Clarrisa sauntered into the company and frantically entered her office, wbryoems was looking at her but she was past caring about that.

“Ma’am” her assistant was standing by her laptop and she had a worried look on her face.

“Who is the person?” Clarrisa asked immediately, “who is that bastard?” She was finding it hard to contain her anger. The thing was, she was not going to let the person go no matter what.

“The IP address actually came from a cafe downtown and when I asked the owner he said he had given it to a lady who badly needed it.

“Did you get to know who the lady was?” Clarrisa asked in an irritated tone, her blood was boiling and it was boiling hot.

Her assistant fidgeted for a while, she didn’t know if she should tell her the truth or not.

“Say something” the angry lady in front of her bellowed, “this has caused me more harm than it should and I will not have you stand there and keep mum”

“Bianca ma’am” she finally dropped the bombshell, “it’s bianca”

For a moment, Clarris
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