As Shane sat through another seemingly never ending class, his attention getting caught by everything that could distract him from this boring lesson. Halfway through dozing off, he saw something land on the side of his school desk. A crumpled up piece of paper.

He was a little startled at first but soon opened it and found a short message inside that made him smirk.

'Ya having fun ey? :P' he looked around, trying to figure out who sent the message. He didn't have to look for long, since he soon found a familiar pair of eyes staring at him.

Shane snickered, ducking his head so to not be seen by the teacher as he wrote a reply on the back of the paper, throwing it back at Bianca when no one was looking. Luckily, the two of them were seated fairly close to each other, as well as in the second to last row, so it was harder for the teacher to spot them.

The transaction went smoothly and she received his message, shaking her head in disapproval. They continued to exchange notes secretly
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