An extra reward

At night in the hospital Robert who was limiting sleeping with his daughter by his side decided to check his system because the name of Alina Petrova knew that he had seen it as a reward for his system.

...Welcome Host 981d7 (Robert Adams) to the Technological Advancement System...

…Missions (1*)…


…Companions (1)…


Opening the quests tab he could see the emergency quest update he had received.

…Emergency Mission: A group of rookie thieves are robbing the waffle kingdom (Completed)…

…Survive the robbery to unlock the buddy system and get former KGB agent Alina Petrova as a bodyguard…

…Extra reward for rescuing Emily Jackson the bastard daughter of the governor of Ilinois: Inventory increase (Limited to only 50 items regardless of size), 3 x Level 1 Body Enhancement Injection (Restores the body to an optimal state and improves the body at the level of an Olympic athlete)…

Robert was glad to see the injection however the first thing he wanted to check was if he could u
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