
Tonight Cindy couldn't sleep at all, not because there was a problem that made the woman unable to sleep, but here she felt so very happy that she thought if this was a dream, Chindy was afraid that if she opened her eyes the next day everything would be over, a news from her husband saying that currently her husband had won a tender with a very large profit certainly made Cindy feel very very happy, because after all this was very pleasant news after the last few weeks here thought that there was no other way for her husband to stand firm again against all the relations who continued to pressure and also asked to unilaterally terminate the contract signing. This was a miracle, and Cindy just believed what Edward said if she really shouldn't always interfere in Andreas' problems. After all Andreas was a man who had made a decision to get involved in business and of course as a man who was ready physically and mentally he must have thought about the negative impacts and also the worst
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