Royal construction company got the contract

Quincy got to work the next day. He was just desperate to know the owner of Royal Construction Company.

Scot gets to office before him always, that’s how dedicated to work Scot is. Quincy went directly to the IT department.

“Trace this account and tell me who the owner is. Suspend every other thing and focus on this,” he instructed them at the IT department.

He went into his office but he couldn’t concentrate on anything. He was almost sure that the account was on a mission and he needed to find out at all cost, even if it needs him to walk direct into the bank it was transferred from.

A few moment later Scot walked into his office, “All the information needed are here sir, “he said, gently placing a file on his desk. Quincy grabbed the file with a force and opened it.

He was right after all. He smiled to himself. Took his cigar, smoked it letting the smoke take over the office. For ten minutes he was just smoking his cigar with excitement.

His instinct has never failed him. He wonder
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