Hector had seen blood before, he had seen it a lot during the war. But none had hurt him as badly as this. He stood rooted to his spot, goosebumps littering his forearms. He pressed the telephone tightly against his face, his heart racing with anxiety. If he gripped it any tighter, it would snap in two.
The desperation in his wife's voice had opened a door he thought would never exist again after the war — trauma. Hector listened to the static noise over the line, praying to hear her voice again. His glazed eyes fell into the pool of blood for the second time and his heart stopped. Whose blood was it? A distorted voice, clearly enhanced, filled his ears through the phone. "I'll only say this once. Fifty million dollars. 10 hours, that's all you have before we kill your wife and daughter. The blood in that room, it's a reminder of what you will see—" "Where are they?" Hector's voice was still, a deep rumble to mask the fear coursing through his veins. "—10 hours, we will call you when your time is up. If we sense anything funny, you'll find their lifeless bodies." The line distorted and went dead. Hector slammed the telephone on its cradle. His veins pulsed in anger, his mind started running wild. All his years of covert missions and the time he needed the skillset the most, he was blank! He fondled the locket, he missed his wife so much. He had waited so long to see them again, it was almost as if he could feel their presence on the way back but now his hopes had been dashed. 10 hours was shorter than it looked, if there was one thing he had picked up from his missions, time ran faster when you had everything to lose. Hector loved Aaron, but he didn’t see himself dragging sticks upon sticks of cigarettes, mixing them with liquor, while he was buried deep inside another woman, just so he could forget his family. Hector expelled the air he had been holding, he needed to think clearly. He needed to gather the money as soon as possible. But he didn’t have fifty million reclining in his bank. He had barely over two! A glistening gold piece of furniture caught the side of his eye. Hector turned and stared at the room he considered his home. It was his wife’s dream house, but home was where she was and she was not here. Hector dialed the number he had memorized, other than his home line. The person picked up on the second ring. "Stan, it's Hector," Hector spoke first. "Hector?" Stanley asked confused. Hector nodded as if Stanley could see him. "When did you get back?" Stanley asked traces of confusion littered in his tone. "I need your help, Stan. It's Christine and Emily. They've been kidnapped! I wouldn't call if I had someone else to call," Hector said. That wasn't a complete lie, he could call Aaron, but he didn't want to risk it. “I don't know what time to do…” "When!? How!?" Stan consoled his client-cum-friend. "I just came home and they were gone. Scattered furniture and splotches of blood on the floor," Hector's eyes darted once more to the chair. "Blood!? Do you know if they are okay?" Stanley shrieked over the line. "I don't know but I just got off the phone with one of them and they are demanding fifty million, Stan. Fifty fucking million in ten hours or they'll kill my family," Hector was holding it together, he couldn't afford a breakdown now. "Fuck," Stan sighed. There was silence for a while before Stanley spoke again. "How much do you have?" Stan was solemn. "Barely two million," Hector scratched his head and turned to the window. He knew what he could do to get the money but it would break his wife's heart. "I'm selling the house, Stan," Hector blurted his thoughts out. “I'm selling the cars…I'm selling every fucking thing, Stan.” "What!? That's crazy, Hector, even for you," Stanley chastised him. "I don't fucking care, Stanley! Even if it means selling my kidneys to ensure I get the money, I will fucking do it. So find me a buyer…please," Hector cooled off at the end of his rant. Silence. "I'll call back in an hour. If you believe in God, you better pray to Him," Stanley ended the call. Hector dropped the phone gentler this time but he never took his eyes off the fountain at the center of the house where the sculpted Cupids spat out water from their mouths. Hector didn't know how long he stood there but the phone rang again. He snatched it and slammed it to his face, wincing at the impact. "I've found a buyer," Stanley sounded relieved. Hector glanced at the black watch on his wrist his wife had gotten for him on their third anniversary. It had been thirty minutes since his last call with Stanley. He hadn't expected Stanley to call him back in an hour, hell, he didn't expect his call in the next three hours! It was… convenient. But Hector was so desperate that he didn't even spare it a second thought. *** Hector held the black bag filled with money. He didn't want to think about the fact that he was now homeless, all he wanted was to see his wife and daughter again. He eyed the tiny building where the caller had instructed him to drop the money. He was brazen, he had nothing more to lose. Everything he lived for was already in their hands. True to his words, Hector went alone. At the center of the small room was a torn sheet with an address and a flip phone pressed on it. Hector dropped the bag by the corner as instructed, and picked up the phone. It vibrated immediately. "Go to the address scribbled on the paper, you'll find your wife and kid." The line went dead. Hector stared at the address, it was just a few blocks from here. Hector dashed out of the room and sprinted down the road. His heart pounded heavier than the falls of his feet against the concrete. His head darted from house to house, searching for the number that would be his savior: No. 2314. Hector burst through the doors and it was eerily dark, except for the cracking of fire at the corner. His heart was pounding furiously, his blood racing with anticipation. He rummaged through the wall and found a switch. Hector wished he hadn't turned on the switch. Laying in a pool of their blood were his wife and daughter, their throats slit open like goats. At the corner? The same bag that contained the ransom money reflected off the puddle of blood, in flames.Related Chapters
A chance to play God: The Devil's way Chapter 3: What danger unveils
Hector swirled the brown liquid in his small glass cup. He stared at the content with hazy eyes and watched as a trail of water slid down the small glass and hit the table.The image of his wife and child submerged in their pool of blood with their throats gaping flashed through his mind. Hector winced and shook his head. He downed the liquid in a quick flash and slammed the glass on the mahogany counter."Another," he hiccuped to the barman. Against his better judgment, he poured another round. Hector downed it again and relished in the burning sensation as it slid down his throat. He needed something to distract him. He needed something physical to hurt him."Another," Hector called out weakly fully intoxicated. Hector didn't want to feel anymore, he didn't want that heaviness and sadness that hovered over him after he had found their bodies. Hector wished he had died during one of the missions, that way, he would be saved from such sadness. "Hey, Jack, that's enough now, you can't
A chance to play God: The Devil's way Chapter 4: A chance at something more than revenge
Hector gasped awake in fear and sprang out of the bed on command. He had some terrible dreams. In his dream, his wife and daughter were dead and he had seen some strange figure. He pressed his chest as he continued to gulp in the air. Hector couldn't see a thing, it was dark, but Hector knew it was always dark when he woke up in the bunker where the soldiers slept. He expected Aaron to smack the back of his head to wake him up, but the hit never came. The lights flickered on and Hector shielded his eyes from the bright light. He fluttered his eyelids severally to get used to the light. This wasn't the bunker. The bunker didn't have gold plated walls and a king-sized bed with a large curved TV mounted to the wall. "It wasn't a dream, Hector," Hector turned quickly while shoving his hand behind his pants to grab his gun, but nothing was there. He stared at the figure, it was the strange man he had dreamed about. Suddenly, the reality of everything crashed on him. He hadn't been dre
A chance to play God: The Devil's way Chapter 5: A life changing plan
"Where is this place?" Hector asked as he moved toward the large window. The room was larger than an average-sized room, it could fit about five king-sized beds and there would be space left for twenty people to march around. "It is…was my house," the strange man said. "It's beautiful," Hector took in the sight as he stood by the window. He was staring at the nightlife wherever he was. The city seemed to never sleep, various buildings had their lights on. It made the scenery look like a vast sky with small flashy stars. "Yeah, I could stare at that window all night," the man sighed, dismayed. Hector looked at his faint reflection at the window, he couldn't see the strange man's reflection. "I don't even know what your name is," Hector continued to stare at the window even though he couldn't see him. "Henry Alvarez," the strange man, now Henry, said. "¿Como estas?" Hector said. Henry snorted. "Not everyone named Alvarez speaks Spanish, you bigot." Hector chuckled and looked a
A chance to play God: The Devil's way Chapter 6: A ghost's threat
Hector lowered the gun and put his hands up to show that he wasn't a threat. "Who are you and what the hell are you doing in my father's house??" Cassie demanded. "I'm a friend of your father, Cassie," Hector said. "How do you know my name?" Cassie questioned. "Like I said, I'm a friend of your father's," Hector stuck to his defense. "He's dead, you're a little too late for a reunion," Cassie responded. She was truly Henry's daughter, she had his smart mouth and wicked sense of humor. "I'll explain everything to you in the morning, you need to get some rest," Hector glanced at her once more before he attempted to walk out. "Don't tell me what I need!" Cassie whipped her hair at him and walked out first. *** Hector had fallen asleep somewhere between 4 am and 4:30 am. He was not ready to attend to the chiming doorbell at 7:30 am. He groaned into the pillow and tried to smother himself. "It's Josh. Wake up," Henry called from the corner of the room. Hector groaned again befor
A chance to play God: The Devil's way Chapter 7: Evil plan against the Devils
He watched the way her slender hips swayed each time she swung her golf club. He noticed that it was a bit too short for her and concluded that she wouldn't be able to get any ball in the hole. After five minutes of watching her, she didn't prove him wrong. The file on her husband had informed him that she was in her early fifties, but she didn't look a day over 29 years. The skirt hugged her taut frame perfectly and each swing caused her skirt to move dangerously revealing more than enough to entice interested men. Every time she managed to hit the golf ball squarely, she would bounce excitedly and her chest would wobble. But Hector wasn't one of those men who was interested in seeing what was underneath the branded clothes, he had a purpose. He grimaced as she bent again to take a swing. It would be miss after miss, he was sure of that. He smiled at the barman who looked more interested in watching her. He pulled out a few notes from his new wallet and shoved them into his whi
A chance to play God: The Devil's way Chapter 8: A statement against the Devils
The streets looked less busy tonight and it looked even more beautiful. His eyes licked up every detail as he drove past a familiar building. No matter how many times he saw it, he couldn't get over how mesmerizing it looked. “That's weird, I've never seen that before,” Hector said to himself. The familiar surroundings slowly bled into places he hadn't seen. Hector scampered through the backseat and peeped through the other window, he was right, they had entered a place he didn't know. “Where are we going?” Hector asked the driver he had employed a few days ago. The driver remained silent. “I'm talking to you,” Hector leaned forward and tapped the driver's shoulder. The driver slammed on the brakes and Hector's face smashed into the leather seats. The backdoor suddenly opened and a group of four men — two on each side of the door — squished Hector in. A grunt of agony filled the car as Hector's elbow connected with one of their faces. The others held him down and landed blows to h
A chance to play God: The Devil's way Chapter 9: A dreaded dinner
Hector had grown to like the burning feeling of whiskey as it slid down his throat. He enjoyed it. On some days when he was feeling more brazen, he took shots of Vodka. But tonight? He wanted to be alert so he was currently cradling a glass of Coke and rum. He was at the bar again, waiting for Mrs Georgina. He flicked his wrist and stared at his new golden wristwatch: 8:46pm — she was forty-six minutes late. He took the last sip of his drink, paid the barman and turned to leave. A hand caressed his chest. “Impatient, are we?” Georgina whispered in his ears. From this distance, Hector could scent the heavy perfume she wore. “Well, I'm not used to being stood up,” Hector replied as he sat down. His eyes scurried around the bar: it was almost empty save for the lonely man who had been drinking since he got here and the arguing couple a few feet from him. “Sulking isn't a good look on you,” Georgina snapped her fingers at the barman who brought a bottle glazed with matte black. “I h
A chance to play God: The Devil's way Chapter 10: Revelation
An awkward drive later, Hector led Georgina into his vast home. “What did you say you do again?” Georgina asked. She was curious. Someone like Hector would have come across her radar once or twice considering the amount of money he had. “Look who's asking personal questions,” Hector smiled as he wrapped his hands around her waist. The more he touched Georgina, the more he felt Christen was frowning down at him. He was dishonoring her memory. “Do you live alone?” Georgina wrapped her manicured nails around his waist. "Yes, the life of a bachelor,” Hector smiled. Tonight was perfect. He was sure Cassie wasn't coming to the house tonight because she was out of the country for a meeting. “Must be very lonely,” she leaned in. She looked at his lips. “Yea,” he drawled. Hector's stomach burned and he felt his tongue go sour when Georgina pressed her lips against his. He closed his eyes and tried hard to think about anything else than how awful she tasted like what she had been drinki
Latest Chapter
Chapter 10: Revelation
An awkward drive later, Hector led Georgina into his vast home. “What did you say you do again?” Georgina asked. She was curious. Someone like Hector would have come across her radar once or twice considering the amount of money he had. “Look who's asking personal questions,” Hector smiled as he wrapped his hands around her waist. The more he touched Georgina, the more he felt Christen was frowning down at him. He was dishonoring her memory. “Do you live alone?” Georgina wrapped her manicured nails around his waist. "Yes, the life of a bachelor,” Hector smiled. Tonight was perfect. He was sure Cassie wasn't coming to the house tonight because she was out of the country for a meeting. “Must be very lonely,” she leaned in. She looked at his lips. “Yea,” he drawled. Hector's stomach burned and he felt his tongue go sour when Georgina pressed her lips against his. He closed his eyes and tried hard to think about anything else than how awful she tasted like what she had been drinki
Chapter 9: A dreaded dinner
Hector had grown to like the burning feeling of whiskey as it slid down his throat. He enjoyed it. On some days when he was feeling more brazen, he took shots of Vodka. But tonight? He wanted to be alert so he was currently cradling a glass of Coke and rum. He was at the bar again, waiting for Mrs Georgina. He flicked his wrist and stared at his new golden wristwatch: 8:46pm — she was forty-six minutes late. He took the last sip of his drink, paid the barman and turned to leave. A hand caressed his chest. “Impatient, are we?” Georgina whispered in his ears. From this distance, Hector could scent the heavy perfume she wore. “Well, I'm not used to being stood up,” Hector replied as he sat down. His eyes scurried around the bar: it was almost empty save for the lonely man who had been drinking since he got here and the arguing couple a few feet from him. “Sulking isn't a good look on you,” Georgina snapped her fingers at the barman who brought a bottle glazed with matte black. “I h
Chapter 8: A statement against the Devils
The streets looked less busy tonight and it looked even more beautiful. His eyes licked up every detail as he drove past a familiar building. No matter how many times he saw it, he couldn't get over how mesmerizing it looked. “That's weird, I've never seen that before,” Hector said to himself. The familiar surroundings slowly bled into places he hadn't seen. Hector scampered through the backseat and peeped through the other window, he was right, they had entered a place he didn't know. “Where are we going?” Hector asked the driver he had employed a few days ago. The driver remained silent. “I'm talking to you,” Hector leaned forward and tapped the driver's shoulder. The driver slammed on the brakes and Hector's face smashed into the leather seats. The backdoor suddenly opened and a group of four men — two on each side of the door — squished Hector in. A grunt of agony filled the car as Hector's elbow connected with one of their faces. The others held him down and landed blows to h
Chapter 7: Evil plan against the Devils
He watched the way her slender hips swayed each time she swung her golf club. He noticed that it was a bit too short for her and concluded that she wouldn't be able to get any ball in the hole. After five minutes of watching her, she didn't prove him wrong. The file on her husband had informed him that she was in her early fifties, but she didn't look a day over 29 years. The skirt hugged her taut frame perfectly and each swing caused her skirt to move dangerously revealing more than enough to entice interested men. Every time she managed to hit the golf ball squarely, she would bounce excitedly and her chest would wobble. But Hector wasn't one of those men who was interested in seeing what was underneath the branded clothes, he had a purpose. He grimaced as she bent again to take a swing. It would be miss after miss, he was sure of that. He smiled at the barman who looked more interested in watching her. He pulled out a few notes from his new wallet and shoved them into his whi
Chapter 6: A ghost's threat
Hector lowered the gun and put his hands up to show that he wasn't a threat. "Who are you and what the hell are you doing in my father's house??" Cassie demanded. "I'm a friend of your father, Cassie," Hector said. "How do you know my name?" Cassie questioned. "Like I said, I'm a friend of your father's," Hector stuck to his defense. "He's dead, you're a little too late for a reunion," Cassie responded. She was truly Henry's daughter, she had his smart mouth and wicked sense of humor. "I'll explain everything to you in the morning, you need to get some rest," Hector glanced at her once more before he attempted to walk out. "Don't tell me what I need!" Cassie whipped her hair at him and walked out first. *** Hector had fallen asleep somewhere between 4 am and 4:30 am. He was not ready to attend to the chiming doorbell at 7:30 am. He groaned into the pillow and tried to smother himself. "It's Josh. Wake up," Henry called from the corner of the room. Hector groaned again befor
Chapter 5: A life changing plan
"Where is this place?" Hector asked as he moved toward the large window. The room was larger than an average-sized room, it could fit about five king-sized beds and there would be space left for twenty people to march around. "It is…was my house," the strange man said. "It's beautiful," Hector took in the sight as he stood by the window. He was staring at the nightlife wherever he was. The city seemed to never sleep, various buildings had their lights on. It made the scenery look like a vast sky with small flashy stars. "Yeah, I could stare at that window all night," the man sighed, dismayed. Hector looked at his faint reflection at the window, he couldn't see the strange man's reflection. "I don't even know what your name is," Hector continued to stare at the window even though he couldn't see him. "Henry Alvarez," the strange man, now Henry, said. "¿Como estas?" Hector said. Henry snorted. "Not everyone named Alvarez speaks Spanish, you bigot." Hector chuckled and looked a
Chapter 4: A chance at something more than revenge
Hector gasped awake in fear and sprang out of the bed on command. He had some terrible dreams. In his dream, his wife and daughter were dead and he had seen some strange figure. He pressed his chest as he continued to gulp in the air. Hector couldn't see a thing, it was dark, but Hector knew it was always dark when he woke up in the bunker where the soldiers slept. He expected Aaron to smack the back of his head to wake him up, but the hit never came. The lights flickered on and Hector shielded his eyes from the bright light. He fluttered his eyelids severally to get used to the light. This wasn't the bunker. The bunker didn't have gold plated walls and a king-sized bed with a large curved TV mounted to the wall. "It wasn't a dream, Hector," Hector turned quickly while shoving his hand behind his pants to grab his gun, but nothing was there. He stared at the figure, it was the strange man he had dreamed about. Suddenly, the reality of everything crashed on him. He hadn't been dre
Chapter 3: What danger unveils
Hector swirled the brown liquid in his small glass cup. He stared at the content with hazy eyes and watched as a trail of water slid down the small glass and hit the table.The image of his wife and child submerged in their pool of blood with their throats gaping flashed through his mind. Hector winced and shook his head. He downed the liquid in a quick flash and slammed the glass on the mahogany counter."Another," he hiccuped to the barman. Against his better judgment, he poured another round. Hector downed it again and relished in the burning sensation as it slid down his throat. He needed something to distract him. He needed something physical to hurt him."Another," Hector called out weakly fully intoxicated. Hector didn't want to feel anymore, he didn't want that heaviness and sadness that hovered over him after he had found their bodies. Hector wished he had died during one of the missions, that way, he would be saved from such sadness. "Hey, Jack, that's enough now, you can't
Chapter 2: A bloody end
Hector had seen blood before, he had seen it a lot during the war. But none had hurt him as badly as this. He stood rooted to his spot, goosebumps littering his forearms. He pressed the telephone tightly against his face, his heart racing with anxiety. If he gripped it any tighter, it would snap in two.The desperation in his wife's voice had opened a door he thought would never exist again after the war — trauma. Hector listened to the static noise over the line, praying to hear her voice again. His glazed eyes fell into the pool of blood for the second time and his heart stopped. Whose blood was it?A distorted voice, clearly enhanced, filled his ears through the phone."I'll only say this once. Fifty million dollars. 10 hours, that's all you have before we kill your wife and daughter. The blood in that room, it's a reminder of what you will see—""Where are they?" Hector's voice was still, a deep rumble to mask the fear coursing through his veins."—10 hours, we will call you when