Two Trips, One purpose

Katerina was sitting on a chair backing Lilian, so fortunately, Lilian couldn’t see her reaction to that question. She was knitting baby clothes to pass time just like her own mother used too.

She’d actually said she was going to visit Tony, but the reason she wanted to visit Tony had already been accomplished, unknown to Lilian that she already secretly visited him.

“I will, when the child is born. I want him to know whether it’s a boy or a girl.” Katerina was wise enough to quickly think of a response and it was really a good one.

“Really, I thought you were joking! Does he really deserve to know all of this? I’m still thinking it’s not a good idea. I don’t really have the time for court issues right now.” Lilian voiced her concerns, she knew what Tony was capable of, he could drag this.

“You’re overreacting, Lily. How’d you expect a poor man to afford a lawyer, besides you’re the woman; you’ve higher chances of winning custody of the child, especially when they see that the fat
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