samus recovery

Jason got to Quincy’s office the next, he was the first person to get there. He couldn’t sleep at night due to the discussion he had with Quincy. He truly wasn’t sorry about his choice of life.

Life dealt with him and pushed him into doing that. He consoles himself with I kill to save, in his terms it means, he kills other people to save his people.

“Good morning,” the receptionist greeted Jason. “Office time is eight in the minoring, but hope I didn’t keep you waiting for too long?”

Jason simply nodded his head. Few minutes later, he was brought into Quincy’s office. He works at Cubana, thus he is familiar with the expensive interiors.

“Who hired you to kill the Samus Walter? Quincy asked him. Jason wanted to lie because it is not professional to split such information. He didn’t want to tell Quincy but he knows that Quincy Stone will not spare his life except he discloses the needed information.

“Scot, get to my office this minute,” Quincy said through the intercom. He doesn’t want
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