A Man Already At The Top
A Man Already At The Top
Author: Little Goddess
Chapter 1

“Do you want more chicken, Aria? Here, take mine.”

"This tastes nice. Here, eat this. It tastes nice to you too, doesn't it?"

"Do you like it, Aria?"

“Mhm, it's tasty like you said. I like it.”


In the modest dining room of the Miller family, the direct two lines of the family sat around the table having dinner.

At the head of the table was an elderly woman in her late 60s, and by her left and right side were her sons and their families.

Upon hearing the man’s voice for the nth time that

evening, Stella Owen, who became the matriarch of the Miller family after the passing of her husband five years ago, angrily threw her spoon on her plate, making everyone halt.

Seeing the furious look on her face, the petite girl who was decked in luxury goods from head to toe sitting on her right hand side immediately pointed her spoon at the girl sitting across from her, saying self-righteously, “Hey, Aria Miller, shut the mouth of that darn dog of yours!”

“Why would you even bring him to dinner in the first place knowing how upset grandmother usually is whenever he's in her presence?” The boy beside her chipped in with a snort.

“Isn’t it enough that grandmother has to hear of how her first granddaughter is married to a total idiot? She also has to see him two days a week during dinner?” Seeing that her brother was behind her, Mia Miller grew even bolder and continued yelling.

“Because of you, her blood pressure keeps rising every day. Do you even have her best interest at heart at all?” Mia's brother, Ryan Miller, butted in again with a haughty scoff.

The dining room was immediately plunged into a suffocating silence.

Aria Miller slowly dropped her cutlery and turned to the grown man beside her who was now cowering and hiding his face on her body in fear.

She turned her eyes away from him, lowered her eyes to the table and apologized in a mild voice, “Forgive me, grandmother, but I had no choice than to bring him. Besides the cleaner who leaves by 4pm every day, there’s no one at home to leave Leon with.”

“If I leave him behind to eat dinner by himself, he would be too anxious to do so and would rather pace around the house waiting for me.”

“That is why you should hurry up and divorce him. Remaining married to him only drags down our family name and agitates grandmother. Do as we say and divorce him as soon as possible!” Half-yelled the pompous-looking man who was sitting on the same side as her.

Aria blinked her eyes twice before she pressed her lips together tightly, trying to stifle her frown.

“Leon has the IQ of a 5-year-old. If I divorce him, there’s no telling what his life will be like. Which is why I’ve come to the conclusion that I’ll divorce him the moment he regains his memory and he returns to normal.”

Stella Owen's eyes immediately grew dim, and she looked displeased.

Dean Miller panicked and hurriedly raised his voice at his sister, yelling agitatedly, “Are you crazy? The doctor said it could take ten years before that happens.”

“Will you remain married to someone like him until he regains his memory in ten years? Don’t be foolish and just divorce him as soon as possible!”

“We’ve been married for five years already. The doctor said he’d surely go back to normal in ten years or before then. It's only a matter of time left.” Aria responded calmly, remaining adamant.

Dean Miller anxiously fidgeted with his fingers beneath the table as he battled with what to retort with. Compared with his sister, he was a dimwit.

Still, he was trying his best to be on his grandmother's side, which was why he didn't hesitate to show that he was also in disapproval of his sister's marriage.

However, her retort rendered him speechless and with nothing to respond with.

Ryan Miller chuckled opposite them and glanced up at his cousin sister, “Wouldn’t that be too late? Grandfather had you marry him even before you finished university.”

“You were 20 then. And you’re 25 already. You would be 30 when he returns to normal. Isn’t that a little too old to get remarried?”

Aria met his eyes and smiled faintly, “It could be lesser. And who said 30 is old? People say it’s the perfect age to get married. Getting remarried at that age is even considered a bonus.”

“Will you keep exchanging words with everyone who tries to tell you the right thing to do? You’re just as stubborn as your grandfather! If you had said no to his arrangement in the first place, our family won’t be in this mess!” Stella Owen suddenly snorted, glaring at Aria with hostility.

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