Rustan and the Hoxfur set out into the world to launch an assault on Aamon in the manner that he had envisioned would bring about the desired results. The occurrence of this took place as the day was drawing to a close. When they directed their fists in the direction of Aamon, they moved as if they were a group that had entered into a coordinated movement. This was the first time that they had done this. Despite the fact that they were at odds with one another during the conflict, this was the outcome that it brought about. It was not possible for this to take place under any conditions, notwithstanding the fact that they were not fighting together. The fact that they were not even romantically connected to one another did not prevent them from carrying out this behavior. In fact, they went ahead and did it anyhow. To be more specific, Rustan was the one who was able to move his fist forward with the goal of striking Aamon on the front left face. In the end, she was successful in achi
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