As soon as the man let out a scream, Allen spat out the gin onto the man's ear, causing him to fall to the ground and wriggle in immense pain.

"Please, please, I'll talk...I swear I'll talk!" The second man still sitting blurted out, that he didn't want to have the same fate as his partner.

"Just don't cut off my ears, I'll swear I'll talk!" The man added and now, there was fear in his eyes as he tried scooting away from Allen.

"No way." Allen said, you all had your chances, it's time for me to torture you."

"No, please, I beg of you, I don't want you to cut my ears off, please. I'm going to tell you everything that I know." The man said and began to visibly shiver, his eyes were darting in terror from Allen to his partner on the ground.

Allen stood up and stared him hard in the face. "You had your chance, I'm not going to give you another."

"Please, sir. Just another chance, I'm ready to speak."

Allen looked at him again for a longer period and took a sip from the gin as
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