“... Make a promise.”
The light-brown-haired girl and the pitch-black-haired boy put their pinky fingers together.
“… Promise me that you will love me forever and ever… Even if I die and am reborn in another world. You will still be in that world going to love me… Even I don’t know who you are anymore. You will keep loving me… Even if I don’t know who you are and get creep out, you will still love me…. Even if I have got a lover, I want you to love me…. Even if I’m not cute or anything, you will still love me. Even if we’re born far away from each other, you will come to love me… As long as you love me. That would be enough to fill your heart.”
The girl said.
Through, the boy was aware of how selfish the promise is. The boy just made a brief grin and accepted the promise.
“No matter where you go… No matter what world we’re reborn into… I’ll come to find you and tell you how much I love you.”
The boy added.
After making their promise, they both gaze at each other's eyes. Their feelings channel through each other. Without resisting, they both pressed their lips together.
Sealing their promise.
From the distant world, the girl perished, followed by the boy. But their story wasn’t over… Their souls longed for each other for eternity in time and space.
I just woke up from a seemingly along dream. I tried to remember what it was yet I'm unable to.
The cold winter breeze is starting to fade. The white cold snow that covered the whole city before was gone. Dead trees go back to life while the little small buds of light green sprout.
Spring is coming.
Time sure flies and I’m still in the middle of my aimless journey. It's making me a little dejected waking up every day.
Well, despite that, it's still cold. So cold that only this cup of hot chocolate is the only source of warmth in my body.
Sitting on a bench holding a hot cup. My body shook as I took a sip.
“So good… But still not enough…”
I wanted to buy more hot chocolate, but unfortunately… I have no money left. Not a single one is left. This hot chocolate in my hand was only given by my kind-hearted old woman who saw me shaking in coldness.
I believe my wallet fell in my pocket somewhere while I was traveling. I’m careless, I’m an idiot… I had better out my belongings of belongings next time. Especially my wallet. Without money, I would be doomed in a city.
I’m surprised that I was able to survive last night without eating and sleeping outside there.
But the sad part was…
“ It's my birthday today!”
Today is February 3rd.
“February 3rd… Without a doubt, today is my birthday.”
I said as I looked toward the calendar hanging on the bulletin board in the park where the bench seat was located.
I don’t have memories, but I do know little things about myself, like my name and birthday. I don’t have full amnesia, where patience didn’t even know their names. If I travel more, I might recover more.
I have to stay optimistic.
I thought and made a fist.
The cruel cold breeze passed by.
“So cold!”
After consuming the hot chocolate, I immediately went to the nearest guild to do some quest. If I’m able to accomplish a quest immediately, I’m able to accumulate some money. Money that I can use to rent an Inn and let me order some fried chicken.
I want some fried chicken on top of rice. Drenched it with gravy and it's perfect.
“This is no monster quest on the quest board.”
I said.
A waitress heard my voice and responded.
“Sorry about that, but the cold weather in the country affected the monsters and their quest. Around this time of the year, the city is always peaceful. The monster that used to live nearby is only going on in mid-spring and summer to mid-autumn. We can only offer questions about helping with some odd jobs.”
Odd jobs?
Is this quest about scratching a mountain bear's back considered an odd job? Another weird one is this job of whipping an old man to work. That old man must be some kind of masochist.
“I’m struggling to have money…”
“You’re struggling with money… Hmm…” She stares at my body, checking every side. “You lack shape, but you do have a great face. Honestly, you’re weirdly cute.”
Weird and cute? What a weird combination?
I won’t be angry about the lack of shape. I’m still young. My thin body will still grow. I won’t lose hope.
“You’re going to be popular with old men.”
“What kind of job are those?! Are you out of your mind?”
“You’re just going to service them?”
This girl is talking like it's normal. It's weird. That kind of service is weird. Since arriving in this city, I’m very unfortunate. First I lost my wallet and now I’m dealing with a weirdo.
“I’m not into that kind of job?”
“The pay is quite high… What a shame for a cute girl like you?”
“I want to do a quest to earn money. I want to earn money to survive.”
I need food and rent. I’m sure I won’t survive another cold night on the street.
The waitress went in deep thinking for a moment.
“There is one… But it's not a quest. There is a flower shop nearby and they need people to help them out. Looking at you. You must be a magic user, right? You could help them. The cold weather is affecting their business. Using your magic, you might be able to help them.”
“Really? I would like to apply immediately.”
“The pay is low, but they offer food and shelter.”
“That’s perfect!”
The waitress drew a map leading to the said flower shop. After receiving the map, I immediately ran toward the flower shop and reached it.
I opened the door and the bell attached on its upper part rung.
“Is there anyone here? I'd like her to apply for… Huh? No one is inside.”
As I opened the door, a bunch of colorful flowers was presented to me. Different flowers, colors, and shapes. The different aromas float in the air.
I stepped inside and closed the door. Deciding that I’ll wait inside this shop.
Walking around. My boots touched something.
My boots touch a person lying on the ground.
A dead body?!
Why is there a dead body here?! I'm the only person here. Meaning, I’m the prime suspect for this murder. The red liquid was spilling onto the floor. It's still dripping, the murder is still nearby. Should I pursue the culprit? No, it's better to run away in this kind of situation.
If I’m convicted, I go to jail. I won’t be able to continue my journey.
But leaving this dead body alone is bad. Should I call for help… I’ll try screaming.
I flinched when something grabbed my feet.
It was the woman on the floor.
“Are you dead?”
“No, I’m not.”
The woman replied.
The dead speaks!
I jumped a little bit. It took a few more minutes before I realized that the girl wasn’t dead. She is not dead, to begin with. She slowly stood up and then got some water to drink.
She looked at me and said:
“I’m sorry for scaring you, my dear customer… May I help you?”
“It’s fine… My reaction is just exaggerated. I should check your pulse before labeling you as dead. I’m the one who should apologize… Moving on, I’m not here as a customer. I’m here to apply for a job. I heard that the flower shop is looking for a temporary helper. I would like to apply.”
“I see, so that’s why you are here… Before hiring you. Could you use some kind of flame magic?”
“Yup, I’m a magic expert.”
She stared at me closely. Stepping forward, she looked at me directly into my eyes.
That scent…
The scent she’s releasing is quite familiar. I can’t pinpoint it. But it's very familiar and I don’t like it at all.
The woman made a step backward, looking at me with doubt.
“You look too young to be a magic expert. Are you a magic expert?”
That’s what everyone says.
I showed her the proof that I’m an expert magic-user. I pulled out my adventure card. My class is in S class and only a few adventurers can reach this stage.
Adventurer forged can’t be forged. The card only shows one person's level and class.
“An S class… Did you steal it from someone?”
“I’m not.”
“Trusting people these days is very hard. But look at the picture and name. This must be you… Umm… Miss Konoha. What a weird name…”
Calling my name weird became the norm for me. My name is very odd and I can remember it written in a different form of characters.
I do have glimpses of me writing the same characters with different names before. Kanna 環奈(Round of fruit trees)… It's something like that. I don’t even know where this knowledge can come from. Maybe it's something from my past self.
My memory loss is making me curious and makes me unlock some weird memories.
“Umm… Do you know anything about my name? Like the origin of my name.”
“Your name… It's weird but I don’t know its origin. Why do you ask?”
“I lost my memories and I can’t remember my past self. I don’t even know whose my parents are and where I came from. It's roughly 6 years since I woke up knowing nothing.”
“That’s rough.”
After that, I told her that I was traveling aimlessly around the world, hoping that someday. I might unlock all my memories and find my origin. At the same time, I told her about the unfortunate event that led me to apply for the job.
It's better to be honest, and reveal my pure intention.
The woman seemed to understand.
“I understand everything… It's just sad that we can’t have you as our worker for a very long time because, after earning money, you’re going to go and continue your journey. But it's fine, I’m used to being alone after all.”
Saying sad, sadly, like being used to being alone with a brimming smile, makes me extra sad.
This girl also has it rough.
The girl in the flower shop was called Fina. She is the daughter of the owner. Her father and mother help her, but for today her parents are out in the city buying some fertilizer and other stuff used in the garden.
Accepting me as a helper. Fina immediately took me to the botanical garden behind their shop. In that garden, they grow flowers. They used flame magic to make the surroundings at a temperature where flowers could survive.
Fina immediately teaches me the basics of growing plants. Taking care of them and the schedule of watering the flowers.
As a helper, that’s the only thing she said that I was going to do. Arranging flowers will be her job.
Having some time with Fina. I find out that she is a very kind person.
How is this person used to being alone?
The clock strikes noon and we’re about to have our lunch.
Seating next to each other. She serves me warm food. Starving, I immediately chowed down. While eating and eating like a beast. I noticed her smiling next to me.
My face got red.
How embarrassing!
“Konoha is so cute… Do you have a boyfriend?”
“I don’t I’m a traveler. Also, I’m not into romance…”
“This is the first time a girl like you. Normally, girls will be interested in that kind of topic. I mean, girls are always longing for a prince on a white horse. A knight that will save you from danger. Romantic relationship with an awesome, handsome man.”
Fina’s eyes glimmered as she said those words.
True, girls do have that kind of personality, but I am not meeting someone like that. As a traveler, having a relationship with someone is out of the question. Long-distance relationships are hard.
“How about Fina? You’re pretty… Do you have a boyfriend?”
“I won’t say I have… But I’m interested in someone. Nope, I should not be.”
Looking at her eyes, she seemed to be thinking about something. Her eyes became melancholic.
Did I say something wrong?
Should I apologize?
I should think of something else to break the ice.
“Wait… I’m a temporary helper in this flower shop. Where is the real helper of this flower shop? I was wondering.”
“His outside search for the Eternal flower.”
Eternal flower?
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A Journey no End Chapter 2
I never heard anything about the eternal flower. My curiosity was triggered and my interest was pulled in Fina. “What kind of flower is it? The eternal flower.” “Pttff…” She made a little cute laugh and took a drink of water. Fina continues by saying, “ The eternal flower is a flower that lasts forever. The flowers will bloom no matter what the weather is. Watering it or not, it's still blooming.” “I wonder what it looks like. I do see lots of flowers while I’m traveling. Sometimes I gather flowers and sell them for money.” “Konoha knows how to be an adventurer and have money. You’re so self-reliant. I envy people like you. People like Konoha can survive without anyone. You’re like an eternal flower. Is traveling fun? Did you see lots of places and meet lots of people?” Surviving without anyone’s help. It was true that I didn’t casually ask for someone’s help. I would rather do my things for myself. I tackle my problems myself. No one will truly help me when I’m truly alone. Wh
A Journey no End Chapter 3
A week later, I arrived in this city. I was still in the flower shop. The workload is very light. All I have to do is water the plants and control the temperature in the botanical garden. Since I was a magic expert, maintaining the temperature was a piece of cake for me. When there is lifting, I immediately take the thing and won’t let Fina lift anything too heavy for her. Just like her parents, I don’t have the full scope of her mysterious illness. While she was sleeping beside me the other night, I tried healing her with healing magic, but I failed since I didn’t know what the source was. need hopeless… People need hope. Fina can’t stay like this forever. She needs to survive. Comparing her to myself. She is a very good person. Despite her having an illness. I never heard her order me around. She just looked at me with her plain sweet smile. After making a bouquet, she turns around and coughs. She was coughing hard and the sound she was producing was rough. Hearing her cough.
A Journey no End Chapter 4
Traveling to see the man I don’t even know. A man that I don’t even know what he looks like. The man was loved by someone who became fond of me. It felt familiar because this is how I go in search of my missing memories. It took me two days before I arrived in Floria city. Just like how everyone describes the city. It was truly a city covered in flowers. No matter where I turn my head and look around. I can see flowers blooming everywhere. The structures of the building in this city were pretty. Colors fly around my eyes. “Little miss are you lost? Are you searching for your parents?” A knight approached me. This is a common mistake and I got used to it. instead of talking to him. I pulled my adventurer card and presented him with my rank. Below my name was my age. Seeing my adventuring card the knight apologizes and leaves. Another man approached me… A group of men to be specific. “Little miss are you new here? Quite romantic to meet in such a beautiful place like this. By the
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A Journey no End Chapter 6
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A Journey no End Chapter 7
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A Journey no End Chapter 8
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Chapter 135
“To create the world a better place… Using destruction to give birth to a new world. To make the world unified, we only need one leader. And that was the witch, the savior of this world.”“How is she going to save the world by destroying it? I can’t understand.”“Because you’re a lowly human who doesn’t know anything. The world and the system run behind everything!!”The tiger dashed at Yusael and threw a punch. His fist was caught by Yusael using her left hand. She grasps firmly tightly, and the tiger’s hand bleeds from her strength.The princess forcefully pulled him closer and forcefully swing her fist down at his skull again.“I said that won’t work!”The tiger replied.Yusael didn’t pay attention to his words and continued smaReng his fist into the tiger's head. Blood sprayed on Yusael’s armor and robe. The blood further tainted her pretty face.The tiger's face was unrecognizable. His flesh started moving to reconstruct his head.“My supreme regeneration ability will revive me o
Chapter 134
After entering the steel tower with the princess, The Minion of a witch cult, who was seen by the angelic princess, was immediately defeated in one powerful swoop. Her incredible magic, light magic devoured enemies on our way.This is the true strength of Yusael Archangel.She turned her glance at me and gave me a smug smile.“Hmm, looking at me with sticky eyes… Are you falling in love with me?”“That’s not it.”I won’t call this love. I merely admire her strength.And as a man who always pursues power. I found her very alluring. She is brimming with quality and personality. I’m kinda surprised at how she could be talking to me casually, as if we have known each other for a very long time.“You always seem so serious like in the past.”The past times?I’m quite sure that this is our first meeting. I have no idea what she’s referring to.I have no interest in being connected with a famous person like her. It was better to leave some stones unturned.Fighting side by side with her made
Chapter 133
At that moment, Ren left Konoha. Or to be precise, the time Konoha grabbed Ren’s arm and threw him directly at the steel tower. The long sword wielder charges his blade with skill and energy. Glowing in brilliant blue light. He hacked down his sword and created a massive burst of energy in one area.The blinding light vanished. Konoha was never seen on the ground. Zeha looked around searching. Concealing her magic and presence, the light-brown haired girl had her position right up above Zeha’s head.Her feet discharge lightning and Ax kicks Zeha from his head. Forcefully blowing him down to the earth. This wasn’t the full power of Konoha. She was serious. This attack was lethal and could kill her opponent immediately. The attack originally had a hammer-like a force that could blast off a human head. There were times before Konoha used this magic and added a sharp conjured blade to her feet.“Sword skill: Instant stance.”His body moves far instantly, creating a 20-meter gap between hi
Chapter 132
“I’ll distract him… Lightning Flash.”Blinding light radiated from Konoha’s body. So bright even that I can see anything for a moment. I felt someone grab my arm and I was tossed away with such force.My body was flying straight to the steel tower. Before I have my head craReng into the wall that supposes to be made of thick iron. I pulled my sword and blast flames. Decreasing the force impact. I then have my proper landing on the ground.The steel tower had no window as the description said. Seems like I have no choice but to climb this tower from the bottom floor to the top floor.Konoha is very strong I know she can defeat Zeha with her strength. I shouldn’t worry about her. I have to think of a better way to climb the top of the tower on my own. The side of the tower where I’m currently where was the one facing the forest area. The battle seems to be continuously happening in the north and advancing.Taking another look at the tower. I won’t say this place is a tower. This place i
Chapter 131
At exactly 6:00 PM, the adventurers are all deployed to steel island using a spatial portal. Our location was in the south mountain area. A place away from the ongoing battle between the knights of the four kingdoms and the witch cult. As much as possible Scarlet explained to us to avoid battle and go straight to our plan. The mission was simple, sneak to the steel tower and reach the top where the witch of darkness was.And kill her.“This mission is about killing a living breathing human being. Are you sure that you really want to come?”I asked Konoha whose on my side looking calm as she stare above the beautiful night sky.“I don’t believe in the witch of darkness.”“What do you mean?”“I mean, there is no such thing in this world that could destroy the world. If there is, why would they need to destroy this world? Without this world, they’ll also die. I not going to kill her… I’ll capture her. How about you? Are you going to kill her?”The witch of darkness was probably Hikari. T
Chapter 130
“Are you sure about this?”I asked.“Yeah, give me everything you have.”Ren replied with her sword already pulled out from its sheath.We stand 10-meters away opposing one another.You must be wondering why the two soon-to-be lovers are currently fighting one another. The reasoning is quite simple. After the meeting held in the castle. We are ordered to prepare ourselves for the big fight happening tonight. The celestial city is near the steel island so there is no need to hurry.Had lots of time at our disposal before the real fight began. Ren suggested that the two of us fight one another.That brings us outside of Celestial city, at the shore near the Sapphire archipelago. The same shore where I met the candy coral pirate not long time ago. Stepping backinton this land brings back memories.I saw Ren use his sword many times. His sword ability is the most dangerous one. The flame on his sword could burn anything. The undying flames of the flaming sword. Flames will continue to bur
Chapter 129
Adventurers participating in the mission gathered around the castle theater hall. Turning my head left and right. I could see plenty of adventurers, but not as many as I expected. The number of adventurers who attended didn’t even reach a hundred.“Ren, are we going to be okay?”I asked the man seating on my right.“What do you mean?”“I mean the number of us… There are over thousands of witch cults on the island right? Are we enough to fight those evil wizards?”“I can’t say for sure. But I heard that most of the people here are A-rank adventurers. Quality sometimes can beat quantity.”He speaks without turning his eyes onto me. He had a fixated eye on the stage waiting. On my left side, Alicia is looking a little nervous. Her head was placed low and her hands laying on her legs were shaking a little.“What’s the matter, Alicia? Is there something bothering you?”“I feared that thing might not go well for me… Early this morning I saw in the newspaper that I become a missing person. I
Chapter 128
We reached the Celestial City without trouble. Well, there was trouble, but it's quite insignificant compared to the troubles I have been through these past years. Ren refused to give me something to eat and I nearly died of starvation. I was fortunate that there was an angel with us named Alicia who shared some of her food with me. The side that I liked and hated about Ren was his seriousness. What he meant is what he meant. There is no changing it… Probably…(Ren does change his mind sometimes. I just didn’t know how to trigger it. He is very unpredictable sometimes. Me being a cute girl doesn’t affect him at all. He's the type of man that doesn't chase cute girls. I like it, but the idea frustrates me sometimes.)This was my first time in the city. Like what I heard about the Celestial City. The city is nearly as big as the capital city. The difference is that this city is built on an artificial island and it is not owned by any kingdom. People in this place were said to be slaves,
Chapter 127
Life is always important. Good or Evil... That is what I want to believe. I, Konoha travel previously killed countless people. I decided to value life more. It's been months since the last time I killed someone. I tried not to but she left me no choice.I still think about it sometimes. What is the possible way to save Audrey from her suffering? Why does innocent Shaymi need to die?The more I think about it, the more complicated it becomes. I try not to hate anyone. The concept of good and evil might be beyond me. Maybe it is beyond human understanding. Or maybe I'm an airhead who can't see the truth.Anyways, the lesson of the past remained. Even though I failed in sticking to my principle of not killing. I will continue to look for a way not to kill anyone as much as possible. It's the same way of thinking I want Ren to have.I put down my pen as I finished writing my Travelogue."Wait, something good happened earlier. Better put it too."I took my own again and wrote it down.Ren'