“Forgetting about a problem does not mean solving it.”
CHAPTER VII: Before the Big Event; Preparations and the Big Waterfalls
“I GOT AN important report from the two other kingdoms…” I started, looking at them intently. “It was relayed to me by Mother. They made contact yesterday afternoon and she learned that the poisoning also happened not only in this town but as well as to the other two.”
“Oh my God,” Salina reacted. “This is getting crazier.”
Ragen nodded. “It makes things more complicated, but somehow, also leads us one step ahead,” he pondered.

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“If there is magic in the winds, and a whole lot wisdom in the skies. There could be nothing to walk on Earth, for the world has everything it needs.”CHAPTER XCII: The Atondês Are Attacking?; A Glow From Robin’s Pocket (Part III)Why did they become this violent? What happened to them?“Johann to the right!” I yelled, but not as loud as to calling off the Atondês that was a distance away. We moved to an alleyway by our right, and immediately noticed the destroyed properties, and establishments — far too worse than we had seen a few minutes back.“Where in the f*cking world is Dominic, anyway?” Johann was struggling
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“If there is magic in the winds, and a whole lot wisdom in the skies. There could be nothing to walk on Earth, for the world has everything it needs.”CHAPTER XCII: The Atondês Are Attacking?; A Glow From Robin’s Pocket (Part II)ANOTHER SQUEALING WAS heard, echoing around the walls of the dome. It was loud, perfectly loud to shatter our drums. But it was muffled, it was thick and muffled by something, as though something was taped around its lips, and that all it could do is scream from its lungs.As we progressed on our way, we finally started to see shattered pieces that seemed to fly off far because of the impact, and the screams, and noises were getting clearer as we inched closer.
XCII: A Glow From Robin’s Pocket (Part I)
“If there is magic in the winds, and a whole lot wisdom in the skies. There could be nothing to walk on Earth, for the world has everything it needs.”CHAPTER XCII: The Atondês Are Attacking?; A Glow From Robin’s Pocket (Part I)THERE WAS A long, long pause, before the crowd bursted out into a noisy chattering. I felt my breathing hitch. My heart was beating so fast, hoping the news they brought was not true, at least, was not as true as it was.I looked at Sigmund, only to find him looking down the ground, rather, staring intently at the ground as though figuring out what went wrong. He was not able to recover quickly. He was distorted for a moment. He was not responding. He did not seem to hear his surroundings. I walked to hi
XCI: Bed of Luxurious People
“If there is magic in the winds, and a whole lot wisdom in the skies. There could be nothing to walk on Earth, for the world has everything it needs.”CHAPTER XCI: The Grand Ball; The Bed of Luxurious PeopleTHE MEETING WAS not done, but we were dismissed, the youngsters, to come down the Hall earlier than the rest. King Balmond said they were to discuss with King Ronald — probably to convince him, or to talk and analyze the situation more thoroughly.“Man, I was so close to screaming all that had happened to us in the South for them to believe us. But it is likely that the two of you have explained enough, and I was needed not for it.”I scoffed
XC: Confusions & Conditions
“If there is magic in the winds, and a whole lot wisdom in the skies. There could be nothing to walk on Earth, for the world has everything it needs.”CHAPTER XC: Confusions & Conditions; What The Meeting Is ForNO ONE SEEMED to have known what to answer. Not a single soul spoke. Not the princess, or princes — not even the Queens or Kings. They have kept themselves quiet for a while now. And I hated the uncomfortable eerieness between us.“Uh-hm.” One of the Kings cleared his throat. I suppose he was the King of Decreto. “As much as I did not want to be prying over your 'miraculous' ideas, young man, I did not seem to like that proposal either.”
LXXXIX: Prove Your Power (Part II)
“If there is magic in the winds, and a whole lot wisdom in the skies. There could be nothing to walk on Earth, for the world has everything it needs.”CHAPTER LXXXIX: Kingdom of Decreto; Prove Your Power (Part II)I WAS ASKED once when I was young what I would want to be in the future. Perhaps, perhaps not, I have thought about it too. But all that was for me to end up with was the word, wealthy.I wanted to be wealthy. I wanted to be rich. I wanted money. I wanted it because it was what the world was made for — well, it seemed like it. But there was this hint of pain in my heart whenever I say that. All along, it was not particularly the money that I wanted, it was the things that I could attain from it. Money became the thing that h