land and anything inside ..? Welfare and fund are such nice words ..But look at the kids in wars ..When they say it to anyone who try to give a help...even a little help only !Can we embrace the tiny ones from bombing which cracked their home and school ?Can we wipe their tears and touch their endless sadness of loss and deep wound they feel ?Great Peace be upon you..ThanksYes , you're right see the morning sun? Get away from the stressful news which ambush everyone room by the
A Comrade The Stick Wand
The boy walked along the straight and flat train road. He wouldn't get lost as the railways are straight and flat so he could walk along the lines from one station to the next and the next till at last it took him to the next station till getting to the end.lt will get him to other areas ,city or town . What an adventure! On his way of the daydream trip ,he saw a stick laid on the stones of the railways part when his eyes caught the appealing object ,he bent and picked it up'.It's a like magical wand, !' he thought. At least it 'd become a loyal friend for him to carry anywhere he left .The stick was made of wood and well painted by blue , white and red with the face of a cute little Chinese child with those slanted eyes. He will be his friend, he will take him to sleep and go wherever he goes. The owner must have been a small child of 4 or 5 years old. But not Chinese. China has a lot of many kinds of products. The kid threw away the umbrella because it was broken? Maybe
A Comrade Intercity Bus
On a hot afternoon, Ashby in his teens looked exhausted and cramped in the inter-city bus terminal. But his mentality was too strong to just lose because he really wanted to get on the bus and see what happened there. The flow of passengers was like a crowd of people who want to be near and see famous people when at last the bus came lazily through the traffic jams and smoky dirt of the city road .In the crowd of passengers who were rushing in like a flood of haste and impatience stream he pushed himself to the farthest row of seats so he could not to be disturbed. In the corner of busy place as a best spot to be alone among the crowd.Finally he got the seat .Good morning world ..Light slowly but surely come into the dark of universe.If the views of the passengers was one soul of each human being in their activities for having life itself were light and energy ever enough for them ? At the first step in getting a seat in a bus for work that gotten painstakingly by being
A Comrade Mamiyaba Shadow
Misty Simmer put a file on the huge round table for the management meeting.All eyes were on it as it was list of the chosen works of stories that would be the top 3 works which were to be filmed within this year . Alvano seemed unhappy as the story with most voters of the board members was the one that Primrose suggested .Alvano assumed that she got it from Ashby as he was an adventurer .He has been to so many countries around the globe.Such idea may derive from a unique culture in certain country.The other 2 had to be waited till next year .'Booming' is a term that every film makers chase .That story genre is half fantasy.Again he peruse the story and tried to find some flaws to make him able to protest but unfortunately he himself did not find any ..The Plot is somewhere in Africa .Alvano consented after all . * Those biobab trees pointed their peaks upright the dry sky on Miroganya field.Mamiyaba wiped his sweat many times by his thin long palms.Staring at the h
Latest Chapter
The Job. Seekers
Getting a job always be the tiring and most important issue in a life of family in poor area . Marketing is the one that some business can do at the bitterest way . ...selling product door to door .It seems a terrible job .But its like drinking goat urine at the desert after days dehydrated.Means they still will try it even .. .Poor poor people.Some business use the job seekers by various ways . Multilevel marketing is one of them , where they must buy some products then resell it.Consument or producer or marketer ? Seems all in one . Hivana was one of the mentioned.She arrived at a place where she had to buy things then she should sell something else ! It's ridiculous.She was trapped a few times. The results was , no job neither money she got , on the contrary, she spent money , doing some work without getting any paid . The payment was promise . Percentage. But it's not even a cent pay .In hard life to survive ,wild idea in any way can come .From a thought to be prostitut
The Donation
Maximilian put a cigarette without lighted it , but you can read what you wanted to quote but let me say ,"It is always too hard to be wise." Avalon read a few , seriously but in a funny way as he knew well , no matter how beautiful the words written by any thinkers , life is a personal experience and. hardship for everyone, "The soul is placed in the body like a rough diamond, and must be polished, or the luster of it will never appear.""Expect nothing and you'll always be surprised.""Fear of danger is ten thousand times more terrifying than danger itself.""I saw the Cloud, though I did not foresee the Storm." * " By the way," Rayland tapped the empty glass , " Ash wants me to donate some money for a few incomplete family ...l transfered half of it, l guess l need to collect the rest from other comrades "Instead of giving remarks for his statement, Hivana stepped in then continuing the good wise qoute , till it finished while the topic was still hang on the air .* If you do
The Battlecry
He said he want simplicity in a girlBut also sophisticated woman at the same time.Is it possible the 2 qualities in one?She said she want firmness in manBut also want romantic chapIs it coming in one person?No..nothing none will satisfy ones that way.Well..this is the world.. Not Eden . There is treasure islandthat most people ignore or worshipBut almost never been dig up as wealth.It is the past,Bitter or sweet.Regrettable or unforgettableWhether you are re beggar or dukeIt is the pastYou go there at times walk or fly,Alone and sadBut the blessing come surprisinglyWhen someone approach want you to share the story Tell him her...Bitterness of it or sweetness in it Will be coming as your fine daysAs it's been share ..Each time I try to gain my fine feeling to you Why the picture always pitiful?Sitting almost at the bed cornerWearing the stripe t shirtLost and don't get anything you hope ..Nothing I can do for you now,I'm.sorry .As your hand still on the phon
A Cunning Brain
Misty had a slight relief,even Primrose didn't tell her what she asked , she still sent her and the chief editor the continuation of the journal about Ashby figure .* I can see that. Moreover while Ash narrowed his eyes down, there's a mindful rage there . Gently he blew the cigar smoke ," But now they did t8 colonialization in to means . Vulgar and neat . Systematically. " This is very different from small-time bandits whose operations are breaking into other people's houses through roof ,windows, warehouses or the back, right?" Ash shook his head and tapped his forehead went on , 'With this' he said as he stepped on his boots rather loudly, maybe he was afraid I would be scared if he did it harder even though I knew he wanted to.'' With a cunning and military brain? I asked.He shook his head, " With cunning brain and humiliation" he said .His clear ,sharp and romantic eyes looked up at the ceiling.How l wished to hug him ! Sometimes the man seems desperate like a kid when he
Ah .. !!
" Some say that what kills a man is not the sword but his own mind " " That's right. Our mind is what make human feel something and it's apparently subjective.Just for your knowledge, whether it's true or not I mean about my feeling, if even it's true ,it's fine as lwill take it as a measurement of my own value as a mother, especially in front of God .And that's a fact of life virtues must be put as number one for believers .That's the barometric of faith .How many people don't love their own mom ? Maybe including myself , my feeling towards her is solely formal as it's kinda obligation to love your mother but l don't really feel it to tell you the truth...so if l put it as karma , it can be " The chat note from a sick mother was shown by the nurse to Avalon, " This Mama is someone who has kinda self awareness that she has no proper love from her mother as she was young and single then at her life stage as a mother she think her daughter also doesn't love her " "'Look how nicel
A surprising moment of hearing from the vicinity about The Eddie for a journalist instinct to explore something.Ash was drilling a little spot of soil to put some stones and made a little stove as he got some piles of dry twigs for burning a fire .While Primrose got some thing to dig up as stuff to observe.lt's a note about a little conversation beetween a mother and her mature child ."Are you ok ..."" Hello, yes I'm good, what's up? "" It's only motherly greeting ,just to know if you're just fine ..A worry of a mother ,that the children would never feel l guess .One day you'll know if you be a mother ..A child may not feel what a mother feel Your new mother now is the rich family who like you a lot and treat so good, right ? I know it ,and you don't have to say anything, l just know it ...Sure , l'm just a poor and unpleasant person in your eyes It's fine , even it's hurt.." She helped Ash to put more twigs and took out the ashes , " Umm ...it's always bitter to know that a
A Shoeshine Boy
Finally Ash reached Eddie's house after searching the right direction through little Bilang to another one .They said that house was ghostly .It's an old big house with some damages here and thereA wooden second floor was like an open porch with old tree in front of it . The tree had densed big thick dark green leaves and lots of jellylike long beard hairs around it . At night,with only little light come from low watts of electricity made it all dark .An elderly mother enjoyed to scare her little children off by loosing her long thick hair , widen her eyes and curving her mouth in a frown scary shape.Someone spoke , ''Work on things gradually like God ! He grows the babies till they ' re as big as their moms , while they were weak and getting old .The children now can get things without the mother ' s help . Graduation, little by little,till the entire process almost obliviously happen and things on reverse now .The mothers feel they were nomore needed . Memorizing the old d
Big Brother
Garibaldy whistled when Misty showed him the new mail from Primrose ." In this work room certainly there are piles of documents,gold pen in the drawer ,some antiques and other precious stuff.Thieves , scoundrels, robbers who will break everything and took them illegally.." he paused for a while to light his long cigar ," That is exactly what those imperialists do their colonies"I nodded ,getting up to walk around the room before sitting back, swaying away the burden of feeling that occupied my chest which almost burst in a minute.Two things, Not sure which one is the stronger reason , admiring his analogy on the door and or the sight effect he made on me when he spoke in beetween his cigar smoking..the relax manner which actually hid a hurt inside...The Journal ~"'It' s true ...we just have to be patient..but is everything fine with her ? " " I don't know, she won't tell us though,unless it's really crucial " " I know .." " Someone posts ... aboutPositive thinking leads to a
Eager but Cold Eyes
Misty saw automatic expression of worry in Garibaldy ' s face at knowing she didn't hear any news from Primrose. Only could be calming down himself after realizing that they should wait till tomorrow at least,if not today , to know what's happening to the radiant talented journalist.The wornout shoes …Before you step ahead, look down will the hoes are you wearing safe you from the gravely road ? " Tons of information,do you feel it makes people more intelligent? "" In what way ? Nowadays intelligence seem to be a domain of technology .Now l presume that "easy come easy go " become the cause of ...well , see , l saw someone wrote , this related to what we discuss now " Societal pressure and survival needs, made most people have to walk in shoes that did not fit their spirit. As a result, most people are not walking their soul path and therefore not fulfilling their purpose, their potential nor their dreams.As a consequence, there is an epidemic of depression, disengagement, disi