KISAH REKAMAN PERTAMA: Penderitaan Dalam Sangkar"Manusia mengatakan waktu adalah pedang. Apakah bisa kugenggam pedang itu untuk menikam hati busuk manusia-manusia?" ***Bulan ini masuk musim hujan. Sebagian orang menyukai, sebagian orang membenci. Bulan di mana tak lama lagi akan ada berita-berita bertebaran tentang sejumlah titik wilayah digenangi air. Atau bulan di mana orang-orang meningkatkan intensitas merutuk. Termasuk Aga. "Aish, sial, basah semua sepatuku!" Ya. Ini sudah minggu ketiga selama bulan musim hujan berlangsung. Namun bukan berarti Aga ingat membawa sepatu cadangan—atau minimal memakai sandal ketimbang mengenakan sepatu. Bodoh, ya? Sebut saja begitu. Toh, Aga sudah terbiasa dengan sebutan bodoh, pecundang, pemimpi yang payah, atau semacamnya. Aga memutuskan berhenti di depan sebuah bangunan ramping bertingkat dua. Suasana sekeliling tampak ramai. Roda-roda kendaraan melewati genangan air sehingga cipratan air sedikit kurangnya mengenai Aga. Beruntung j
| Trigger Warning : Cyber Bullying, depresi |Bagian 1.1 — Mengapa Mereka Menyerangku?[SEORANG REMAJA PEREMPUAN 18 TAHUN NEKAT MELAKUKAN AKSI BUNUH DIRI. DITEMUKAN BUKTI PENYERANGAN DAN ANCAMAN VERBAL MELALUI DIGITAL PADA PONSEL KORBAN] Surat kabar ke-tiga belas tentang aksi bunuh diri dan cyber bullying.Aku termangu memandang keterangan berita pada surat kabar yang diletakkan rekan kerjaku. Tidak ada reaksi kuberikan, sebab aku sudah tidak tahu harus berbicara apa. Ini berita bunuh diri kesekian kali, dan kutemukan alasan yang sama menjadi penyebab semua berita bunuh diri itu: cyber-bullying. Ketika membaca kasus itu, aku selalu membayangkan betapa keberanian mereka—yang akhirnya mengakhiri kehidupannya sendiri—sangat besar. Betapa besar rasa sakit yang perempuan dalam berita ini rasakan sehingga tidak ada alasan untuk tetap mempertahankan hidup lagi? "Dalam satu minggu ini, sudah ada empat kasus bunuh diri dengan alasan cyber-bullying." Reno, rekan kerjaku, duduk di sampingku d
| Trigger Warning: Cyber-Bullying, Depresi | Bagian 1.2 — Perempuan Dalam Tempurung Luka."Kau ingin berbicara atau menangis dulu?" Aku tau, saat berada di posisi seperti saat ini, yang harus kulakukan adalah memberikan opsi netral. Tidak memaksa untuk banyak berbicara, juga tidak mendesaknya untuk menyelesaikan telepon dengan segera kalau tidak ingin berbicara. Dalam situasi hening seperti sekarang, aku membutuhkan koneksi penuh antara pemahaman pikiranku dengan pikirannya. Sebagai seseorang yang harus memberikan ruang aman, bagiku penting jika manusia yang meneleponku berbicara tanpa rasa takut. Tidak seperti saat mereka berbicara bersama manusia-manusia lain."Aku tidak mau melihat mereka." Pernyataan pertama yang dikatakan orang-orang di telepon: apa yang selama ini mereka tahan—yang pertama melintas dan ingin diungkapkan, tetapi tidak bisa. Aku pun paham mereka tidak akan langsung membicarakan inti. Pada saat mendengar pernyataannya, aku menyadari ketakutan yang sangat inte
| Trigger Warning: Cyber-Bullying, Depresi | Bagian 1.2 — Perempuan Dalam Tempurung Luka."Kau ingin berbicara atau menangis dulu?" Aku tau, saat berada di posisi seperti saat ini, yang harus kulakukan adalah memberikan opsi netral. Tidak memaksa untuk banyak berbicara, juga tidak mendesaknya untuk menyelesaikan telepon dengan segera kalau tidak ingin berbicara. Dalam situasi hening seperti sekarang, aku membutuhkan koneksi penuh antara pemahaman pikiranku dengan pikirannya. Sebagai seseorang yang harus memberikan ruang aman, bagiku penting jika manusia yang meneleponku berbicara tanpa rasa takut. Tidak seperti saat mereka berbicara bersama manusia-manusia lain."Aku tidak mau melihat mereka." Pernyataan pertama yang dikatakan orang-orang di telepon: apa yang selama ini mereka tahan—yang pertama melintas dan ingin diungkapkan, tetapi tidak bisa. Aku pun paham mereka tidak akan langsung membicarakan inti. Pada saat mendengar pernyataannya, aku menyadari ketakutan yang sangat inte
| Trigger Warning: Cyber-Bullying, Depresi | Bagian 1.2 — Perempuan Dalam Tempurung Luka."Kau ingin berbicara atau menangis dulu?" Aku tau, saat berada di posisi seperti saat ini, yang harus kulakukan adalah memberikan opsi netral. Tidak memaksa untuk banyak berbicara, juga tidak mendesaknya untuk menyelesaikan telepon dengan segera kalau tidak ingin berbicara. Dalam situasi hening seperti sekarang, aku membutuhkan koneksi penuh antara pemahaman pikiranku dengan pikirannya. Sebagai seseorang yang harus memberikan ruang aman, bagiku penting jika manusia yang meneleponku berbicara tanpa rasa takut. Tidak seperti saat mereka berbicara bersama manusia-manusia lain."Aku tidak mau melihat mereka." Pernyataan pertama yang dikatakan orang-orang di telepon: apa yang selama ini mereka tahan—yang pertama melintas dan ingin diungkapkan, tetapi tidak bisa. Aku pun paham mereka tidak akan langsung membicarakan inti. Pada saat mendengar pernyataannya, aku menyadari ketakutan yang sangat inte
| Trigger Warning: Cyber-Bullying, Depresi | Bagian 1.2 — Perempuan Dalam Tempurung Luka."Kau ingin berbicara atau menangis dulu?" Aku tau, saat berada di posisi seperti saat ini, yang harus kulakukan adalah memberikan opsi netral. Tidak memaksa untuk banyak berbicara, juga tidak mendesaknya untuk menyelesaikan telepon dengan segera kalau tidak ingin berbicara. Dalam situasi hening seperti sekarang, aku membutuhkan koneksi penuh antara pemahaman pikiranku dengan pikirannya. Sebagai seseorang yang harus memberikan ruang aman, bagiku penting jika manusia yang meneleponku berbicara tanpa rasa takut. Tidak seperti saat mereka berbicara bersama manusia-manusia lain."Aku tidak mau melihat mereka." Pernyataan pertama yang dikatakan orang-orang di telepon: apa yang selama ini mereka tahan—yang pertama melintas dan ingin diungkapkan, tetapi tidak bisa. Aku pun paham mereka tidak akan langsung membicarakan inti. Pada saat mendengar pernyataannya, aku menyadari ketakutan yang sangat inte
| Trigger Warning: Cyber-Bullying, Depresi | Bagian 1.2 — Perempuan Dalam Tempurung Luka."Kau ingin berbicara atau menangis dulu?" Aku tau, saat berada di posisi seperti saat ini, yang harus kulakukan adalah memberikan opsi netral. Tidak memaksa untuk banyak berbicara, juga tidak mendesaknya untuk menyelesaikan telepon dengan segera kalau tidak ingin berbicara. Dalam situasi hening seperti sekarang, aku membutuhkan koneksi penuh antara pemahaman pikiranku dengan pikirannya. Sebagai seseorang yang harus memberikan ruang aman, bagiku penting jika manusia yang meneleponku berbicara tanpa rasa takut. Tidak seperti saat mereka berbicara bersama manusia-manusia lain."Aku tidak mau melihat mereka." Pernyataan pertama yang dikatakan orang-orang di telepon: apa yang selama ini mereka tahan—yang pertama melintas dan ingin diungkapkan, tetapi tidak bisa. Aku pun paham mereka tidak akan langsung membicarakan inti. Pada saat mendengar pernyataannya, aku menyadari ketakutan yang sangat inte
Luck is on Narukha's side.The truck he was driving was the only car that arrived at the parking lot behind the Dimensional Portal building. With the car engine and turn signals on the front not yet turned off, Narukha checked his surroundings.Unfortunately the dark atmosphere limited Narukha's line of sight. It can only see straight ahead in the direction of the turn signals on the front of the car. Also, three meters on the right and left are affected by the reflection of the light rays.Narukha should have seen the silhouettes of two standing guard soldiers. But now there's no one. The situation is completely empty.Meanwhile in this parking lot, after repeated confirmation, Narukha did not see any other trucks. Or, had another truck arrived earlier and already left?"No one yet?" Cloe made a sound while checking who was around.Narukha shook his head. "Only we came," he replied. "There are two guard soldiers. Have you seen the others?""No," said Cloe. "I suddenly thought what if
Luck is on Narukha's side.The truck he was driving was the only car that arrived at the parking lot behind the Dimensional Portal building. With the car engine and turn signals on the front not yet turned off, Narukha checked his surroundings.Unfortunately the dark atmosphere limited Narukha's line of sight. It can only see straight ahead in the direction of the turn signals on the front of the car. Also, three meters on the right and left are affected by the reflection of the light rays.Narukha should have seen the silhouettes of two standing guard soldiers. But now there's no one. The situation is completely empty.Meanwhile in this parking lot, after repeated confirmation, Narukha did not see any other trucks. Or, had another truck arrived earlier and already left?"No one yet?" Cloe made a sound while checking who was around.Narukha shook his head. "Only we came," he replied. "There are two guard soldiers. Have you seen the others?""No," said Cloe. "I suddenly thought what if
Luck is on Narukha's side.The truck he was driving was the only car that arrived at the parking lot behind the Dimensional Portal building. With the car engine and turn signals on the front not yet turned off, Narukha checked his surroundings.Unfortunately the dark atmosphere limited Narukha's line of sight. It can only see straight ahead in the direction of the turn signals on the front of the car. Also, three meters on the right and left are affected by the reflection of the light rays.Narukha should have seen the silhouettes of two standing guard soldiers. But now there's no one. The situation is completely empty.Meanwhile in this parking lot, after repeated confirmation, Narukha did not see any other trucks. Or, had another truck arrived earlier and already left?"No one yet?" Cloe made a sound while checking who was around.Narukha shook his head. "Only we came," he replied. "There are two guard soldiers. Have you seen the others?""No," said Cloe. "I suddenly thought what if
Luck is on Narukha's side.The truck he was driving was the only car that arrived at the parking lot behind the Dimensional Portal building. With the car engine and turn signals on the front not yet turned off, Narukha checked his surroundings.Unfortunately the dark atmosphere limited Narukha's line of sight. It can only see straight ahead in the direction of the turn signals on the front of the car. Also, three meters on the right and left are affected by the reflection of the light rays.Narukha should have seen the silhouettes of two standing guard soldiers. But now there's no one. The situation is completely empty.Meanwhile in this parking lot, after repeated confirmation, Narukha did not see any other trucks. Or, had another truck arrived earlier and already left?"No one yet?" Cloe made a sound while checking who was around.Narukha shook his head. "Only we came," he replied. "There are two guard soldiers. Have you seen the others?""No," said Cloe. "I suddenly thought what if
Luck is on Narukha's side.The truck he was driving was the only car that arrived at the parking lot behind the Dimensional Portal building. With the car engine and turn signals on the front not yet turned off, Narukha checked his surroundings.Unfortunately the dark atmosphere limited Narukha's line of sight. It can only see straight ahead in the direction of the turn signals on the front of the car. Also, three meters on the right and left are affected by the reflection of the light rays.Narukha should have seen the silhouettes of two standing guard soldiers. But now there's no one. The situation is completely empty.Meanwhile in this parking lot, after repeated confirmation, Narukha did not see any other trucks. Or, had another truck arrived earlier and already left?"No one yet?" Cloe made a sound while checking who was around.Narukha shook his head. "Only we came," he replied. "There are two guard soldiers. Have you seen the others?""No," said Cloe. "I suddenly thought what if
Luck is on Narukha's side.The truck he was driving was the only car that arrived at the parking lot behind the Dimensional Portal building. With the car engine and turn signals on the front not yet turned off, Narukha checked his surroundings.Unfortunately the dark atmosphere limited Narukha's line of sight. It can only see straight ahead in the direction of the turn signals on the front of the car. Also, three meters on the right and left are affected by the reflection of the light rays.Narukha should have seen the silhouettes of two standing guard soldiers. But now there's no one. The situation is completely empty.Meanwhile in this parking lot, after repeated confirmation, Narukha did not see any other trucks. Or, had another truck arrived earlier and already left?"No one yet?" Cloe made a sound while checking who was around.Narukha shook his head. "Only we came," he replied. "There are two guard soldiers. Have you seen the others?""No," said Cloe. "I suddenly thought what if
Luck is on Narukha's side.The truck he was driving was the only car that arrived at the parking lot behind the Dimensional Portal building. With the car engine and turn signals on the front not yet turned off, Narukha checked his surroundings.Unfortunately the dark atmosphere limited Narukha's line of sight. It can only see straight ahead in the direction of the turn signals on the front of the car. Also, three meters on the right and left are affected by the reflection of the light rays.Narukha should have seen the silhouettes of two standing guard soldiers. But now there's no one. The situation is completely empty.Meanwhile in this parking lot, after repeated confirmation, Narukha did not see any other trucks. Or, had another truck arrived earlier and already left?"No one yet?" Cloe made a sound while checking who was around.Narukha shook his head. "Only we came," he replied. "There are two guard soldiers. Have you seen the others?""No," said Cloe. "I suddenly thought what if
Luck is on Narukha's side.The truck he was driving was the only car that arrived at the parking lot behind the Dimensional Portal building. With the car engine and turn signals on the front not yet turned off, Narukha checked his surroundings.Unfortunately the dark atmosphere limited Narukha's line of sight. It can only see straight ahead in the direction of the turn signals on the front of the car. Also, three meters on the right and left are affected by the reflection of the light rays.Narukha should have seen the silhouettes of two standing guard soldiers. But now there's no one. The situation is completely empty.Meanwhile in this parking lot, after repeated confirmation, Narukha did not see any other trucks. Or, had another truck arrived earlier and already left?"No one yet?" Cloe made a sound while checking who was around.Narukha shook his head. "Only we came," he replied. "There are two guard soldiers. Have you seen the others?""No," said Cloe. "I suddenly thought what if
Luck is on Narukha's side.The truck he was driving was the only car that arrived at the parking lot behind the Dimensional Portal building. With the car engine and turn signals on the front not yet turned off, Narukha checked his surroundings.Unfortunately the dark atmosphere limited Narukha's line of sight. It can only see straight ahead in the direction of the turn signals on the front of the car. Also, three meters on the right and left are affected by the reflection of the light rays.Narukha should have seen the silhouettes of two standing guard soldiers. But now there's no one. The situation is completely empty.Meanwhile in this parking lot, after repeated confirmation, Narukha did not see any other trucks. Or, had another truck arrived earlier and already left?"No one yet?" Cloe made a sound while checking who was around.Narukha shook his head. "Only we came," he replied. "There are two guard soldiers. Have you seen the others?""No," said Cloe. "I suddenly thought what if
Luck is on Narukha's side.The truck he was driving was the only car that arrived at the parking lot behind the Dimensional Portal building. With the car engine and turn signals on the front not yet turned off, Narukha checked his surroundings.Unfortunately the dark atmosphere limited Narukha's line of sight. It can only see straight ahead in the direction of the turn signals on the front of the car. Also, three meters on the right and left are affected by the reflection of the light rays.Narukha should have seen the silhouettes of two standing guard soldiers. But now there's no one. The situation is completely empty.Meanwhile in this parking lot, after repeated confirmation, Narukha did not see any other trucks. Or, had another truck arrived earlier and already left?"No one yet?" Cloe made a sound while checking who was around.Narukha shook his head. "Only we came," he replied. "There are two guard soldiers. Have you seen the others?""No," said Cloe. "I suddenly thought what if