The guns fired, piercing the other's skull simultaneously. Just like that, two bodies fell on the floor in front of a traumatised lady. “Why? This should not have happened” she begins to cry. Two men shot each other out of rage. They won’t see the light of day in this world again.
Cj’s P.O.V
As I opened my eyes I immediately shut it from the bright light in front of me. I tried opening my eyes again but this time slowly adjusting to the brightness.
I looked around seeing nothing but pitch black. I couldn’t see anything, not even my own body. I became confused because I know I saw a light shining so bright it almost blinded me just now. “Where am I?” I wondered. It’s as if I was in a dark void that feels infinite. I walked and walked and didn’t even know what my feet was walking on. I don’t feel anything solid under my feet but I still moved forward.
“Why am I here?”
“Is this heaven? If so heaven sucks”
I continued walking and suddenly noticed something drastic. It was a tiny and dull spot of light. It was impossible not to notice it in this place full of darkness. I headed towards the light hoping that it is the key to leaving this odd place. As I ran towards it, the light wasn’t getting any bigger and it felt like I wasn’t getting closer to it in the slightest. The more I ran the more hopeless it felt to reach the light.
“What the hell is going on here?”.
Eventually I stopped running and called it quits. I didn’t see the point in running towards something I can never reach. “What now?”.
“What now indeed!” a voice echoed in my head. It sounded like a irritated geezer was speaking. Naturally I was startled and surprised, looking around at every angle to see who just spoke. “Where are you looking? You know you can’t see anything” the voice echoed again.
“Who are you? Are you close by?”. It feels like the voice was inside my head but that can’t be right. Something like that should not be possible.
“The chain of life which binds you is removed boy. Anything is possible”. Suddenly a portal opened under my feet. What on earth is happening here? Moments ago I died while killing my foe. Is this a dream or am I actually experiencing the afterlife? The portal brought me to a different location, instead of a dark void. I fell inside a space filled either grey, the atmosphere was suffocating and gloomy on top of that.
“Oww! I am confused” I said rubbing my bruised hand.
“Turn around Cj!” the voice shouted. It was the same voice from earlier but this time it was not inside my head. I turned around and saw a old man glaring at me. He wore an orange robe along with a silver crown. His grey beard is long enough to reach his stomach. Who is this man? He looks pissed at me for some reason. Could he be god? I certainly hope he isn’t, I don’t think I can face him.
“I can’t believe I had to be the one to bring you here. You should be ashamed” said the old man.
“Bring me where? This place looks too boring. What is the purpose for it?”.
A book appeared in the geezer’s hands out of thin air. “Cj Kyotaka. Age 24 and Gender is male. Occupations are Police Detective, Executioner and Lawyer. That must be a handful eh. You grew up in the Abandoned Zone, the poorest state in your world. It must have been tough for you”. All of a sudden this man is reading details of my life. “You did not answer my question. Leave my life story alone and tell me where we are”.
“They say living in the Abandoned Zone means your life is forfeited before it even begins to shine. So for you to leave the Abandoned Zone to make a name for yourself is incredibly lucky. Your were lucky to have a mother who could have taken you out of that awful place. Many wished they could have been in your shoes”. This man has no manners, he continues to talk about my life with the face of disappointment. “Hey! You can shut up now” I told him.
“For most of your life you always get compared to prodigies. You try competing with them on multiple occasions but you always lose so you decided to give up on beating them. Your three years of being a Prosecutor was the best part of your life. You live in the house that your mother left behind and you were doing okay finance wise. You currently have a baby on the way who is going to be a cute boy and sad to say he will never see his father because he was too stupid. Luckily for you, you get to live a second life” said the old man.
The old man’s words lit a fire inside of me. The thought of failing as a father before I even began is so frustrating I could kill myself. Even so I did what had to be done in the heat of the moment. Let God say what he wants, not like he was there to save my family, I was.
The old man sighed at me with disappointment. “For some reason everyone from your world are stupid than average. Is it because you all openly believe what you are told instead of using your eyes? I would really like to know?”.
“Stupid! I did nothing wrong. That guy had it coming” I said getting triggered. A second after I said that, a blue haired man fell from a portal and landed on his back just like I did. He rubbed his back looking as if he was about to cry. When the two of us locked eyes on each other we immediately recognized one another.
“You’re the guy that shot me in the head!”.
“Those are my words. Why did you shoot me?!” I asked grabbing his collar. He grabbed mines then head-butted me. “You pulled out your gun first you jerk” the guy replied.
“Fei Foster, Currently 21 years old and you’re also male. You and your family have a tradition to dye their hair blue and to where blue contacts. Bunch of weirdos. For your entire life you were always the centre of attention. Anything you attempt you master in days, you are extremely overconfident of your abilities. When you were in high school they called you The True Genius because you always had the right answer for everything. When you left school you wasted no time joining the police force solving crimes after crimes. Your favourite seems to be genocide. Unlike Cj over there you suppress your emotions until it bobble up and explode. I hope you learned your lesson. You have a girlfriend waiting for you at home, too bad she will never see you again either, stupid” the old man sighed.
“So this is how heaven looks like. That’s disappointing but still better than where I was before” said Fei.
“Tell me, would you two be willing to work together on a mission?” asked the old man.
Fei and I looked at each other remembering the bullets piercing our skulls. “No way! He’s a murderer that killed my brother” said Fei pointing at me. “I killed his brother? What is this guy talking about?” I asked while looking at the old man. “Cj didn’t kill your friend stupid. You were fed wrong information and because of that you caused yourself and a soon to be father to die”. The old man cleared that misconception rather easy.
“Hey ease off of the word stupid. Aren’t you god? Be nicer”.
“This isn’t heaven you idiot and I’m not god. The reason why I’m calling both of you idiots because you failed the test I prepared”. While he said that the old man opened a portal before us, it leads to a different space. The space I was previously in, pitch black unable to see a thing.
“A test? What test?”. A split second before the old man replied the answer came to me. “That dark void was my doing. I trapped you there to see if you’d escape on your own without my help” the old man said.
“Both of you failed because you gave up before even reaching the dim light”.
“It felt like I was running for hours and wasn’t getting anywhere. Of course I’d give up”. I nodded in agreement with Fei’s words. “Anyways forget that, I’m dying to know where we are” I asked strongly. “We’re in a space that I created. Nowhere special” said the old man.
“Why did you bring us here?!” Fei asked.
“When someone dies they are randomly sent to one of the three angels, Dymir, Theta and Beta. The first angel Dymir sends the afterlife to either up or below. Up meaning a dreamworld or down meaning an infinite punishment world. The second angel which is me Theta is responsible for solving the world’s problems by reincarnating people who died and assigning them tasks. The third Angel Beta is also responsible for reincarnating but what she does is different. When someone dies she reincarnates them into a different being and send them back to the world they came with their memories erased”. That explanation was short and sweet. For many years I hear my fellow people debating about the afterlife. Some says that heaven and hell exist, others speak of reincarnation and there are even few that believe when they die they return to the earth and become a apart of it. Trees, stars, rocks for example. There are many theories out there and I tend to give all of them a fair shot. In the end I would never know of the afterlife until I reach there myself. That’s why neglecting other’s opinions when you know yours are not concrete is just plain unfair. Each theory does come with a consequence so it’s best not to give a damn about any of them. Those who believe in Reincarnation love to waste their lives away because to them, they will just come back in the future and live a better life. Those who believe in returning back to the earth inevitably detached themselves from their surroundings and care very little about the people close to them. As for those who are fond of the idea heaven and hell, fear of death and breaking any rule is terrifying. Their of committing certain acts is basically a limiter they set on themselves which sometimes causes them to lose. Now that I have experienced death at such a young age, my mind that felt clouded at first suddenly feels open.
“You’re an angel. I expected to see wings on your back”.
“Please elaborate more on what you do as an angel. I didn’t quite follow” said Fei scratching his head.
“You know King Zoe?” asked the old angel Theta.
“Everyone knows him. He’s the guy that slayed the dragon isn’t he. He is a myth” I stated. “It is not a myth. I assigned him to eradicate every dragon in your world. He is the reason why they are not around in your era I’d say. He died in a different world then was sent to me. I then reincarnated him at the age he chose and assigned him the job he filled out wonderfully” the old man smiled.
Fei and I looked at each other shocked by what the angel was saying. “So earlier when you asked if Cj and I were willing to work together you were planning on assigning us one of these crazy missions” said Fei. “Yes, I’ll ask again. Are you two willing to work together on a mission”
Teaming up with the guy that killed me, what is this old geezer thinking? “Hahahahahaha”. Fei and I wasted no time replying yes to the angel. “Give us the hardest job you have” said Fei. “What happens when you finish the assignment given” I asked curiously. To be honest everything that was happening was not mind blowing at all. I am not sure if it’s because I died. My mind feels lighter, feels like I am finally free. Most people thinks that they are living a free life but they are sadly mistaken. The truth is, their lives are being controlled indirectly. It is like an invisible chain wrapped around your body but you can move slightly with it. I wish I could have felt like this back in my world. Maybe then I could have saved the Abandoned Zone.
“I’ll assign you another mission in a different world. That’s if you don’t die before I get a chance to” answered Theta. Fei looked ready and excited to take one of these missions the angel talked about but I still have so many questions to ask, like what is heaven like? What kind of person is god? What kind of worlds are there other than ours?!
Those questions stayed in my mind not budging. “Should I ask him?”. A book suddenly appeared in Theta’s hand again. He opened the book and started suggesting missions. “Tell me which one you’re interested in taking. Here are some simple ones” he said. Theta showed us a page in his book full of letters and characters that were beyond my comprehension. I didn’t understand a single word in that book. “Umm, I don’t understand anything on these pages” I said looking at Fei. Fei sighed and agreed “What language is this? Can you teach me?”
The old angel then slapped both of us in the face then told us to read the pages again. Rubbing my left cheek I looked into the book. I was startled to see what I thought was gibberish at first is now straight English letters and phrases. “This guy’s slap is something else”
I looked at the different missions available and one of them caught my eye. It said CLEAR A DUNGEON, difficulty level 2. I pointed at the mission and asked “ How dangerous is level 2? Everything else on this page is level 3 or higher”
“Level 2 is a fairly easy one for two people. I’d start with that one if I were you” Theta advised. Fei pointed at another mission with a slight grin on his face. “ Hehehe, I wanna do this one”. Theta and I read what he was pointing at. We looked at him as if he was crazy. “Fei please take this more seriously. That’s a level 5 assignment. You guys would fail that spectacularly especially since you have no magic” Theta stated.
“Yeah Moron, go with the easiest one to test the waters”.
“Hold on, old man did you just say magic?!”
“Yes Cj, magic does exist but just not in your world. In fact I gave magic users an assignment in your world once. They’re the reason why you people even know what magic is” said Theta.
“I have to learn magic first to do a level 5 assignment. How do I learn it? Is it even possible? Come on hurry up” Fei urged Theta.
“Calm yourself boy. Since this is your first time I’ll pick out your task. The one that Cj pointed on earlier. Clearing a dungeon sounds simple enough” said Theta. “Keep in mind that saving the world or at least making it a better place is a top priority too. No matter which mission you get”.
Old man Theta lifted up his right index finger with the top of it glowing red. He tapped on the level 2 difficulty assignment and said “Cj Coley and Fei Foster has been added”.
“One other person took this mission three months ago but that person haven’t completed it yet. I want you to work with her if you find the job too hard. She has plenty of experience” Theta advised.
“OK, clearing a dungeon is great and all but why does the dungeon need to be cleared?” I asked Theta.
“It holds the key to curing a deadly disease. That’s all I’m sharing for now”.
“It’s time I send you off now. I’m getting tired of looking at you two dumb faces. Make sure you work as a team. Remember you both killed each other so there’s no reason for senseless hatred”
“Easy for you to say old man. I still can’t believe this guy charged in my house and shot me. No matter how close we get I won’t forgive him” I thought while staring at him. Fei looked back at me and waved his hands in front of my face. “Quit staring at me. It’s creepy” said Fei.
Theta sighed and snapped his fingers. It was at that moment I remembered some very important questions I should have asked. Questions like what kind of world are we going to? How will we get there? Will we start over as babies but with our memories intact? Where’s the dungeon we’re supposed to clear? How do you even clear a dungeon? Theta must have really wanted us out of his sight if he failed to tell us so many important details.
More and more questions suddenly started flowing into my mind but it was too late. A portal appeared under us both. We fell in the portal before I got the chance to ask anything. Once the portal closed Theta sighed “ What will they do once they landed?”
Theta opened the portal again and dropped a book inside it. “This is the only time I’ll help”.
And like that Fei and I started our crazy journey. Travelling to dozens of different worlds completing tasks given to us and marking our names in history everywhere we go. “Two guys that killed each other in their previous life are about to work together. I wish I could tell my kid about this”
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Three hours later we arrived at a house deep in the forest surrounded by nature. Bears, monkeys and even snakes were awaiting Trisha’s return. When she hopped off the blue dragon all the animals came running towards her embracing her. Fei and I stayed on top of the dragon afraid to step foot down there. “Those animals have a reputation for eating and beating humans” we thought.Trisha ran the animals away into the woods to give us space to come down. “I can understand being scared of a dragon but bears, snakes and monkeys are just sad” she teased. We hopped off and stared at the house made of tree branches. “Neat right, I made it myself” Trisha said proudly.“I’ve never seen an old hag like her before”.We entered her residence and waited for her to finish making dinner. She cooked a simple dish of curry and added fresh bread. “Enjoy the dinner. After this there’s something I want to check on you guys” Trisha said after finishing her prayer. Fei and I wasted no time chowing down our d
The Dungeon huh, Fei and I will most likely die if we enter there alone now. It is better to get a strong fighter to accompany us. That became my real objective after seeing Master’s condition. Originally I had planned on making Master accompany us but she’s ill. Before setting out to clear the dungeon, I asked Ragnah if we could explore the world for a bit. Ever since we have arrived here, the only place we know of is the forest where Master Trish lives. I am curious to know how other people are doing in other countries and villages. First place we checked was the village closest to us Javahono.The citizens of Javahono were not doing very well. Around 40% of the people residing in this village are on death’s door. No doctors were present during the village’s health crisis. Children younger than seven are coughing blood, unable to use certain parts of their bodies and suffer from intense fever.Anyone who was infected by Saigon disease was confined in an underground basement where
After killing and freezing dozens of people inside of the basement, Sosuke finally calmed down. Though he killed many, most were thankful to escape the misery of their Saigon Disease. A quick and painless death was better than living another day in their condition. A quick observation could tell that Sosuke only killed the ones who could not last another day.“Alright Filth! Let this be a lesson to you all. You are no longer apart of society the moment you were infected”.The people inside the basement lowered their heads ashamed in response. Dehumanising the sick villagers is something Sosuke love doing. The boy Daniel who wanted to see his mother one last time before his death began coughing up blood. His internal organs are rapidly deteriorating and there is nothing anyone could do to save him.Coughs! Coughs!“Poor child”“He is so young”.Sosuke gave them a reminder “Children are no exception to the rule. Look at the little mutt!! He is dying as we speak. This will reach all of yo
Story Of A Super HumanSaigon’s Biggest and Most Disastrous Weapon. This weapon was not a sword, a gun, scythe or even a bow. The Most Disastrous Weapon in Saigon’s history was a Super Human created by magic. A young lady with perfect physique. A human capable of mass destruction and wreaks havoc across the entire world. Visiting nations after nations, eradicating any force that opposes Saigon’s quest to world domination. The ability of this Super Human was very simple, whatever she touches becomes a bomb. Once an area is touched by The Super Human, a snap of the finger is all that she needs to detonate the area. So many villages, dungeons, so many forests and landscapes were touched by this Super Human.Bombs with enough force to annihilate mountains, seas and villages in one go. This super human was feared by everyone, no exception.Know what this means?Right now, out of the 107 nations of the world. The Super Human has visited them all. This means today in far too many villages, m
When Dawn struck, Master Trish and I failed to get any sleep. I had to stay up and restore her decaying organs while Master rests. Cj still haven’t arrive yet, I am beginning to wonder if he has given up on our Master. While I was in the middle of brewing some tea, loud noises could have been heard outside the house.“Roooar!!”“Ackeery Hooo!”The wild animals that surrounded the house acted up at the sight of a creature flying in the air. When I took a look outside, a large creature soared the skies. “Ragnah?” Based on it’s size and structure, I thought Ragnah had returned home. There were many similarities between the creature above me. A dragon with Blue skim, spikes on it’s back and green eyes. “Ragnah! Took you long enough. Where’s Cj!?”There was little doubt in my mind that this dragon is Ragnah. They look identical in every way imaginable. As I approached the Dragon he shouts at me. “ROOOOOAAAAAARRRR!!!”“He is not Ragnah. Don’t get any closer. If you value your life that is”.
Master ignores the Knight’s outburst and continued to say “Fei is not the strongest but he is the fastest learner I’ve ever seen. He’ll grow exponentially if he gets to fight an Imperial Knight”.….“You’re out of your mind. We already know the outcome of the fight. I’d kill him in seconds. Plus it feels like you’re trying to delay me from killing you” Aoi stated.Seconds? When has anyone ever spoke like that to me? Not as long as I remember, I am always the best at what I do. Competition never existed in the life I lived, this Knight is full of herself if she thinks I can be taken down in mere seconds. The fear I had for Aoi gradually turned into hate. She has been disrespecting me ever since she arrived. The desire to bash her head in fueled my decision to talk back.First with her Dragon, she warned me not to get close when she was already standing behind me. That moment made me feel weak, a feeling that disgusts me more than anything. Next she threatened my master, acting as if sh
Cj’s P.O.VSaigon, a country so large it can be considered a continent. Saigon is split into five separate lands each being governed by different royal Bloodlines. With a population of 300 million people, the country strives to be the strongest independent nation. Creating their own resources, having access to the most powerful weapons and military might. The country’s motto is “Control Everything”. True to it’s motto, Saigon citizens try their absolute best to inflict fear in other villages and nations in order to gain control over them. By using fear, this nation has over thirty villages and 14 Capitals under it’s name worldwide.“The world ending disease is known as Saigon Disease because Saigon is where it’s originated. Someone there should know how it came to be and how to cure it”.Imperial Knight No.8 Sosuke Koji was not infected by the disease despite fighting and being around dozens of infected citizens. After duplicating the armors I sensed magic coating them, as if it was s
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Vs Yukimura
An hour later, Retsu and Hinata were satisfied. Ragnah got his stomach full so we resumed our journey to the Holy Tree. On our way there Yin told me about the people who lived in the Holy Tree. “The people there cares very little about what happens outside of the Tree’s range. Prince Yukimura and his personal soldiers set out to slaughter them”.“Why? The people of the Holy Tree are minding their own business” I asked.“You still don’t understand the cruelty of Saigon. The Holy Tree is protecting it’s people from Saigon disease without the help of Hiyori The Miracle Worker. Prince Yukimura decides to purge them since the Tree is resisting the virus. People of the Holy Tree are supposedly safe”. The more I hear about Saigon, it feels more hopeless to deal with them. When we arrived, the vast and giant tree with uncountable branches was engulfed in flames.Coughs! Coughs!Hina and Retsu coughed uncontrollably from all the smoke emitted. Inside the scorching flames were men of shiny a
Holy Tree
Everything went black for a second. I couldn’t see, hear, feel or smell, I was the very essence of nothingness. My body felt like it withered away like dust. Soon however, everything turned back to normal. The pitch black was replaced with a clear scenery, my senses were enabled again. Tigress screamed “Let’s not do that again! The process near got me erased”.What process? I’m not even sure what just happened. “You were deconstructed into dust inside the castle then reconstructed back to your human self in a different area. It’s a terrifying and deadly way of teleportation most people ignore” she explained. “Why use such a dangerous teleportation?” I asked Yin. “The safer methods are all tracked by Sensory type mages who works for Saigon. The teleportation I used caused the two of us to be temporarily out of existence, making it unable to sense us period”.“Oh, well it’s all good in the end” I shrugged it off. We were suddenly in a village outside of Saigon. “Where are we?” I asked c
Entering Saigon
Cj’s P.O.VSaigon, a country so large it can be considered a continent. Saigon is split into five separate lands each being governed by different royal Bloodlines. With a population of 300 million people, the country strives to be the strongest independent nation. Creating their own resources, having access to the most powerful weapons and military might. The country’s motto is “Control Everything”. True to it’s motto, Saigon citizens try their absolute best to inflict fear in other villages and nations in order to gain control over them. By using fear, this nation has over thirty villages and 14 Capitals under it’s name worldwide.“The world ending disease is known as Saigon Disease because Saigon is where it’s originated. Someone there should know how it came to be and how to cure it”.Imperial Knight No.8 Sosuke Koji was not infected by the disease despite fighting and being around dozens of infected citizens. After duplicating the armors I sensed magic coating them, as if it was s
Fei’s Humiliation
Master ignores the Knight’s outburst and continued to say “Fei is not the strongest but he is the fastest learner I’ve ever seen. He’ll grow exponentially if he gets to fight an Imperial Knight”.….“You’re out of your mind. We already know the outcome of the fight. I’d kill him in seconds. Plus it feels like you’re trying to delay me from killing you” Aoi stated.Seconds? When has anyone ever spoke like that to me? Not as long as I remember, I am always the best at what I do. Competition never existed in the life I lived, this Knight is full of herself if she thinks I can be taken down in mere seconds. The fear I had for Aoi gradually turned into hate. She has been disrespecting me ever since she arrived. The desire to bash her head in fueled my decision to talk back.First with her Dragon, she warned me not to get close when she was already standing behind me. That moment made me feel weak, a feeling that disgusts me more than anything. Next she threatened my master, acting as if sh
Aoi’s Appearance
When Dawn struck, Master Trish and I failed to get any sleep. I had to stay up and restore her decaying organs while Master rests. Cj still haven’t arrive yet, I am beginning to wonder if he has given up on our Master. While I was in the middle of brewing some tea, loud noises could have been heard outside the house.“Roooar!!”“Ackeery Hooo!”The wild animals that surrounded the house acted up at the sight of a creature flying in the air. When I took a look outside, a large creature soared the skies. “Ragnah?” Based on it’s size and structure, I thought Ragnah had returned home. There were many similarities between the creature above me. A dragon with Blue skim, spikes on it’s back and green eyes. “Ragnah! Took you long enough. Where’s Cj!?”There was little doubt in my mind that this dragon is Ragnah. They look identical in every way imaginable. As I approached the Dragon he shouts at me. “ROOOOOAAAAAARRRR!!!”“He is not Ragnah. Don’t get any closer. If you value your life that is”.
Super Human
Story Of A Super HumanSaigon’s Biggest and Most Disastrous Weapon. This weapon was not a sword, a gun, scythe or even a bow. The Most Disastrous Weapon in Saigon’s history was a Super Human created by magic. A young lady with perfect physique. A human capable of mass destruction and wreaks havoc across the entire world. Visiting nations after nations, eradicating any force that opposes Saigon’s quest to world domination. The ability of this Super Human was very simple, whatever she touches becomes a bomb. Once an area is touched by The Super Human, a snap of the finger is all that she needs to detonate the area. So many villages, dungeons, so many forests and landscapes were touched by this Super Human.Bombs with enough force to annihilate mountains, seas and villages in one go. This super human was feared by everyone, no exception.Know what this means?Right now, out of the 107 nations of the world. The Super Human has visited them all. This means today in far too many villages, m
VS. Sosuke Koji
After killing and freezing dozens of people inside of the basement, Sosuke finally calmed down. Though he killed many, most were thankful to escape the misery of their Saigon Disease. A quick and painless death was better than living another day in their condition. A quick observation could tell that Sosuke only killed the ones who could not last another day.“Alright Filth! Let this be a lesson to you all. You are no longer apart of society the moment you were infected”.The people inside the basement lowered their heads ashamed in response. Dehumanising the sick villagers is something Sosuke love doing. The boy Daniel who wanted to see his mother one last time before his death began coughing up blood. His internal organs are rapidly deteriorating and there is nothing anyone could do to save him.Coughs! Coughs!“Poor child”“He is so young”.Sosuke gave them a reminder “Children are no exception to the rule. Look at the little mutt!! He is dying as we speak. This will reach all of yo
Tigress Souken
The Dungeon huh, Fei and I will most likely die if we enter there alone now. It is better to get a strong fighter to accompany us. That became my real objective after seeing Master’s condition. Originally I had planned on making Master accompany us but she’s ill. Before setting out to clear the dungeon, I asked Ragnah if we could explore the world for a bit. Ever since we have arrived here, the only place we know of is the forest where Master Trish lives. I am curious to know how other people are doing in other countries and villages. First place we checked was the village closest to us Javahono.The citizens of Javahono were not doing very well. Around 40% of the people residing in this village are on death’s door. No doctors were present during the village’s health crisis. Children younger than seven are coughing blood, unable to use certain parts of their bodies and suffer from intense fever.Anyone who was infected by Saigon disease was confined in an underground basement where
Training Arc
Three hours later we arrived at a house deep in the forest surrounded by nature. Bears, monkeys and even snakes were awaiting Trisha’s return. When she hopped off the blue dragon all the animals came running towards her embracing her. Fei and I stayed on top of the dragon afraid to step foot down there. “Those animals have a reputation for eating and beating humans” we thought.Trisha ran the animals away into the woods to give us space to come down. “I can understand being scared of a dragon but bears, snakes and monkeys are just sad” she teased. We hopped off and stared at the house made of tree branches. “Neat right, I made it myself” Trisha said proudly.“I’ve never seen an old hag like her before”.We entered her residence and waited for her to finish making dinner. She cooked a simple dish of curry and added fresh bread. “Enjoy the dinner. After this there’s something I want to check on you guys” Trisha said after finishing her prayer. Fei and I wasted no time chowing down our d