The decaying muck that sucked at Detective Sergeant Franklin Martin's shoes and the rotting garbage smell were not what upset him.Strangely, the seagulls were the ones who really got to him.The scavengers wheeled above his head and screamed, fought, and swooped, just like the animal who had used this as a personal dump.
They were at home in the decaying, decaying trash.
In order to get a better look at Clinton 's battered body, he moved.Franklin 's worst fears were confirmed by the young homeless teenager's disappearance two weeks earlier.He had been taken, looked like he had been tortured, and then beaten to death.That should never happen to anyone, especially a 16-year-old.Both Clinton 's life and death had been difficult.Franklin deliberately focused because he was overwhelmed by guilt over being late.Leaving as trash for the gulls and rats said little about the value of a life.However, it revealed a lot about the perpetrators.Clinton had been left out in the open, where the workers at the dump would find him, and had not been buried or hidden in garbage bags.The person who left him there was aware that the police would be called and that word would spread.
By this time, the other street kids would have heard about it.This was, in and of itself, a warning.Except that it lacked simplicity and purity.Clinton 's homicide was an unmistakable message of force, utter control and all out heartlessness.Franklin stood up straight, his rage now so cold.Michael , his partner, who had been silent up until this point, inquired,
"Yes, he is it."Franklin exhaled deeply and turned to mentally scan the scene of the crime.He did not discuss this aspect of his work as a police officer.He referred to it as reading the scene and feeling the emotions.He discovered things that others missed because of his family's sixth sense, or intuition.The majority of police officers detested what they dubbed the "CSI effect," in which a "hero" detective enters a case and simply stands there and looks for a crucial clue.Scientists, forensic photographers, and fingerprint technicians, to name a few, conducted crime scene investigation under the watchful and meticulous supervision of the Officer in Charge Detective.They didn't like it, but Franklin would occasionally pick up one thing that put him on the right path, making him seem even stranger.This explains his sarcastic moniker, Sherlock.
He took another deep breath of rage and struggled to maintain control so that he could ignore the rage and take in both what he could see and, more importantly, what he couldn't.He remained low to the ground and looked through the trash.He then straightened, scanned from a different angle, and moved further around the body.He looked to the right of the body, about two meters away, as he sorted through feelings of fear, despair, and rage.The trash had a wheel sticking out of it.Michael , check that wheel to see if it belongs to Clinton 's bike.'
Michael carefully raised the edge of a cardboard box and peered underneath as he climbed over the garbage and took a pen out of his pocket.You have it.Sherlock, how the hell do you do that?
Franklin turned away from him and resumed scanning.Here, Clinton hadn't died.He tried, but his senses were now numb, to locate anything else that might have belonged to Clinton .
Once more, the gulls screamed for his attention.He turned away and viciously kicked a nearby bucket.He bent down, picked a can, took careful aim, and fired it at a group of seagulls, scattering them and sending them flying back into the air.Seagulls!Bloody seagulls disgust me.
Michael didn't say anything.He was sufficiently familiar with the anger, feeling of inadequacy, and feeling like he was late.You have a mess on your hands right now.'
"Yes, similar to the animal who conveyed his message here.So, God, I'll find you, you scumbag.You just made it your own.'He took a long sigh.He continued, "I want you so badly, I can smell you."
"No, all I can smell is your hand."His partner's humor, as usual, was inappropriate and not funny, but it sometimes helped at a crime scene.redirected him toward his intended activity.And what was his purpose in life?He was destined to assist these youngsters in rebuilding their lives.This demonstrated precisely how powerful the people he was attempting to defend were.Street children, vulnerable children who had no one to trust, were being used by someone to support their business.They were drawn into a game in which they first became "family," forming a loyalty and dedication to the gang life until they became disposable and died.He knew nothing after two weeks of searching for Clinton .He was now actually Jack-shit.He realized, as he looked at his hand, that he was fine with having filth on his hand if it meant that it fueled his rage.He had a desire to feel.A lot of his cases were viewed through a logic and deduction lens.This time, he needed to feel.He wanted the stench to make his stomach heave.He wanted to scream at the inhumanity of the kidnapping and the agony of the beating.In addition, he wanted to express his sorrow for the intelligent, alone child who had entered the hornet's nest and been stung to death.
"You are putting her in the lion's den!"Franklin Martin was aware that Lukewould not back down when he saw him in the face.
It is not a lion's den.Avoid being overly dramatic.The only thing I want from her is to volunteer to go to camp.
"To find a clue about Clinton 's death!You believe that a camp full of at-risk children will know how Clinton got there.'
'Dislike… '
'I know precisely everything it's like.Will you direct her to which children to approach?What is their criminal background?Describe the kind of abuse they've endured.What about their mental profile?So she'll know exactly how to approach them?”Luke Turned down the volume. ''You, Detective Sergeant Martin, are obsessed like every other cop who makes detective,' he stabbed Franklin in the chest with each word.You ruin not only your own life but also the lives of those around you!'
Lukewas getting to Franklin .In addition to that, Johnson 's neighbor's assertion contained some truth.And whose life did you ruin as a police officer?'
"Have at it!Will you both stop it?'They both turned as a result of Johnson 's tone.Remember that this is my life and my decision?I've always had my decisions made for me, first by my father and then by my husband, but that stopped when I divorced him.Now, no one else makes my decisions for me.I'm leaving.'She demonstrated that she would not be argued with by standing with her hands on her hips.
Franklin needed to laugh.When Johnson was a vulnerable, confused, and being stalked woman, he had met her.Presently, remaining in Johnson 's kitchen, she actually didn't cook a lot however she sure had superiority in certainty.
Even though he had missed Clinton , he had arrived in time to meet her.However, Lukewas correct in one respect: she was innocent.Johnson , these individuals are violent; I don't want you to take any chances.'
"I thought you were making dinner for us."Johnson pointed to the food bowls that were scattered across her bench.However, Franklin had not anticipated Johnny, her neighbor, to be present, nor had he anticipated the ex-undercover cop's overreaction.Franklin was relieved to move away from Johnny's accusations and turned back toward the bench.Like every one of the men in his family from the old nation of Croatia, he had appreciated arranging this dinner for Johnson .His family was made up of Croatian and Maori people, so he had a lot of favorite dishes.Tonight's menu was good enough to wow the girl he cared about, but nothing particularly extravagant.
"Johnny, would you like to stay and eat with us?" I asked.Johnson inquired.
Franklin was relieved to see Lukebegin to reject the idea.Luke Would be at their first dinner together, he had no idea.
"Will you be talking about your plan to volunteer at the camp?"
Johnson made a stride towards him. 'It is not The Camp, Johnny.Youth with a bright future.Teens who are at risk of self-harm get help from them.I think volunteering is a great idea, and even better if I learn something about Clinton .'Franklin became irrational when she touched Johnny's arm with her hand.Why don't you continue?'
Franklin held his breath as he gave Luke A glance.
"Yea, okay, I'll stay."I would like to learn more about this arrogant plan of his.Thanks.’Lukecaught Franklin 's eye, and the smug expression on Johnny's face almost convinced Franklin to hit him.Franklin returned to the meals.He was stopped by the realization that he would be playing right into Johnny's hands in front of Johnson .He could only hope that the neighbor who used to be a cop was easily irritable.
Related Chapters
A family of evil Chapter 2
He thought about what Lukehad said as he put the main course and dessert into the oven.Franklin had examined it from all angles, but he could only see this as his only option.He recalled the six-year-old boys who had been caught smoking cannabis when he was a Constable.Their educator had detailed them expecting to run an intercession.Clinton was one of three children in a family whose mother's new boyfriend thought they would benefit from using his baseball bat for practice.They'd been locked out of the house at times and had to spend the night with the trash in the small shed at the back.He once found them tied up like dogs and hungry.He helped them through the three-year legal battle against their parents.Instead of assistance and direction, they had come to anticipate abuse and neglect.Franklin had won their trust by being in the right place at the wrong time, despite the three drawbacks of being an adult, a man, and a police officer.Despite the fact that he was a police officer,
A family of evil Chapter 3
He loaded the dishwasher when he got home and gave his kitchen a final look.The house had already begun to deteriorate when he bought it.It required all of his weekends and holidays for a year, as well as the assistance of his entire extended Croatian family, particularly two retired uncles who were handymen and were looking for work.But he adored his old house in the federation style, loved the three-sided veranda, the wooden Kauri floors, and the French doors that led out onto the veranda.The kitchen, which he had designed specifically, was well-designed and easy to use.When he first started, the garden was almost like a jungle.He could sit on the veranda without seeing any people or automobiles because it shielded him from the neighbors while he had trimmed it back.Perfect for a policeman who needed a break.The rash promise he had made to himself that he would run every morning after cooking dinner for others was not nearly as satisfying.He was supposed to get back in shape throug
A family of evil Chapter 4
He thought about what Lukehad said as he put the main course and dessert into the oven.Franklin had examined it from all angles, but he could only see this as his only option.He recalled the six-year-old boys who had been caught smoking cannabis when he was a Constable.Their educator had detailed them expecting to run an intercession.Clinton was one of three children in a family whose mother's new boyfriend thought they would benefit from using his baseball bat for practice.They'd been locked out of the house at times and had to spend the night with the trash in the small shed at the back.He once found them tied up like dogs and hungry.He helped them through the three-year legal battle against their parents.Instead of assistance and direction, they had come to anticipate abuse and neglect.Franklin had won their trust by being in the right place at the wrong time, despite the three drawbacks of being an adult, a man, and a police officer.Despite the fact that he was a police officer,
A family of evil Chapter 5
He loaded the dishwasher when he got home and gave his kitchen a final look.The house had already begun to deteriorate when he bought it.It required all of his weekends and holidays for a year, as well as the assistance of his entire extended Croatian family, particularly two retired uncles who were handymen and were looking for work.But he adored his old house in the federation style, loved the three-sided veranda, the wooden Kauri floors, and the French doors that led out onto the veranda.The kitchen, which he had designed specifically, was well-designed and easy to use.When he first started, the garden was almost like a jungle.He could sit on the veranda without seeing any people or automobiles because it shielded him from the neighbors while he had trimmed it back.Perfect for a policeman who needed a break.The rash promise he had made to himself that he would run every morning after cooking dinner for others was not nearly as satisfying.He was supposed to get back in shape throug
A family of evil Chapter 6
Johnson had anticipated that the compound would be pitch-black and eerie as she returned to her dorm from the shower block later that evening, but instead, bright spotlights illuminated each pathway.She paused to observe.During the day, the bush made road noise with the chirping of cicadas, but at night, the bush was alive as well.Rustling in the undergrowth, the occasional whistle screech of Kiwis, the call of Morepork, and the constant humming of opossums in the trees as they landed on the buildings' roofs with a little thuddingOnly a city girl would consider them adorable and furry because they were pests.While so many bad things took place below, she took in the dense roof of stars above and marveled at the breathless beauty.She had learned that the dorms had nightlights on all the time to calm the many people who were afraid of the dark.Many of them had hidden fears for the night.After making her way back into her dorm, Johnson settled into her bottom bunk.Teenage girls changing
A family of evil Chapter 7
Douglas examined her face with a raised head.She held his eyes then, at that point, proceeded with her story. "I guess I had a pretty good upbringing in comparison to what I've seen here today because my father brought us to Australia.But a year ago, I got a house from someone I didn't know.The only thing I knew was that the house looked like someone lived there.I immediately recognized that.My husband thought....Well, he didn't think I didn't know who had given it to me.It made issues for ourselves and I wound up moving into the house all alone.Sadly, I was unaware at the time that a different person had keys.He also began following me.It went on for a long time, and he would have killed me. I could have died.Still finding it difficult to talk about it, she shivered.I had two friends at this point.Johnnie, a neighbor of mine, was one.Johnnie, who used to be a police officer, persuaded me to report it.My life was saved by his advice.She smiled as she gave Johnnie a look."You're doing
A family of evil Chapter 8
"Is this okay with you boys?"Yes, that's cool!Stewart, look at what we learned.'A couple bowed and moved onto the ground. 'See?If we roll, we don't get hurt.'The partners of others flipped over their partners' legs.And if we are attacked, we can defend ourselves!Look!”Then came more demonstrations.Stewart laughed out loud.Although it is not exactly what we planned to do this afternoon, I suppose it is quite practical.Okay, continue.I will send you a few volunteers to assist.'Before turning and returning over the hill, he stood and watched for some time.Johnson smiled when he saw Johnnie's eyes.After giving a wink, he returned his focus to one of the bigger boys.That's pathetic, you big girl's blouse!'That night, Johnson learned that rolling on stones and bumps is covered up by concentration until the bruises show up later.She groaned as she scrubbed off the dirt and dust, but she was thankful for the hot shower.She had bruises on her hip, buttock, and left side of her back.She fea
A family of evil Chapter 9
"Okay, halt!"She felt Douglas 's hands on her shoulders, and he quickly turned her around three times, leaving her feeling a little shaky and lost.Presently take the blindfold off and return us to camp.'When Johnson removed the blindfold, she realized that she was not only unaware of her location but also of the camp's direction.But I'm not sure where....'Not wanting to disappoint Douglas , she was frantically scanning the area around her.And to her surprise, the tree she had felt along the way was there.Similar to what she had done while blindfolded, she walked over to the tree and touched its bark.She was certain that it was the Johnson e tree.She observed the ground's downward slope as she looked around.She made her way to the bottom of the slope because she remembered going up a slope with increasing excitement.She didn't know whether Douglas was going in the right direction as he silently followed her.She looked around again for the leaves she had felt.Vulnerability overwhelme
Latest Chapter
Chapter 47
Outside, Franklin lifted his head and listened. Everything must have been going to plan in the warehouse, it was always a good sign when there had been no shots. But another sound caught his attention. Franklin knew what the sound was, an approaching motorbike. If the whole gang arrived, they would be totally outnumbered. However, they wouldn’t know that there were police there until they got into the warehouse. There was still no sign outside that there was anything out of the ordinary. It crossed Franklin ’s mind, that if he shut the gate, he would not only stop anyone from leaving, but he would also keep any backup out of the warehouse yard as well. But what the hell, they might as well catch all the rats in their trap. He clicked the radio and let Mark know there was at least one more bike coming their way. As he pulled back into the shadows, Franklin saw a bike move slowly through the gate and pull up in front of the warehouse and then just sit there with his bike idling. Fran
Chapter 46
He nodded, humbled by her reaction.She took his hand and led him inside. But she didn’t stop in the kitchen or the lounge. She kept walking straight down the hall into the bedroom. Franklin ’s heart thumped in his chest. She turned to face him, and he started to apologise for not being there for her when she put her finger across his mouth. ‘Shut up.’ She pulled him closer and stood on tiptoe to reach his lips. He lowered his head and allowed the feelings to swamp him. And suddenly, he took control. He turned and backed her against the wardrobe door and kissed her the way he’d dreamed of. And she responded exactly how she had in his dreams, but the feeling that surged through his blood was more intense than in the dream. It was pure bubbling champagne in his veins.Later whenever he thought of that moment, he never could figure out how they made it to the bed, but he sure remembered every touch, the taste of her and every movement they made together. It was simply perfect.Lying ther
Chapter 45
Mark heard the air hiss from Franklin as he called a warning to Tommie to drop the bat. The boy’s sobbing subsided as he realised help was at hand and he scrabbled away from Tommie’s vicinity. Sobbing turned to a soft hiccupping, and they all looked at Tommie, waiting. No one moved. One person prayed for Tommie to try something, there were now four guns aimed at him. Tommie slowly lowered the bat.‘Toss it away from you, towards the back wall.’ Mark’s voice was soft and dangerous, and Franklin wondered if he too would like to take Tommie down.The bat was tossed and before they could say anything else, he dropped to his knees, putting his hands behind his head. He knew the drill.Two of them moved forward, still cautious while two remained with their guns trained on him. He was handcuffed before Franklin made a move towards Bubba. Tears were streaming down his face, leaving tracks in dirt. ‘I think he’s broken me bloody knee.’ His bottom lip wobbled, and Franklin put one arm aroun
Chapter 44
Johnnie leaned over and put it on pause. ‘Yea,’ corrected Johnnie, ‘except for if you’re recording this and you want to get as much detail in as possible.’ He started it again.‘Okay, keep your hair on. Don’t let your shiny new Gold Wing bike go to your head.’ There were chuckles in the background.Franklin had snapped to attention. ‘Play that again.’ They listened to it again and Franklin sat back in his chair. ‘My god, if we can tie him into that bike, we’ve got him.’‘Really? The guy who’s at the back of all this?’Franklin nodded. ‘Where did you say you got this again?’Johnnie lifted one eyebrow. ‘Apparently, I found it on my doorstep tomorrow morning.’Franklin nodded. ‘Cautious aren’t they.’‘Wouldn’t you be? Well, I don’t know about you, but I think I’ll head home to get some beauty sleep.’ Johnnie finished the last of his drink. ‘Don’t say it, I need more than a sleep to fix that.’Franklin walked him to the door. ‘Thanks man, this could be the best link we have so far.
Chapter 43
‘Yes, I met her in the coffee shop.’‘Her maiden name was Arbruzzio.’Franklin stared at him. ’She’s his aunt? Arbruzzio’s?” He breathed out. ‘She told me Arbruzzio had helped her. I got the impression that she owed him.’‘You got sucked in, man. She must be good.’Franklin shook his head. ‘Unbelievable, I totally believed her. So is she a part of everything too?’ Franklin felt his world shift. He had hoped that she might look out for the boys but there was a strong possibility that she was in it with Tommie and Arbruzzio up to her neck. ‘Damn it, women aren’t supposed to take advantage of young boys. Call me old fashioned, but it’s just not right.’ He took a minute to take it in, then continued. ‘So, what about the finances? Anything shonky?’‘Other than it seems that the place has an unusually high turnover for a coffee shop that size, nothing really.’‘You think they’re laundering money?’‘Looks like it but the tax office did an audit on them and they were able to explain the tu
Chapter 42
‘You deserve that. You did great, Babe. I’m proud of you.’ And he raised his bottle, clinked it against her wine glass and took a swig.She took a tentative sip. ‘Bit early for this, isn’t it?’‘Nah, let’s live dangerously.’ Johnnie looked down, swallowed then looked at her again. ‘I’m sorry Babe. I knew it was bad, but I had no idea…’‘Johnnie, it’s past. Finished. Don’t get upset about it. I’m sorry you had to hear that but I felt he was getting sympathy and that was the only way I could think of that would change the mediator’s point of view.’Johnnie grinned. ‘Did you see the look on his lawyer’s face?’ He took another swig. ‘Just as well Franklin wasn’t there, he would’ve wanted to kill him. I mean I did too, but I’m glad Franklin wasn’t here.’‘Don’t forget, Franklin investigated the stalking at that time and he interviewed David. He was the one who warned me not to meet him for a while and then only in public. He knows what David had become.’‘Are you going to ring him and t
Chapter 41
She nodded and walked back towards the kitchen. Some of the boys at the other tables watched her walk past out of the corner of their eyes, but no one made any smart remarks. Not to Maria. None of them were that stupid.Bubba headed home when he had finished his coffee, he didn’t want to hang around while he was carrying his payment on him. He’d got paid and he’d helped Alex and the guys who were trying to find who’d killed Clinton . As he got to the top of the hill at the end of his street, he looked back at the city sparkling below. It looked like a sideshow at a fair, all lit up to tempt you to come and play. But he knew only too well, the kind of playtime this could be. His bruises were healed for the moment, but his scars ran deeper. He looked from the sparkling yellow lights to the clear sky above. Stars were twinkling, some shining brighter than others. Bubba searched the sky until he found one bright enough for what he was looking for. That one. He watched it for a moment, shi
Chapter 40
‘Calm down, Babe. He’s requested a reconciliation meeting with you through your lawyer, who is obligated to pass it on to you. You don’t have to do that if you don’t want to.’‘Really? I don’t have to?’ Sam dropped into a chair, relief clear on her face. ‘But that reads as if it is one of the steps to the divorce.’‘Yea, well I believe that they like to try to get the couple to reconciliation if at all possible. Tell your lawyer that you are frightened for your life, that meeting him would be traumatic for you and leave it with him.’ Johnnie crouched down beside her. ‘As long as he doesn’t get either your mobile or your address, you’re safe. And besides, you’ve been doing my self-defence course, you’re better placed to protect yourself if the need arises.’Sam shivered. ‘It was horrible. I didn’t think I would have to see him again. But I’ll sound so much like a coward if I don’t attend that meeting. I should go, tell them that there is no way I would feel safe being in the same room
Chapter 39
‘He’s really working that table. He’s trying hard to impress.’Martin glanced in at the table again, watching the ceremony of honouring the older men, the showing of respect for these elder businessmen. ‘I think he’s just showing respect. He’s Arbruzzio’s new partner so he’s got to work to be accepted into their business world. And this is the way to do it. Those guys coming and going at the end of the table, they are making an appearance and showing the same respect.’‘How long do you think this lunch is going to go for? They’ve been here two and a half hours so far.’Michael checked out the table. ‘They’re not at coffee yet, so it may go for a while longer. Relax Martin, how often do you get a great meal like this paid for? Franklin would give his right arm to be seated where you are now, but Arbruzzio knows him. Watch out, here comes another one.’ Michael picked up his phone, lifting his sunglasses to get a better look at the screen. He lifted the phone and aimed it at Martin, ‘