Super Human
Author: A.Coley
last update2022-07-09 16:05:23

Story Of A Super Human

Saigon’s Biggest and Most Disastrous Weapon. This weapon was not a sword, a gun, scythe or even a bow. The Most Disastrous Weapon in Saigon’s history was a Super Human created by magic. A young lady with perfect physique. A human capable of mass destruction and wreaks havoc across the entire world. Visiting nations after nations, eradicating any force that opposes Saigon’s quest to world domination. The ability of this Super Human was very simple, whatever she touches becomes a bomb. Once an area is touched by The Super Human, a snap of the finger is all that she needs to detonate the area. So many villages, dungeons, so many forests and landscapes were touched by this Super Human.

Bombs with enough force to annihilate mountains, seas and villages in one go. This super human was feared by everyone, no exception.

Know what this means?

Right now, out of the 107 nations of the world. The Super Human has visited them all. This means today in far too many villages, millions if not billions of casualties can be made by a single snap of the Super Human's finger. Think about it, living in an environment that can explode at any moment. Despair conquered many people because of it. Eventually Saigon could not control their Destructive Weapon.

Saigon did not think of the consequences when creating such a powerful being. The Most Disastrous Weapon of Saigon soon became the Most Despair Inducing Individual of all mankind. After the event where Saigon’s capital was blown to smithereens killing 300000+ people in the process. This individual made every nation fear Saigon because they feared having their hard earned villages destroyed. Though it was beneficial, the weapon was a double edged sword for Saigon. When The Super Human is angry, she tends to destroy pieces of Saigon killing thousands as a result.

Saigon owned up to their mistakes and devised a plan for The Super Human Weapon they have created. They did not want to kill the individual because if they do, the chances of nations ganging up on them will skyrocket. As long as The Super Human is alive, they will think twice before attacking the nation. The plan was to give The Super Human seven children of Royal Families. These children were to see the Super Human as their mother and soften her up as much as possible. Many did not agree with this plan but the fact remains that using force will bring a bad result for everybody.

The seven children gave The Super Human a name. Something the Royal Family failed to do upon her creation. Receiving the name Trish Saigon. Trish loved her name and she eventually became to love the children who lived with her. One if the children being Aoi Quin, currently Imperial Knight No.1 and the strongest individual in the world excluding Super Human. Each day she would train them to be strong and terrifying individuals just like she was. Thanks to Trish’s training, the first seven Imperial Knights were formed. These trained magic Knights were given the same duty as Trish once had as a Super Human. Inflict fear upon the world. Saigon temporarily gave her no.2 seat among the Imperial Knights present. Once the children grew of age, Trish requested to train more kids to adults. She cared little about improving Saigon’s military force. She just found love in teaching youngsters. The sudden change from World Threat to Sensei was a pleasant surprise for Saigon and all it’s citizens. After training thirty children who are grew to be Imperial Knights, individuals who are unmatched in speed, strength and magic. She eventually got tired of teaching, soon she remembered her previous mission.

At any point Trish can detonate bombs around the entire world. The only individual capable of wrecking everything in record times is undoubtedly Trish.

One day, one of Trish’s students gave birth to a baby boy. For some reason, the baby known as Rito was very attached to Trish. He loved her more than he did his mom and dad, refusing to leave her side. The two decided to stick together for a while. Trish took care of him OK the weekends and exposed the little boy to magic as soon as possible. Perhaps she was impatient in getting to train another child. Four months flew by quickly. Trish taught Rito how to walk, talk and even spell his name in that short amount of time. She brought out the genius hidden within the baby at an astonishing young age.

Sadly her life with Rito was shut closed. The first day she decided to teach Rito magic, he exploded. She transferred some of her mana inside if the one year old baby, her mana was too dense and powerful for the child to handle. Causing the boy to explode right in front of her.

Arguably the favorite out of every child, Rito entered Trish life when she entered old age. When Rito’s parents found out, his mother had one thing to say to her Master.

“Master Trish! Your days are numbered”.

She did not fear her student’s threat but she deemed it fitting to leave the capital after that. Living in the forest for the rest of her life, ignoring Human interactions as much as possible. Decades passed since she has taught any children.

Suddenly two guys who were found drowning in the ocean are her pupils. How strong will these two become after completing this Super Human’s training?

Fei’s P.O.V

“Cj has been gone fir a long time. I’m worried”.

“There’s no need. He has Ragnah with him”. Master’s condition was getting worse by the hour. Just the act of breathing has been a huge chore for her. If it weren’t for the restoration magic I learned earlier today, she would be dead now. Reading textbooks has it’s benefits, if it weren’t for my understanding of the medical science. Master would not be able to utter a word. Her organs gradually starts to decay with every breath she took. Unimaginable pain swells up inside of her while she kept a calm demeanour in bed.

“Relax Master, I’ll restore it” I reassured her. The key to Restoration Magic was a high level skill known as Mana Conversion. Mana is a form of energy that changes and adapt to the desires of the user. Desire and willpower are the main fuel in converting Mana into something else like Healing Particles or Lava. Willpower alone is not enough for someone to use complex magic like Restoration. First they must be knowledgeable about what they want to accomplish, for example healing. In order to change mana into healing particles that can restore wounds, I need to understand the medical science behind it. The other thing they need is the right condition, the condition for healing is that there needs to be an injured person nearby. Most magic has a condition that must be met before being executed. From the textbooks I’ve read, it seems that Magic is far more than outputting pure Mana. The truly skilled mages and Knights knows how to shape Mana, change it’s property to whatever they want and even steal Mana from the surrounding area..

After healing my master’s wounds, she looked at me worriedly. “You’ve done that for the fifth time now. Aren’t you worried about your mana supply?”.

“I have a lot more left in me. You won’t die on my watch. It’s a promise”. I lied, the truth is I’m almost out of Mana. I can heal her wounds four more times before I am completely depleted. “Damn thstvCj! He should have been here hours ago! Now we’ll have to wait until tomorrow before we enter the dungeon” I said glaring at the starry sky.

“Personally I rather you two not enter that place. It is extremely dangerous, no one has entered it for decades now so we don’t know what has changed in there”.

“Dangerous or not, we still have to go. It’s apart of our mission, plus we were told that the dungeon holds the key to this world ending disease. It will be a major breakthrough”. Cj better hurry home, he has until morning before I destroy his belongings. Master could not sleep so I kept her company straight throughout the night. We talked about random things, at one point she asked about the world I used to live in. What kind of life I had there?

Looking Back, my life was not my own. I only did things to please others, what I wanted never mattered. What I thought was kindness was in fact stupidity. “Believe it or not Master but I was a prodigy. An excellent memory that never fails me, learns every sport and subjects at the tender age of 7. There was even a national debate over if I should attend high school or not”.

“High school? What is that? A school in the mountains?” Trisha guessed.

She is not familiar with some of the terms used in my world. Before talking about my lif, it’s best to give her a clear picture. The concept of school in my world, The technology such as cars, phones and aircrafts. Dozens of countries with each having their own President or Prime Ministers. I even gave her a brief summary about the entertainment in my world. Movies, video games, sports like soccer, basketball and tennis. I told her so much it could have melted her brain.

“I see, sounds like a crazy world.” That’s all she said after hearing my long explanation of my world. She could either be unimpressed or just tired because of the disease to speak longer. “So you were a prodigy huh, you still see my son. Thanks to your gift, I have you as a personal healer”. A blissful look appeared on her face causing me to feel flustered. “I’m great, too great. I wonder how Cj will cope with it ready?”.

“What do you mean?”.

“The people I called friends abandoned me in my time of need. All because of my inherit traits “. I thought I was living a hood life. Dozens of friends surrounded me at school. I was the best academically, and the best physically. Whenever awards day arrives, I normally receive at least 95% of the awards. Most times without putting in any effort. The people I called friends eventually grew to hate me, they said I steal the spotlight way too much. They can’t live in my shadow.

Which is why in high school I decided to behave like buffoon on purpose. I thought maybe if I bring myself down to their level, they won’t spark any hatred towards me. Even then I still came across the same problem. There are times when I just could not help but display my superiority and Whenever I do I could feel the stares glaring at my back. I wanted everyone around me to stop bearing hatred towards me but nothing seemed to work. There was one guy however, he was my twin brother Harriet Foster. The skills everyone despised, he loved them about me. Saw them as a huge aasset for his overall goal to be achieved. He filled the void left by friends who abandoned me at school. We ate lunch together, do our homework and play games. Our parents separated and do did we, yet we never lives as if we’re far apart. Maybe it was because we were twins. “Fei, We’ll always be cooperating won’t we”.

“Sure thing Harriet”.

“Good, because I killed a girl ten years ago. Now her father seems to be on my trail. Bastard never quits. I want you to help me get rid of him”. The day Harriet said those words, I learned that my brother was a murderer. He hatched a scheme for dead girl’s father, using me as bait. After aiding him on his quest I mustered the courage to ask my brother “What is your overall goal in life?”

“Be free”. His answer baffles me even to this day. How does killing make him free? All he did was commit a crime. By law he should be imprisoned. He wants to be freed from the world’s laws and regulations but they were set for a good reason. To prevent the acts he just committed. To Harriet, anything that tries to tell him what to do, he will do the opposite of what people want. That’s how he truly is. One I a middle aged man knocked on my door and told me disturbing news. My brother was killed by a police detective called Cj. After hearing this, rage boiled in me. The one person who didn’t show hatred or envy at me was killed. That sin could not go unforgiven. That’s how Cj and I arrived at the situation where we killed each other.

“Wow, I didn’t know Cj lived in your world too. You two even killed each other. That’s wild” Trisha says amazed by what I shared.

“So you’re a genius who is always envied by others. Hehe, Cj is no different. He is jealous of your mana supply and he also bares hatred for you killing him. With that in mind, I want the two of you to move forward. Get past your differences and become great friends”.

“Fine, if that’s what you wish Master”

“I’ve told you about my past. Give me dome of yours” I asked her. Master Trish pointed atva frame pictures next to her. A family picture consisting of an old lady standing behind a young couple holding a just born baby. The lady who stood behind the couple was identical to Trisha so it’s safe to say they are one and the same. “My grandson, I lost him. The careless fool I am”. That’s all she could have said before coughing. Tears flow from her cheeks by just looking at the baby in the picture.

“Sorry, I shouldn’t have asked”.

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