
'What do I do now?! This is such a mess! Mother is gone and Father will be here in less then a week! Ugh why didn't I keep track of time!?' Oneiros was stressing out, pacing restlessly in front of his lair after the argument of the night before.

'Should I run away? But where to? It was always mother who pointed me towards a new location to live in, I can't leave without her! I'm the one who sent her away... but how the fuck do I get her back now?!' he stopped in his tracks 'The cubs... if I don't leave, I would be putting them in danger... but if I do leave... they might search for me and get lost... and if by some miracle they do end up finding me..." he shook his head, not wanting the thought to even cross his mind.

'I-i need to call mother back... but how... maybe howling again will work?' he looked up at the dark sky, only the stars being visible in the night as he let out a loud howl, using all the air in his lungs. But unfortunately for him, nothing happened. He tried several
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