Gerald sat glued to his screen, he had an expressionless look on his face while his wife beside him and she had tears In her eyes.

The way Clarrisa was suffering was something two of them were unwilling to accept, seeing the tears in Clarrisa’s eyes was unbearable for them. She was the baby of the house by the way.

“You should do something, Gerald” his wife advised,

“our baby girl is suffering so much”

“Don’t worry,” Gerald answered. “I will take care of things”

Sooner than later, Clarrisa’s car zoomed into the compound and Dylan was on the porch, he seems to be waiting for her.


“Not now, Dylan”

After talking, she made her way into the house and went straight to where her father was seated.

“I will take care of it” she mimicked him and angrily threw her bag to the floor, “this is what you took care of, dad?”

“Calm down baby” her mother tried to cajole her but she would hear nothing of it.

“After so many years dad, I still have to relive this stigma again. Do you know how humili
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