
The next day the few who still had the courage and strength to fight headed for Schlange. The number of people who died against one of the last two wizards was almost a thousand. It was too many, but there was nothing to be done. We had to continue the mission to save the world. We could not let that person dominate us.

I was the first to leave, as my wounds were serious and had to be treated by more mages. For those who were there were too exhausted. They exceeded their limits with the magic they did. I never thought we would go to these extremes, but the mission against Schlange had to continue, many lives were at risk.

I just stared at the roof of the chariot all day. Zen traveled with me and helped me move at times, as I did not even lift my sword. I was back to being injured again, but it was different. Thanks to the elf that passed away none of those strange things that wizards did could affect me like before. The only thing that worried me and I wanted to know was at what momen
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