El Ramon fixed his eyes on the outgoing mafia, turned towards the lady on the queen's throne beside him and asked, "why did he lie?"

"I have no idea."

"Are you sure you don't?"

"Yes, my lord. I don't know why he speaks with false tongue."

El Ramon shrugged, stood up and let out, "go back to your room and remained indoors. As I warned earlier, don't accept anyone inside until I allow you to."

"As your lordship wish,"

Mafias and maids bowed as he strode through the palace corridor, and the grim on his face became less horrific suddenly.

"I am on my way to see you, my prince."

"Here I am. Tell me about the progress."

"Nothing yet. All this island was ransacked but we didn't see the subject."

" Did you meet Zuma on your way in?"

"Yes. And he was as sad as doom and hardly noticed my presence."

"He lied that he spend his night in his house when I have mafias watching his places and he hadn't stepped there since he left here yesterday."

"Why will he tell an untruth over trivial things like t
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