Arrivé au chantier sur lequel M. Wilfried a envoyé son fils Yannick il s'aperçoit que les travaux sont arrêtés. Ne comprenant rien, il appelle un des ouvriers pour plus d'informations. Puis ils lui ont dit qu'un monsieur vient d'arrêter le travail car selon lui les ouvriers ne sont pas dans les bonnes conditions pour travailler et le risque d'accident est trop élevé. L'homme n'avait pas fini de prévenir Yannick quand Aliyan se présente. En le voyant, Yannick s'énerve et commence à lui crier dessus ce qu'il fait là et pourquoi il est venu. Aliyan l'a laissé dire toutes sortes d'insultes jusqu'à ce qu'il ait fini.
- Je t'assure que si tu tentes un mauvais coup là tu le regretteras, Aliyan.
- Oh non, je n'en ai pas l'intention. Enfin, pas pour l'instant car je vais te laisser prouver ta loyauté envers ton père.
- Sors d'ici! Je ne veux pas te voir sur le site.
Il crie si fort à Aliyan et appelle les hommes du chantier de construction à venir le faire dégager mais aucun des hommes n'a osé toucher Aliyan. Il lui a alors fait comprendre que sa société contrôle à partir de ce jour sur tous les travaux qui auront lieu sur ce site et rien ne sera fait s'il ne donne pas son accord. Cela a de nouveau mis Yannick en colère. Yannick lui a promis qu'ils ne s'arrêteraient pas là et qu'il lui paierait le plus cher. Aliyan lui a alors dit qu'hier il lui avait pris un contrat d'hôtel qu'il tenait à cœur donc maintenant c'est à lui de jouer. Yannick est alors parti.
Aliyan est parti après avoir donné un ordre strict aux ouvriers. Sur la route il appelle Benoît sa secrétaire pour lui demander de lui retrouver tous les papiers et tout ce qui concerne ce chantier.
Pendant ce temps, Mme Françoise rend visite à Bendis sa fille à son atelier. Ils ont échangé et malgré le sentiment de partager, les mots de douleur d'une mère et les larmes qui coulent sur les joues de Mme Françoise Bendis bien décidée à ne pas retourner dans la maison de son père. Elle avoue à sa mère que son père l'avait envoyée voler un document puis tuer Aliyan, mais au début elle a accepté car elle ne savait pas que l'homme qu'elle devait tuer est celui dont elle est amoureuse. Elle a ajouté qu'une fois aux côtés d'Aliyan, elle avait oublié le coup tordu que, selon son père, M. Wilfried Aliyan lui avait porté. Avant tout, elle voulait accomplir cette mission que tenait son père car elle ne voulait pas voir son père en prison ou mort, mais si elle devait tuer l'homme qu'elle aime alors elle refuse.
Au bureau, M. Wilfried vient d'apprendre la nouvelle du chantier par sa secrétaire et une autre à laquelle il ne s'attendait pas du tout. Sa secrétaire vient de l'informer que l'entreprise en charge de la construction du centre de formation vient de signer un contrat pour régler leurs nombreuses dettes et toute leur activité avec l'entreprise est suspendue. Elle l'informe alors qu'un membre du groupe vient de demander une rencontre urgente et dit que c'est important pour tout le monde d'être là. M. Wilfried était d'accord avec la réunion et que peu importe qu'une autre entreprise s'occupe des choses. Il compte sur son pouvoir pour tout gérer.
Quelques minutes plus tard Yannick arrive avec colère dans le bureau de son père. Il crie à son père pour savoir s'il était au courant et pourquoi il a accepté cela et surtout pourquoi il l'a envoyé là-bas sachant qu'il va tomber sur cet animal Aliyan. Son père est pris par toutes ses paroles, il l'arrête et lui demande de parler calmement. Yannick explique tout à son père et pris par la nouvelle M. Wilfried crie sur sa secrétaire et lui demande le nom de l'entreprise qui vient de reprendre la construction du centre de formation. Apprenant le nom de l'entreprise, M. Wilfried est plus étonné que Yannick. M. Wilfried a demandé à son fils de garder son calme car il va tout gérer et en moins de temps ils reprendront ce qui leur appartient. Il a promis à son fils qui veut tuer Aliyan la nuit même et tout reprendre, même sa petite sœur.
Quelque temps plus tard, le secrétaire vint les convoquer pour la réunion.
- Bonjour à tous! Désolé de vous avoir amené ici de cette façon mais croyez-moi que je ne le ferai pas si ce n'était pas important.
- Ce serait beaucoup mieux et plus agréable si vous pouviez être fait. (doux Yannick)
- Yannick ! (L'appelle M. Wilfried)
- Non, laisse tomber, Wilfried ce n'est pas grave. Il a raison personne ici n'est libre donc je vais aller droit au but.
- Gentil (dit Yannick)
- Ça y est, vous savez tous ici que depuis quelque temps ma santé ne va pas bien et que mon entreprise ne va pas bien. Pour ce fait, j'ai décidé de vendre la moitié de mes actions et...
- C'est bon. Je vais te l'acheter en même temps. Et tout même si vous le souhaitez. Je t'offre ce que ça vaut.
- Merci Yannick, mais je l'ai déjà vendu.
Tout le monde est surpris par la nouvelle et s'attend à connaître le nom ou à voir qui participera à ce tableau à partir de ce jour-là. Le vieil homme se leva et ouvrit la porte pour faire entrer l'homme à qui il vendit la moitié de ses parts. M. Wilfried, la tante de Yannick et Yanncik a été instantanément surpris. Ils avaient la gorge serrée et les mains trop lourdes pour encourager et féliciter Aliyan pour ce succès comme le font n'importe quel membre autour de la table. Le vieil homme a alors clôturé la réunion et Aliyan est parti après quelques tensions.
Hier soir, Bendis s'est rendue à l'hôtel cinq étoiles pour un gala de charité auquel elle était invitée. Elle y croise Aliyan qui vient accompagner son secrétaire Benoît. Le voir avec Benedict Bendis était très contrarié qu'elle fasse exprès de renverser de la bière sur Benedict afin de l'éloigner d'Aliyan. Ce fait, les deux se disputaient lors de l'apparition de Yanncik. La discussion a pris une autre tournure et Aliyan a quitté les lieux avec une montée d'adrénaline.
Le lendemain matin, Aliyan s'est réveillé dans sa voiture avec un mal de tête et à côté de lui se trouve une femme qu'il a rencontrée la nuit dans un bar sans poux.
À suivre...
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The next morning Aliyan woke up in his car with a headache and next to him is a woman he met at night in a bar without a lice. He looked at the woman, he took his lice again and he even tried to resuscitate her but the woman does not come back to life and he calls the police. Meanwhile, Aliyan is panicked Yannick is at the end of the line with Bendis. He then asks her if she is already visiting her so-called man in prison or if she is arranging her belongings to pack her suitcase and come home. He asks her this with a smile that Bendis asks herself a thousand questions. As soon as he hangs up, Bendis launches Aliyan's number to hear from him. But he didn't answer him on the second attempt because he had too much trouble like that to add more. Seeing that he does not take his call Bendis contact Benedict Aliyan's secretary to find out if her husband has arrived at work. She answers him with a no and begins to create all kinds of possible films in her head. Aliyan has just left the po
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In the eyes of this man, this gang, there was an indescribable rage and a feeling that had just come to a tragic end. Aliyan saw the man dying inside and let all this pain appear by silent tears coming out of his eyes. Bendis keeps calm, Aliyan is right in front of her to protect her from a loss of bullet. Aliyan does everything possible to reason this man but he is of course on his words. He keeps saying that everyone will pay and even the innocent if he ever gets involved. They were explaining theirself when a man came and blew into that man's ear. He then lowered his weapon and told Aliyan that they can go home safely but they should’nt meet in this case otherwise he will be merciless. Aliyan promised him that they will not see each other and will not have to fight but in exchange if he ever finds his wife's murderers he must hand them over to the police and then he can look for a way for the trickids, which the man accepted since Aliyan explained to him the blow he had and that t
A sublime Love. A sublime Love, Chapter 6
Me Wilfried est content de l'idée avancée par ses avocats et Yannick qui est aussi content car il vient d'élaborer un bon plan pour réduire Aliyan. Pendant ce temps, Aliyan et Bendis avaient un peu oublié de se donner un peu de plaisir. Ils ont dit de beaux mots romantiques en étant nus sous le drap quand quelqu'un a frappé à la porte. Bendis avait la tête sur la poitrine de son homme, les chattes jurent en lui relevant la tête. Elle change de look en enfilant une chemise sur un petit short qu'elle vient de porter, elle a mauvaise mine. Arrivée sur le seuil de la porte, elle crie et ouvre ensuite. Il était l'un des hommes de main du gang qu'ils ont rencontré tôt. Il leur envoya un message et sans perdre de temps, ils partirent pour le commissariat. A leur arrivée, ils trouvent l'inspecteur qui se trouve dans son bureau. Ils discutent avec ce dernier en présence de son avocat et de l'avocat de Bendis. La discussion se poursuit lorsqu'un homme qui travaille pour la police entre et inter
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A sublime Love. A sublime Love, chapter 8
Bendis had called on her best friend Estrela who came to keep her company and to search the apartment of Bénédicte, Aliyan's secretary. Aliyan had noticed something he should see soon but right now it's all just a hypothesis and he has to confirm it in order to be sure of what he's going to say. That's why he didn't say much to Bendis except that she trust him.In Bénédicte's building, Bendis has just understood a little of what Aliyan was trying to confirm. Hearing the voice of her brother Yannick and the discussion he had with Bénédicte, she is very angry to see that there are people like this who do such absurd things. Betraying someone who loves you well and who means you no harm. Bendis set off after Yannick left the building. On the road she was telling Estrela that she's going to kill that demon Bénédicte as soon as possible for what she did. She was expressing her anger so much that she lost control and almost went into a corner. She then braked and Estrela tried to calm her d
A sublime Love. A Sublime Love, chapter 9
The inspector was taken by all this story on which he investigates when he learns that a construction site has just caught fire so that he leaves the office running to go to the scene.Aliyan has just come home to take a cold shower and swap his jacket with his shirt when he comes across Bendis and Estrela holding each other's heads in the living room. As soon as he walks in and finds them pacing around he's so surprised to see them like that, surprised to see best friends arguing like that for some question or reason. He had asked them to know what was going on between them but Bendis kept forbidding Estrela to tell him anything. Estrela is so amazed by his reaction and wonders why doesn't want to tell Aliyan about what they saw so soon. Aliyan insisted that they tell him what was going on but Bendis flatly refused. He ended up letting his guard down and was about to raise his voice when his cell phone rings, it's Bénédicte. Bénédicte calls him to inform him of the fire that has just
A sublime Love. A Sublime Love, chapter 10
Yannick's father Mr. Wilfried has just left his son for a business trip by ordering him not to do stupidity in his absence, which Yannick promised his father. After the departure of his father, Aliyan's secretary who is in love and has a story with Yannick calls him to inform him that the construction site is in place and that the police is there in Aliyan's company because there was a fire on the construction site. Yannick is happy and served himself a glass of alcohol to celebrate this news that made his heart bubbling.After his exchange with Bendis Aliyan runs to go to the company to pull the worm from Benedict noses before the police come to do it and tell them nonsense. Aliyan arrived some time later, after violating two red lights. Arriving, he looks at the police car in front of the company and prayed God that it would not be too late. As soon as he enters through the big door, he comes across Benedict who approaches him and lets him know that she was going to call him becaus
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It strikes eight fifty minutes and the inspector is on his way to the apartment of Bénédicte, Aliyan's secretary, with a few policemen.While the inspector and the police are on their way, Bendis is downstairs from Bénédicte's building and sees her gun again while wondering if it is the right thing to do. She then puts her gun away after so much thought and makes her entrance. She climbs the stairs one by one while saying her prayers. She hadn't given up on the idea of killing her, but she also wanted to know what her brother Yannick had to offer Bénédicte so that she could betray her brother.Meanwhile Bénédicte is calmly patient Yannick while he is just at the bottom of the building watching the police surround the building and others who enter the building. The doorbell has just rung and Bénédicte runs to arrange her night pajamas to stay in the very attractive short spun dress she got to make Yannick fall in love. She had already opened the door when the inspector said "it's the po
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A Sublime Love, Chapter 15
15After a few minutes Aya, Aliyan's ex, arrives at the hospital and is ready to do her part of the deal. Yannick learning that Aya comes from Aliyan categorically refuses that she offers blood to her mother Madame Françoise because for him it will mean that he owes Aliyan, which should never happen. Yannick was on his word and categorical on this. He stares his father in the eyes while saying to him, he begs him not to accept this, he says everything at the same time because with the face of his father, Mr. Wilfried, he is very afraid of the reality that could take flesh next moment. Moreover, knowing his father who is a man capable of accomplishing anything when it comes to his beloved Madame Françoise, he has the fear of his whole life.Mr. Wilfried has just broken his silence…- Aliyan!? You're a fun, brilliant man, and you don't do anything randomly, I can confirm that since you were once an employee of mine. There I wonder above all, before accepting the blood of this young woma
A Sublime Love, Chapter 14
As Aliyan leaves the hospital. The doctor leaves the block and comes to see his father. As soon as he sees the doctor leaving, Mr. Wilfried rises abruptly and asks to see his wife. The doctor told him he couldn't right now. Mr. Wilfried insisted but despite his title, the doctor stands by his word. The doctor then told him about his wife's situation and asked him to use his title and his power to find her blood because her blood type is rare.Meanwhile Yannick goes to Bénédicte and Aliyan is on his way to join his lawyer, he calls on one of his childhood friends.Arriving, Yannick knocks by force on Bénédicte's door and when she comes to open it he asks her to know if she is aware of what she is advancing and the price she could pay, which Bénédicte confirmed by nodding. the head. Bénédicte continues by telling Yannick that one of their actions has paid off and that he should take responsibility. She spoke, handing him an envelope. Yannick opens this envelope and against this news he
A Sublime Love, Chapter 13
Yannick had not taken the time to see the document; he left the place the second he took them. He then goes home. When he arrives, he asks after his aunt and the housewife informs him that his aunt has followed the ambulance which is driving his mother Madame Françoise with her car. He didn't ask to know what his mother had before running to his car and screaming for the door to be opened for him. As soon as we opened the door for him, he got out so quickly with a speed prohibited by the highway codes. He continued to drive like this and thanks to the shortcut he took, he arrived at the hospital before his father who got off the plane. He rushes into the hospital and starts screaming when one of the security stops him and tries to calm him down. Security is still trying but he keeps yelling that he is OUSSEYE and shouldn't touch him because they all know who he is. A nurse came after and asked that he be released and she led him to his aunt who is in a corridor right from the waiting
A sublime love, chapter 12
Yannick's man had taken Bénédicte to a cabin outside the city so that she could find Yannick as Yannick had requested. Bénédicte had lots of ideas on the road. She is so happy and especially thinks that Yannick wants to make up for the night they lost. She was mostly thinking about their various nights and adventures to get an idea of what's going to happen where the driver takes her. Arriving she comes across Yannick who looks bad and who calmly takes alcohol. She knew his gaze well. Seeing him, she was angry with herself and looked at herself before saying to herself what could happen in this cabin where there is no one to hear her if she ever cries for help. Above all, she was scared and even invented her death just to see this weapon which is on the table in front of Yannick.- My father is not happy. And if he is not happy it is that I made a mistake and I should correct him.- Yannick! I …- Chuuu… I hear the flies flying.- (silence)- You know I had faith in you. But w
A sublime love, Chapter 11
It strikes eight fifty minutes and the inspector is on his way to the apartment of Bénédicte, Aliyan's secretary, with a few policemen.While the inspector and the police are on their way, Bendis is downstairs from Bénédicte's building and sees her gun again while wondering if it is the right thing to do. She then puts her gun away after so much thought and makes her entrance. She climbs the stairs one by one while saying her prayers. She hadn't given up on the idea of killing her, but she also wanted to know what her brother Yannick had to offer Bénédicte so that she could betray her brother.Meanwhile Bénédicte is calmly patient Yannick while he is just at the bottom of the building watching the police surround the building and others who enter the building. The doorbell has just rung and Bénédicte runs to arrange her night pajamas to stay in the very attractive short spun dress she got to make Yannick fall in love. She had already opened the door when the inspector said "it's the po
A Sublime Love, chapter 10
Yannick's father Mr. Wilfried has just left his son for a business trip by ordering him not to do stupidity in his absence, which Yannick promised his father. After the departure of his father, Aliyan's secretary who is in love and has a story with Yannick calls him to inform him that the construction site is in place and that the police is there in Aliyan's company because there was a fire on the construction site. Yannick is happy and served himself a glass of alcohol to celebrate this news that made his heart bubbling.After his exchange with Bendis Aliyan runs to go to the company to pull the worm from Benedict noses before the police come to do it and tell them nonsense. Aliyan arrived some time later, after violating two red lights. Arriving, he looks at the police car in front of the company and prayed God that it would not be too late. As soon as he enters through the big door, he comes across Benedict who approaches him and lets him know that she was going to call him becaus
A Sublime Love, chapter 9
The inspector was taken by all this story on which he investigates when he learns that a construction site has just caught fire so that he leaves the office running to go to the scene.Aliyan has just come home to take a cold shower and swap his jacket with his shirt when he comes across Bendis and Estrela holding each other's heads in the living room. As soon as he walks in and finds them pacing around he's so surprised to see them like that, surprised to see best friends arguing like that for some question or reason. He had asked them to know what was going on between them but Bendis kept forbidding Estrela to tell him anything. Estrela is so amazed by his reaction and wonders why doesn't want to tell Aliyan about what they saw so soon. Aliyan insisted that they tell him what was going on but Bendis flatly refused. He ended up letting his guard down and was about to raise his voice when his cell phone rings, it's Bénédicte. Bénédicte calls him to inform him of the fire that has just
A sublime Love, chapter 8
Bendis had called on her best friend Estrela who came to keep her company and to search the apartment of Bénédicte, Aliyan's secretary. Aliyan had noticed something he should see soon but right now it's all just a hypothesis and he has to confirm it in order to be sure of what he's going to say. That's why he didn't say much to Bendis except that she trust him.In Bénédicte's building, Bendis has just understood a little of what Aliyan was trying to confirm. Hearing the voice of her brother Yannick and the discussion he had with Bénédicte, she is very angry to see that there are people like this who do such absurd things. Betraying someone who loves you well and who means you no harm. Bendis set off after Yannick left the building. On the road she was telling Estrela that she's going to kill that demon Bénédicte as soon as possible for what she did. She was expressing her anger so much that she lost control and almost went into a corner. She then braked and Estrela tried to calm her d
A sublime love, chapter 7
An anonymous call startles Aliyan and he rushes to leave the house. Arriving at the police station, the inspector asks the police officer to handcuff Aliyan, saying that he is guilty of the young woman's death. Aliyan is lost in the action. It does not identify anything of what is happening. While the officer was driving him to lock him up he aimed at heaven and shouted "I am an innocent inspector, you are making a serious mistake in condemning me. ”Being locked up, he goes back and forth between the four corners and thinks about everything that happened. He thinks and thinks above all about this anonymous call that made him come and put him in prison. He is in his thoughts when one of his lawyers comes to see him. He asks him what happened but he couldn't tell him anything because he himself doesn't know much about what's going on. The lawyer tells him that he can do nothing for him if he does not tell him what happened when he yells at him, saying that he confuses him and that he w