Back in the foreigner's headquarters, the three Musketeers were seen inside Priest's private quarters, as they gave him feedback on their mission.

"Can you now see that Madam Shasha was truly kidnapped?'' The priest announced as soon as Aries completed his part of the story.

"Yes. None of her staff knew her whereabouts. And they all agreed that she won't even dare to breathe when away from her Inn."

"And did you meet the assassins?"

"No. Their agents insist they must remain anonymous for secrecy's sake."

"Have heard so many tales of the black ninja's agent, and I wish to see her even once. Just to satisfy my curiosity."

"I can arrange that," Aries replied with a grin.

"How, will she come over here?"

"Yes. She had agreed to be my unofficial consort."

"Is that not dangerous? She is a dangerous woman from what I have learned about her so far."

"Have warned Aries that he is playing with fire. The black ninjas are not to be messed with."

"Am up to the task. Have you forgotten tha
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