Author: Author Riele
Parking lot saga

Ansel gripped the box like it was a prized possession, a wide grin plastered across his face and he hummed a cheerful tone.

He was over the moon knowing that his gorgeous wife, Clara, was finally coming home from her business trip. Ansel had put in a lot of hard work to achieve his goal of saving enough money for a gift that would show her just how much he loved her.

Working as a delivery man didn't put food to the table, so he had to take on extra jobs that he could find.

And that explained why he was an hour  late, the old grumpy man wouldn't attend to him on time, even after working so hard to wash all the dirty plates that were scattered all over the sink and explaining his current situation to him.

After all that hard work and hassle, the only thing Ansel had to show for it was a measly ten-dollar bill.

With a huge grin on his face, he walked toward his house while taking occasional glances at the box.

"Home sweet home" Ansel muttered under his breath as he stared at the magnificent building.

Being a resident of the building himself, the sight of their luxurious cars in the parking lot was always confusing for Ansel, who wondered how they managed to maintain such expensive vehicles. He couldn't help but admire their fancy wheels, even if they were a bit out of his league.

His mode of transportation was quite different from his neighbors', as he only had a motorcycle to get to work each day. However, his wife Clara would occasionally lend him her car, which was a nice perk and a little upgrade from his two-wheeler.

It wasn't common for Ansel to use Clara's car though, as she was usually occupied with work. Her schedule was always packed, especially since she had just sealed a major deal with a top company.

As he got closer to the parking lot, he could hear some muffled moans from a red Mercedes Benz A- class.

Ansel had seen a lot of pictures of the car in the news and magazines, so he was quick to recognize it.

Despite the intriguing moans coming from the car, His primary focus was getting to his apartment to meet Clara. His anticipation of seeing her was greater than his level of curiosity.  After all, he had more important things to focus on—like reuniting with his beloved wife.

To him, he felt like it was none of his business. Some of their neighbors parked their cars in the parking lot and played weird music. Besides, he didn't want to get on anyone's nerves today.

"You sure know how to suck a man dry...I can't get enough of this babe."

Those words didn't escape his ears, even though he wanted to ignore them, he couldn't help but turn his head to the direction of where the voice came from.

Inside the car, a man sat in the backseat, with cold sweats on his face while moaning in pleasure.

Ansel caught a glimpse of the woman's blonde hair, her head bent down with her back arching.

His cheeks turned red, realizing what was going on and blaming the couple in his mind for engaging in such immoral acts publicly.

He was just about to look away when he saw the woman's features, his face going pale instantly.

"Baby, do you know why I love you?" He heard the woman speak in a sweet saccharine voice and he balled his fist angrily.

His boy shook with anger as he stared at the two people who didn't notice his presence.

He was so close to the window and yet they didn't take notice of him.

"You are the only man that can satisfy me."

Her last words pulled his final straw and he opened the backseat door forcefully, their heads turning to look at him with a mix of surprise and shock on their faces.

"Clara!" Ansel growled furiously, his gaze landing on their exposed thighs, especially that of his wife.

She was close to naked, with her skirt up and a used condom laying on the seat.

His heart became shattered just with the mere thought that his wife had slept with an ugly toad.

"What have I done to deserve this?" Ansel tried to maintain his cool but he was at the point of pulling them both out and ripping them to pieces.

Clara was a woman that he loved with his whole heart, he had sacrificed much for her.

She was the reason why he never had any savings. Always asking for limited designer clothes and purses, yet she wasn't satisfied.

"Oh c'mon Ansel, you should have ignored and gone your way. Don't act like this is a new thing. I'm not the first woman to cheat on her wretched husband." Clara rolled her eyes before getting out of the car, she made sure to give her lover a wet kiss on the cheek and then turned to face Ansel, the good-for-nothing that she married.

The man whom Clara had showered kisses with was none other than Kelvin, a known millionaire in the city.

He smirked with pride while buckling his belt and standing up to wrap his arms around Clara.

That infuriated Ansel the more, noticing how she shivered in another's man's arms.

"I did all a man could ever do for his wife, don't you have any shame left in you?" Ansel demanded angrily, veins bulging in his neck.

He saw no need of holding the gifts that he had planned to give her and so he smashed it on the floor angrily, the contents breaking into pieces.

Clara clapped her hands in a mocking manner as she spotted the cheap wine brand on the broken bottle.

"All these months I have stayed with you and there is nothing to show for it. My friends make fun of me because of your stinking broke-ass reputation. You can't do enough for me but Kelvin here buys me everything that I need. He gets me Louis  and Brada. How much do you make a month? Don't you think that I deserve a better life for myself?" Clara spat out her words in frustration, her eyes demanding answers.

Her words felt like arrows in his chest and he staggered backward a little. He had always loved her and even though they had been married for a year, they never consummated their marriage.

The doctors had advised her to take care of her health before having sex to conceive a child.

Where did he go wrong?

"I gave you my love Clara! I might have not given you all that you desire but I made sure to give you my Love! But I got betrayed in return." Ansel pointed his index finger at her furiously, ignoring Kelvin who was trying his best to get on his nerves by plastering a mocking smile on his face.

"It's a good thing that my unborn child will not be fathered by you then. We wouldn't want to beg on the street!" She then turned to look at Kelvin, her eyes glistening with affection. "Kevin is the father of our unborn child."

Ansel's breath caught in his throat, as if all her words were not enough. She pierced him with a devastating word that went right through his heart.

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