“Knock knock” Clarrisa gently knocked on her father’s study door and he looked up from the document he was reading. Gerald’s lips curled into a smile when he saw his favorite person standing by the door looking all happy. Well, why wouldn’t she be? The news of Alexander Chase's housewarming party was already all over the news and Clarrisa being a bitch and a murderer was old news. Everything seems to be going so well even if it was just two days after the attack on Bianca.

“Come in princess, why are you standing by the door?” Gerald asked as he leaned back on his chair, “why do you look so happy though? Did you win a lottery?”

“Dad” the smile on her lips intensified as she sauntered into the study, “you are working overtime again?”

“What can I do?” He inquired with a shrug, “Mr Andre is putting me on my toes'' he gritted his teeth, “that damned French man”

Clarrisa laughed at her father’s outburst, he could be overly dramatic when angry or not.

“Why are you here though?” He asked agai
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