Chapter Seven

Nell led the way to the garage where several brands and styles of cars were found and he grabs a pair of keys to a blue Coupes. The lights blink to indicate that it was unlocked and they both climb in.

"The closest mall is the Westmorland Shopping center." Nell explains as he starts the car, "We will get you anything you need and thensome. If it all doesn't fit into the trunk, we'll have it delivered."

"Should I make a list of all I want?" Ariella asks sarcasticlly.

"I'm sure you'll know what you want when we get there."

After a little more then a half hour, they make it to the parking lot of the mall and make their way inside. On the way in, several men, some with girlfriends, would openly turn to stare at Ariella's ass. Nell sees this and takes the oppurtunity to put his hand on her waist and pulls her closer. This action caused anger to boil in another man's veins as he watched from afar.

She blushes and turns to him, "What are you doing?"

"I figured you didn't want to attract too much attention from those around us."

"Might be a little late for that. Lets hurry and get clothes that I can change into." She walks faster into the building and he widens his steps to keep up.

"Why don't we check out this store first."

She was going to answer when she felt eyes on her that made her smile drop and she slowly turns around to scan her souroundings. She didn't see anything out of the ordinary so she looked forward again.

Nell saw this how she behaved and quietly asks, "What was that about?"

"Some one was watching me," She says.

"Nearly every guy in the area is watching you." He says in a normal voice. Thinking it was nothing. "Maybe you're just being paranoid."

"This is different." She continues to look out of the corner of her eyes. "Everyone else just looks away as soon as I'm out of view or whoever their with takes them out of it. This person is purposefully keeping me in his line of sight while staying out of mine."

He starts to understand what she was saying and becomes more alert. "Then what do we do?"

"Act like we don't know what's going on." She grabs his hand, "Let's go shopping."

They make their way into the store and she starts browsing the items. She grabs anything she thought was practical and would fit and took it all to the changing room to try on. They spend the next fifteen minutes trying on clothes and having a good laugh. He tried a few times to get her to try on a dress like she did the night of the party but she refused.

After two hours, Ariella had changed into more comfortable clothes. She now wore a graphics shirt and ripped up jeans paired with high tops and a denim jacket. They had at least twenty bags. Filled with clothes, different types of shoes, jewelery, and underwear. Their next stop was a clothing store specializing in formal wear.

"Why must I wear such stiff dresses?" Ariella complains after trying on the 12th dress.

"They're for when I have to make appearances at events and gatherings."

"So why am I trying them on?"

"Because you will be attending them with me. You'll be able to get out of that house and get those who are trying to get me married off to one of their spoiled daughters." He looks through the dresses on the rack, "Even a son," He says disgusted.

"That's because you have shown an aversion to women." She says, stepping out wearing a coctail dress.

"Only to those who throw themselves at me," He shakes his head at the dress. "I think women should have more respect for themselves. Like you do."

"You can thank my father for that. Taught me that, while the opinions of a few matters, nothing anyone says should effect how I feel about myself. And my mother has shown me how to be proud of the person I am. Not the person I want to be." She steps back out wearing a strapless jumpsuit pantsuit, solid brown in color. The full skirt, with it's glossy matte look, grazes the floor and opens in the front to show shimmery pants. A belt adorned the waist with a square buckle. The outfit suited her perfectly and the color complemented her eyes.

"That is perfect." He turns to an employee, "We'll need more simillar in this color."

"As long as we stay with neutral colors, we'll be fine. Also lavander and orange." Ariella says.

"Absolutely!" the employee says too eager. "How about this A symetrical dress in a light lavender?"

"We'll take it," he says.

They make their purchase along with matching assesories and shoes. The pair make their way back to the car. As Nell was organizing the bags to all fit into the trunk, Ariella was looking around as she still felt eyes watching her again.

Nell shuts the trunk with a bit of a struggle. He then grabs what wouldn’t fit and places them in what was the backseat. “That’s the best we’re going to get.” He holds the door open for her. “Shall we head home?”

“Oh, it’s my home too?” She jokes. “I thought I was just your prisoner?”

“If you were my prisoner, I wouldn’t have been so kind to you.”

She rolls her eyes and climbs into the car. He makes his way to the driver side and climbs in as well. The car roars to life and receives envied looks from men who heard and saw them drive away.

They made their way back to the mansion with the radio playing music from a local station. She wasn’t paying attention to what the song was, her mind was still thinking about who was watching her all day. She was so deep in thought, in fact, she didn’t notice when Nell pulled into garage.

Some of the staff came to the car to bring everything in. “Where will these be taken, sir?”

“Take them to my room for now,” he answers. Surprising Ariella.

“I’m staying in your room still? I thought I’d be getting my own room?” She follows as he leads the way back to his room.

“Not anymore. I still have to teach you about normal life, miss warrior. And that includes certain things.”

“I’m afraid to ask what these ‘certain things’ involve. Better not involve a bed, is all I’m saying.”

“Don’t know what you’re missing,” he smirks. He opens the door and they find their companions fast asleep, snuggled into each other. “Seems like they had a long day as well.”

“Are the staff not concerned about random animals here?”

"What are they going to say?" He says smugly. “They can’t exactly speak against me about what I have in my own home.”

Draco perked their head up and came bounding to him. Their tail wagging behind them. Kia drowsily lifts their head and stretches, letting out a yawn and saunters over. They rub against Ariella's leg and she kneels down to give her head scratches.

"Did you two behave yourselves?" She makes her way to the closet and begins unpacking the clothes they bought.

Nell follows behind with the other bags, "What would you like to have for dinner?"

"What's the best dish your chef can make?"

"He can make anything you wish to eat."

"What about Phaal Curry?" She says excited. "I haven't had a good spicy curry in ages."

"You like spicy foods?" He says nervous. "Is that a Cowasian thing?"

"Nah," she says, placing a pair of shoes on the shelf, "My mother would make food for herself that wasn't spicy while my father and I used to have contests to see who could eat the spiciest pepper. I always won." She laughs as she moves the empty bag to the side. "Do you like spicy food?"

"I'm afraid I'm not suited for spicy." He says.

He moves to put underwear away but it was snatched from him. "Don't even think about it," She puts them back into the bag. "Are you saying that you're like other Brits and not like flavor?"

"Oh, no," He says, moving on to the shirts, "I prefer flavor over anything else but my body can't handle spicy."

She just looks at him for a long moment before turning back to her work. Once they were done, they moved to the couch where Gilles was there waiting for them. "Perfect. You always know when you're needed. Tell Cookie that we'll have curry for dinner. Make sure there are peppers for our guest."

"Of course, sir. Your food will be brought up as soon as it's ready."

Nell waves him off and moves to the desk and proceedes to finish the work that was placed while they were gone. Ariella had taken over the TV and was watching a movie. An hour passed before the food was finally brought up. She jumps up excited and quickly takes her food to the coffee table, where she starts to scarf it down.

Nell just watches her bemused. She was enjoying her food. A smile apearing with each bite and a little wiggle. Every woman who has eaten in front of him has always shown a demure and elegant exterior while eating a salad and nothing else. This was the first time he has seen someone truly enjoy their food. He couldn't help but smile as he ate his own food.

Kia and Draco show up and they were begging for a bite from Ariella's bowl which she gladly gives them a sample. Kia hungrily chomps on it like their companion. Draco watches Kia like Nell watched Ariella. But Draco was more open about their emotion.

Kia licks their lips clean of curry sauce and starts to beg for more, "Oh no you don't. You may a dragon but you're still in cat form and even if you shift now, I won't give you more."

They flick their tail and makes it's way to the open window. They shift into a bird and flies out. Draco quickly follows suit and the pair was left alone.

Ariella silently finished her food and prepares herself another bowl. Nell looks at the spicy curry powder, and ponders what would happen. He puts a pinch on his food and takes a bite. Ariella sees this and watches from the corner of her eye.

The now spicy food touched his tongue, he starts to chew. "It doesn't feel all that hot. It's actuall quite-" He stops and starts taking rapid breaths, "It's hot!" She starts laughing as he frantically looks around for some water.

"You're better off drinking milk. Better yet, I heard that honey works wonders at relieving heat." She says.

He pants after he downs his water. "And you are such the expert. You can handle this heat."

"My mother always used those tricks whenever we had those contests."

He gets a sorrowful look in his eyes, "You must miss them terribly."

"I do." she says honestly, "But they'd understand why I'm here. It's an honor to be able to protect this world and all the people in it."

He becomes quiet and stabs his food. He has lived his life in anger and only thought of himself. He never once thought about others until she came into his life. She was compassionate as well as brave and strong. He only hoped to be a fraction of the person she was.

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