Arnold pondered as he drove “Where am I going to stay for the night?” He muttered, moving his car at full speed, he didn’t want to go to David’s place and then, he had an amazing idea.

He drove up till he got to his destination, a huge gates to the mansion made him pause “I’ll just have to call her out” he said to himself, taking out his phone, he dialed her number.

“Hey, you’re calling this late, is everything okay?” She asked at first ring, giving him a chance to answer “Well, I’m actually outside your mansion” he said panting, making it look realistic that he was scared of the robbers.

“Huh?!” She screamed, leaping out of the bed, holding the ends of her robe together as she walked down the stairs “What happened?” She asked panicking while rushing down.

“I’ll tell you once I’m with you, right now, I’m perplexed, could you first open the gates?” Arnold asked, holding the phone firmly “I’ll be there soon enough” she said taking out a little remote that sat on the table in the living
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