
Courtney didn’t get hurt but she cried her eyes out. On the other side, Dylan finished his shoot, his assistant told him that Mrs. Joyce wanted to talk to him. He called Mrs. Joyce, she attended the phone call.

Dylan: “Hello, aunt, how are you?”

Alina: “I am not okay…”

Dylan: “Why, what happened?”

Alina told him about the whole situation.

Dylan: “Did you tell this to anyone else?”

Alina: “Yes, I told Noah, he know everything.”

Dylan: “Okay, don’t worry, but I have a request.”

Alina: “What?”

Dylan: “Don’t tell Priscilla about this matter, I don’t want her to get worried during work.”

Alina: “Okay.”

They hung up the phone call. Dylan dialed Noah's contact number. He received the call.

Noah: "Hello."

Dylan: "Hello, Are you available?"

Noah: "Yes, I am searching for Tona."

Dylan: "Did you call her?"

Noah: "Yes, but she didn't receive."

Dylan: "Let me try again. Hey, wait, don't tell Prissy about this situation."

Noah: "Okay, why?"

Dylan: "She has an important meeting with her team, let's
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