Chapter 30

More chairs had been arranged in the dining room as the entire Miller family usually had dinner together after the memorial.

Mia led the man she came with to the two empty seats beside her father. She was about to pull out a chair for herself when the man hurriedly walked past her and did it instead.

Some of her female relatives instantly turned green with envy seeing this while Joseph beamed proudly.

“Theo, this is my grandmother, my father and my elder brother.” Mia introduced as soon as they got seated, totally ignoring Aria and her family.

“Mia has told me a lot about all of you. It’s nice to finally meet you.” The young man nodded politely.

Joseph had quietly vetted everything he was putting on as soon as he walked into the house. Mia had told him earlier the man she was bringing wasn’t from a regular family like theirs.

He had expected her to bring someone just a little richer than their family, but seeing how expensive the suit he was putting on seemed, he realized this
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