
“What should we do, Dad? Even Meiden Group is reluctant to pay us a penalty. They have withdrawn investments suddenly, and they have violated all agreements. But how come they don’t want to pay us a penalty?”

“I’m the stupid one, Mondy. I have made a deal with the devil man. I should have read carefully the entire contents of the agreement in detail first. Now what happens? Everyone who loses is the Bowie family.”

“What do you mean, Dad?” asked Mondy, who seemed confused.

Currently, the Bowie Group was under a lot of pressure. In fact, many of the business relations of the Bowie Group have now chosen to withdraw from cooperation because of the news of the withdrawal of investment from the Meiden Group.

“It turns out that there is a point where when the investment is revoked and the investor does not have to pay any penalty or fines, it is not in the point of the agreement letter, Mondy. So indirectly the ones who feel the loss and destruction are ourselves.”


“Even after twenty years of good relations, how could Meiden Group do something this petty now.”

“So, what can we do, Dad? Regretting is not the way we have to do it. We need investors immediately or our company will be destroyed, and many of our business relationships have even withdrawn because of this problem.”

“I don’t know, I don’t have any investor acquaintances who can help us. Now we are at a dead end. There is not a single thing we can do other than ask Andreas for help.”

“What? We should ask the poor garbage scavenger for help? No, Dad. I don’t want to beg a trash collector like him! I’d rather just die!”

“Go ahead if you want to die, Mondy. And please if you want if our company is destroyed in the blink of an eye. You know that Andreas has said that his friend is willing to provide whatever investment we need. He’s our only hope right now, Mondy.”

“Then do you just believe that? He’s just a trash collector, Dad. How could he have an acquaintance who was a rich investor? He must be lying and just bragging!”

“I believe after I saw him give me paintings at a high price and buy a house at a high price, do you think if he didn’t have money he could do it?”


“I don’t care where the money comes from, as long as my company is safe then I will never care!”


“You really have a friend who is an investor who has a lot of money, Andreas? You know that the Bowie Group is not an insignificant company that might only need tens of billions of dollars, right? The Meiden Group has invested a very large amount, hundreds of billions of dollars, making the Bowie Group as big as it is now. So if your friend wants to replace the Meiden Group, I think it’s very difficult, Andreas. I don’t even know what company he owns. Because the five largest companies in this country are Meiden Groip, Bowie Group, Hi-Tech, and Aurora Group. Apart from that there is none. And I happen to know the owner of all these companies, Andreas.”

Adnreas was still calm, he even smiled kindly at Cindy, who since yesterday had been pressing him to say something that might satisfy Cindy.

“You don’t need to know what my friend is like, what her name is or whatever, Cindy. You just need to know that what I said was not a lie and I really told the truth. You will be the chief director of the Bowie Group, I’m sure of it.”

“Why are you so sure?”

“Because of all the people I know, no investor would invest in the Bowie family company.”

“Are you sure?”


“However, I have never been the main director, I am a layman at that, Andreas. All your challenges are really crazy!”

“You can learn. I just want you to be considered part of the Bowie family, you’re their daughter, it doesn’t matter if you’re not their biological daughter or not. And you have the same rights as Ineke and Mondy. If both of them can work at the Bowie Group in a high position, you can definitely do it, Cindy.”

“This is not about whose child is whose, Andreas. But my abilities, I didn’t go to high school, I’m not the same as them.”

“Which makes you not go to their high school, doesn’t it?”

“Then if I become the main director, then how can I only harm the company?”

“Don’t worry, I will help you.”

“By? Have you never led a company? We are the same, Andreas.”

“I have started a business, Cindy. If it’s a problem to become the main director, my friend can help us.”


Before Cindy even had time to continue her words, someone rang the doorbell. Cindy frowned, who could possibly come in the middle of the night?

“Open the door, I’m sure your father and Mondy will come.”

“How did you know?”

“Because they’re running out of time and they’re not getting investors.”

Cindy opened the door, and sure enough it was Mr. Bowie and Mondy who came. Both of them looked at Cindy with completely unpredictable expressions on their faces.

“What’s the matter with you guys coming here?” Cindy asked.

“Can I meet Andreas? Should we come here for something important?” Mondy, still acting arrogant, barged into Cindy’s house, then walked over to Andreas, who was already sitting on the living room sofa.

“Cindy, prepare the most delicious dishes and drinks for our two guests.”


Mr. Bowie and Mondy sat down, both of them elbowing each other. Confused about how to convey what they wanted to say to Andreas.

“What do you need?” Andreas asked pretending not to know. Even though he could already guess why the two of them came to his house.

“Investor.” Mr. Bowie spoke while occasionally clearing his throat. His self-esteem had really fallen now in front of Andreas.

“Oh yes, investors. What about it, Dad? Have you found investors for your company?” asked Andreas again. This time with a very flat facial expression.

“Not yet.”


Mr. Bowie swallowed his saliva, then glanced at Mondy. His shattered self-esteem was reluctant to make him say ask Andreas for help even though it was no longer of any use.

“We hope you will help us, Andreas. Introduce us to your friend, we want him to be an investor in our company.” Mondy finally spoke.

Andreas nodded his head, then he raised an eyebrow at Mr. Bowie and Mondy, both of whom really didn’t seem like people who needed help at all.

“But it seems like you don’t really need it. Look at how high your self-esteem still seems.”

“We need it, if we don’t need it, why did we come here and we are here? Do you want to make us bow our knees before you first, worship you like what you said yesterday?” Mondy was annoyed.

“No. How much do you need for the investment in the Bowie family company?”

“Tsk!” Mondy chuckled. “Do you need to know? You have no right to know at all, Andreas. What we need is your friend, your job is just to introduce us to your friend, then from now on we will talk to him ourselves."

“You won't get anything without telling me, do you think my friends will trust you guys more?”

"You …."

Mr. Bowie again restrained Mondy from getting emotional. Mondy immediately looked away because he was annoyed with Andreas.

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