174. Grand Elder of Elven Tribe



Aashi gently pried Yuyun from her embrace, whispering soothing words to the frightened child. "Alright Yuyun, let's go. We need to save those big sisters and brothers over there, okay?" She placed Yuyun on her back and quickly moved towards the cries.

Erick and Aashi turned and sprinted towards the explosions. Aashi headed to where the injured were, while Erick ran towards the Malice Creatures attacking the elven guards.

As Erick reached the first defense wall, he saw the extent of the destruction. The once strong barrier was now a smoldering ruin, and dark, twisted Malice Creatures were pouring through the breach.

"Boom... Boom... Ahhhh...!"

The elves were fighting valiantly, but they were clearly outmatched. Their traditional weapons and combat techniques were ineffective against the Malice Creatures, which seemed impervious to normal attacks.

Erick moved forward, energy leaking from his hands, blades of wind and fire shimmering with a strange, ethereal light. "Let's
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